Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

That's it :) And also the way I look at it is if you deprive yourself of anything you will want it! So I say everything in moderation!! (except the alcohol and potatoes for me :rofl: cause once I have a taste I want more :rofl: Oh an I best be giving up cheese too hehe )
i agree, i love me my cheat day, normally is a Friday!! This weekend will be a bit tough, going out to dinner, sat and sun, so will have to do my best, but not terribly worried, had no appetite last week, havent been able to go the gym, but havent moved up on the scales, so all is still good in the world! I will have to be very good in oct/nov as going to the states over christmas makes eating well very rough, plus all my old time favs, but its all in the seesaw!! :)
Hi ladies just woke up as you all are getting ready for bed, booooo. Sleep tight !!! Xx
Heya sweet Rosie cheeks!!! Have a fab day darlin xx

I'm heading off for some speggy fun!!!!!

Ciao Bella's xxx
Hi ladies! I agree with the eating thing, it's not good to deprive yourself of treats otherwise its unmanageable! I'm not a good one to talk though...I have a naughty thing everyday, I'm such a sweet tooth!
I need to go look at the front page soon as I start typing I forget what everyone's said or where they're upto! It doesn't help that I half write posts then stop and change a nappy or something then come back lol.

I had a weird thing happen today! Do ya'll remember me saying about leaking milk before, well it dried up a few months ago, but then today I had major itchy nipples (TMI?!) so I went into the bathroom to check of there was something in my bra and sure enough here was little patches, and I had gold milk (colostrum - newborn baby milk!!) coming out my left side! What is my freaking body doing? Argh! I'm sure this has something to do with why I can't fall pregnant!
Hi my lovely ladies! I'm sorry I have been so MIA this week! Have been tied up the past few days with doctors appointments and the like... but I got all my results today so here I go with an update...

My blood tests showed that I have an overactive thyroid... I had to see an endocrinologist about it - thankfully I could get in today... anyway it turns out I could have one of two thyroid related problems... one is called 'thyroiditis' (I think - Rosie feel free to correct me!) which is a temporary thing where some of the thyroid cells get damaged by another infection (and I have had plenty of infections lately so highly probable) and more thyroid hormones are produced by the body to deal with the damaged cells. If this is the case then my thyroid will likely be overactive for 2-3 months and then underactive for another 2-3 months as it rights itself and overcomes the problem. If this is the case then at least it isn't a permanent thing - but it doesn't answer the question about why I am always sick - although it does explain why I have been so zapped of energy of late. The second option is "graves disease" which is an autoimmune disease which affects the thyroid and will need to be managed by medication long term. Neither are life threatening or anything and so no real big deal as both are manageable - but unfortunately for right now the treatment is to monitor the condition via monthly blood test for 2-3 months to ascertain which of the 2 conditions it is and then go from there. The really bad news is that I have been ordered to stop ttc and actively prevent ttc for the next 3-4 months or until I either get 2 normal thyroid blood tests or am diagnosed with 'graves disease'. I am absolutely devastated about this actually! If I was to fall pregnant and had the first of the 2 conditions and ended up with an underactive thyroid as it rights itself then there is a very high chance of either miscarriage or the baby developing an intellectual disability. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Not worth the risk basically - so sadly I am out of the game until Christmas! I will be sticking around to cheer you all on though cos I love you all so much and wouldn't want to leave without hearing how it all works out for everyone else anyway - besides many of you have been trying for way longer than the time I have to wait to ttc again anyway so it is likely it could have taken me that long anyway.

I also have a urinary tract infection and acid reflux - yay for me! :cry:

Anyway enough tears have been shed and I am trying to think more positively about it now - I can't change it so may as well just look at the next 4 months as a chance to get my body into a great healthy and fit state in preparation to carry a baby next year... while my metabolism is working on overdrive with my overactive thyroid then I may as well use it as a chance to eat well, exercise regularly and lose the 5 kilos I need to budge before it slows up again!

I have had a read through everything you have all written over the last 2 days but won't comment on everything - I will say though that I am sorry to hear that the :witch: got you Pammy!

Love to you all! xx
Oh angel that's hard news to take! Im so sorry! At least like you say it's treatable in either case! It's quite possible that's why you haven't fallen pregnant too...I'm sure I heard thyroid issues can prevent pregnancy?! Its great you're seeing the positive in it all though. I'm sure there will be hard weeks but im sure you'll get your bubba! :) hopefully it all comes good ASAP! Will be praying for you!! Xx
Thanks Lucy! I am just really thankful that I don't have something awful - Chronic Fatigue and lymphoma were other posibilities and I am just so so grateful that I don;t have either of those... am hoping I can continue to find out some more answers over the next few weeks/months about why I am always sick - hopefully all the infections have just been coincidentally one after the other!

The specialist said that my body has likely been working against me ttc as a way of self-protection because of the thyroid issues - God is clever to have designed us that way!

Really appreciate your prayers! xx
Angel :hugs::hugs: so sorry to hear all that, but loving that your seeing the positive in it, and I agree that there was a reason, something, someone ;) preventing your pregnancy to avoid a bigger heartache!! Enjoy these next few months, be grateful it wasn't something worse, and i'll be sending all my positive thoughts to you that it gets figured out and treated sooner than later and you can TTC again christmas/ new year, and hopefully you'll be bulging by this time next year :) Happy to hear you will stick around, we all have missed you this week!!! Happy healthy thoughts to you, and to your lovely DH!
Oh Angel I am so sorry about the news! Hopefully everything will correct itself and you can get yourself in working order for that new bub that will def be here sonner than you think xxxxx :hugs: :hugs:
Angel, I am so sorry! :cry: I am in shock but it really does make sense with how sick you have been lately! Breaks my heart you have to quit trying for a few months but as the others said it is better than bigger heartbreak if had you fallen pregnant. You have an amazing attitude about it and I know you are going to be a great mum very soon, you just have to focus on feeling better first! Everything happens for a reason!! Keep your chin up and the positivity flowing! Xoxo
ANGEL: oh my god I am so sorry to hear your news. If I wasn't typing this on my phone I would insert smiley face hug here. But I am sure I can speak for us all in saying that we are all here if u need to rant and rave! And with people all over the world and time difference there is usually someone on here all the time. And while it sucks I guess the positives are that you know what the issues are and u can work towards getting urself better! That's the main thing. Xx

How is everyone else going this fri evening/Saturday morning? Oh my god never been so embarrassed at work today. Was with the girls chatting about where I am up to in50 shades when my boss came in. Now to really get the gist my boss is an Irish, skinnier version of harrold bishop from neighbours so anyway he comes in and says to me "oh sash Ur reading it to" to which I reply "yes but only have a bit to go" he then says "I bet u do so have u learnt anything?" I say "sorry" with my mouth wide open (probably not the best facial expression considering) he says " oh I didnt mean it like that I am sure u know it all" my face his face just went scarlet as he walked away. Ihad to come home and have some wine to get rid of the imagine. And of course the girls laughing saying icant believe he just said that made it worse. Of course I have to work with him tomorrow as well.
But apart fromthat my day was good enough. Weather is shit here. Cold and wet. So I am tucked in my bed all lubed up (tmi sorry) typing this waiting for dh to return from his meeting ;) pretty quiet Friday night

Hi to everyone. Hope u all have a wonderful Saturday whatever it is u are doing.

P.s angel: chin up Hun we are all here for u. Take care of yourself
Oh angel, ditto to what everyone else has said above, I'm so sorry to hear than Hun xx Im glad you have some answers tho, and that it's a treatable condition and not something awful like cancer. I hope the next few months fly past and you're healthy and pregnant early next year xxx

Kiwi that sounded awful with your boss!!! What a nightmare!

Happy Saturday everyone!

Day has been good, went to run errands this morning, not fun ones, vodaphone and Bupa, but our cleaner came, so yay for a clean house! Plus I just got OH to make me mashed potatos, been wanting them the last two days, and i failed miserably yesterday by burning the pot :rofl: Told my father today about the pregnancy, and we were shocked at his reaction, we dont have the best relationship and he didnt respond well to OH 4 years ago, but he is over the moon about a grandchild and already planning on spoiling it, so that was a huge relief.

melainey- way to go at the gym!!! i miss it, i was told not to go for awhile :( never thought i would miss it, but i do! :haha:

both of you, all of you, catch those damn eggs, get that sperm up there quick smart!!!!!! :headspin:

That's great that your dad took it well!
I was scared to tell my parents when I was pregnant, no idea why - I was a grown adult with my own house etc, but I wasn't married. I worried needlessly - they were thrilled.
So pleased yours is too - it's stressful worrying about parents even when we're grown up ourselves they can make us feel like children again.
Hi ladies! I agree with the eating thing, it's not good to deprive yourself of treats otherwise its unmanageable! I'm not a good one to talk though...I have a naughty thing everyday, I'm such a sweet tooth!
I need to go look at the front page soon as I start typing I forget what everyone's said or where they're upto! It doesn't help that I half write posts then stop and change a nappy or something then come back lol.

I had a weird thing happen today! Do ya'll remember me saying about leaking milk before, well it dried up a few months ago, but then today I had major itchy nipples (TMI?!) so I went into the bathroom to check of there was something in my bra and sure enough here was little patches, and I had gold milk (colostrum - newborn baby milk!!) coming out my left side! What is my freaking body doing? Argh! I'm sure this has something to do with why I can't fall pregnant!

That does sound really weird hun, and it could be something, eh. Are you going to ask a doctor again about it?
Hi my lovely ladies! I'm sorry I have been so MIA this week! Have been tied up the past few days with doctors appointments and the like... but I got all my results today so here I go with an update...

My blood tests showed that I have an overactive thyroid... I had to see an endocrinologist about it - thankfully I could get in today... anyway it turns out I could have one of two thyroid related problems... one is called 'thyroiditis' (I think - Rosie feel free to correct me!) which is a temporary thing where some of the thyroid cells get damaged by another infection (and I have had plenty of infections lately so highly probable) and more thyroid hormones are produced by the body to deal with the damaged cells. If this is the case then my thyroid will likely be overactive for 2-3 months and then underactive for another 2-3 months as it rights itself and overcomes the problem. If this is the case then at least it isn't a permanent thing - but it doesn't answer the question about why I am always sick - although it does explain why I have been so zapped of energy of late. The second option is "graves disease" which is an autoimmune disease which affects the thyroid and will need to be managed by medication long term. Neither are life threatening or anything and so no real big deal as both are manageable - but unfortunately for right now the treatment is to monitor the condition via monthly blood test for 2-3 months to ascertain which of the 2 conditions it is and then go from there. The really bad news is that I have been ordered to stop ttc and actively prevent ttc for the next 3-4 months or until I either get 2 normal thyroid blood tests or am diagnosed with 'graves disease'. I am absolutely devastated about this actually! If I was to fall pregnant and had the first of the 2 conditions and ended up with an underactive thyroid as it rights itself then there is a very high chance of either miscarriage or the baby developing an intellectual disability. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Not worth the risk basically - so sadly I am out of the game until Christmas! I will be sticking around to cheer you all on though cos I love you all so much and wouldn't want to leave without hearing how it all works out for everyone else anyway - besides many of you have been trying for way longer than the time I have to wait to ttc again anyway so it is likely it could have taken me that long anyway.

I also have a urinary tract infection and acid reflux - yay for me! :cry:

Anyway enough tears have been shed and I am trying to think more positively about it now - I can't change it so may as well just look at the next 4 months as a chance to get my body into a great healthy and fit state in preparation to carry a baby next year... while my metabolism is working on overdrive with my overactive thyroid then I may as well use it as a chance to eat well, exercise regularly and lose the 5 kilos I need to budge before it slows up again!

I have had a read through everything you have all written over the last 2 days but won't comment on everything - I will say though that I am sorry to hear that the :witch: got you Pammy!

Love to you all! xx

Oh sweetie! I'm so very sorry to hear this. Also so very glad you found out now, not when pregnant when it could have been more devastating and ended in tragedy. Hope you sort it out quickly so you can get pregnant with a gorgeous baby soon. Big hugs love xoxo
Thank you all so much for your support - I really appreciate it! Having you all to talk to makes this whole ttc thing so much less stressful - very few other people understand the frustration if it all - and all the waiting!!! One long wait for me but really all of us are waiting so I still feel like we're all in the same boat! I know we'll all get our bubs eventually - one way or another!

I wonder how jayney's flight went?
Indeed! Jayney should be in radelaide by now!!

We're all here for you angel xx

Llpm that does sound odd....and I'd say worth looking into Hun xx

Cute fb pic last night number2!!!
Morning guys, Angel thank goodness the docs were able to find out what is wrong. I'm sorry it puts your TTC plans to rest for a while but as you say, it will give you a bit of a chance to focus on, well, YOU! I'm sure I wont' be UTD any time soon so we can wait this out together :)

Everyone else, haven't read everyone's posts as we're in the midst of packing to go to a friend's property. But hope you all have a great weekend!

I'm back to CD1, the witch caught me this a.m.

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