Lucy - That is strange - I would be getting that checked ouy, Maybe your body thinks it's pregnant...Aren't they called phantom pregnancies ??? x
Angel -
Maddy - Sorry about the witch
to everyone else
As for me - I have my crosshairs hehehe Have only been waiting like forever haha! And if I go from last month I either have a 26 or 19day LP so still have HEAPS to wait
maddy the damn
angel - you are an amazing positive woman, I told OH about your current struggles,her heart goes out to you too, but we have no doubt your time is just around the corner as you and your DH will be the most amazing parents!!
lucy- very odd, i'd be heading back to the DR and not leaving until someone gives you somesort of answer
kiwi- awkward at work!! hahaha, wine always helps!! and melainey - what are you two trouble makers up to this weekend?
where's lisa? come out come out where ever you are, we missssss you!!!
Lucy - your body really is very confused! I assume Maggie has been weaned for a while now right? I can't think why your body would produce milk for no reason - random!
Yeah that's what I thought too! It was only a tiny bit, but still milk is milk! I had a browse online and apparently it's quite common & normal for women who have breastfed to continue having milk at certain times in their cycle, so I'm not too worried! It is weird though...Maggie stopped breast feeding at the end of last year!
Hope everyone has had a lovely saturday! Just got back from a ride and we are planning a big one tomorrow (130kms, with LOTS of BIG hills...ouch) i think im gonna be in a world of pain tomorrow afternoon!!!!
Out to family dinner for the birthdays tonight (back to Japanese, im determined to eat all the sushimi i can whilst i still can!)
Newbie you are a MAD woman! (but I secretly envy your commitment to exercise!!)
Melainey, big hooray for crosshairs! Really hope it's your month!
I have been major crampy today like AF is going to arrive?! I'm guessing it's ovulation as I have loads of ewcm, but it's strange to have such strong achey pains for me even at ovulation time. I'm hoping its a good sign that the vitex is doing something! My temp went up today too, so I think maybe I ovulated yesterday/today? 3days early...YAY!! Im sure DH will be up for some hanky panky when he gets home tomorrow...gotta cover our bases hey!!
Hope you all have lovely evenings! I'll be sitting at home on my own again...I HATE being in my own! Xx
Oh my goodness I forgot to tell you this hilarious story too...yesterday I went to the loo and found ewcm, then about 2 mins later I went to ask my neighbour for some sour cream (were all great friends in our block of flats!) I saw her in the stairwell and said "hey got any egg white i can borrow?" total embarrassment, she must have thought I was a looney! Haha!
Lucy yay for possible early ov! Hopefully you caught that eggy or you will. Arch it tomorrow if you haven't already! Praying for strong male swimmers and a consequent baby boy! Have you got a good chick flick you can watch to help pass the long time tonight? If I wasn't so exhausted I'd offer to bring one over to watch with you!
Sasha yum to Japanese - I just love love love sushimi! You truly are a nut for riding so far! But like Lucy said I too wish I had you drive to exercise - I do what I have to do to stay healthy and that is it - not a huge fan!
Yes enjoy Pammy! I realised earlier today that because I can't ttc at the moment that i will be able to drink on my trip to the hunter valley in 4 weeks - not a big drinker anyway but I do like a good boutique wine straight from the cellar door!
Very disappointing game of rugby - not worth watching really! 80mins of rugby and the wallabies didn't score a single point! First time they have hone scoreless against the all blacks since 1962 - 22 nil - poor form boys!
Lucy - Hope tonight isn't too painful waiting on DH Oh and that is hilarious about the egg white hahaha And I hope that you did ovulate or that you will very very soon
Hello to everyone else
I am soooooooooo tired today! And boobies are so sore ! I'm so glad that I started charting just so i know that I can attribute these symptoms to O and not so much AF It is great to get to know your body! Raging that I didn't start doing this sooner even when not TTC but I didn't know anything about it
Angel - so sorry to hear At least you know that when you get the go ahead to ttc again you'll be nice and healthy. Anything to lower the risk of miscarriage is so worth waiting for!
Lucy - funny! I sometimes drop the abbreviations into my normal speech. I almost referred to Max as "DS" the other day to someone haha.
Melainey - yay for Oing and welcome to the TWW sore boobies is good!
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