Good morning/afternoon girls,
WOW sounds like everyone is having a very mixed friday.
PAMMY: sorry to hear of the BFN. It sucks. But until AF comes with all the bells and whistles I wouldn't get too down hearted.
LLMP: It does hurt when someone announces that they are pregnant or you see photos. A friend of ours announced she was 4mth pregnant just at the weekend. And another one of our friends is having ANOTHER baby due in december. She only had her first child in Jan so she will get 2 babies in 11mths and I can't even get one and we have been trying since OCT 2010.

So cry, scream, yell and stamp your feet at how frustrating it is. You deserve it.
still no smiley face for me today. Today is CD11 so I should be getting one soon enough (I hope). I showed DH newbie's article about having sex everyday is being good for fertility so thankfully he is on board with that

LOL. My temps aren't doing to much anymore. Not sure what is going on there. But drinking lemon juice, green tea, using preseed lube and doing it everyday there has got to be a BFP soon. Hey if it can work for Anastasia in 50 shades book 3 then it can work for me. Or if all else fails I will get drunk and do it in the back seat of a car!
NEWBIE: I wouldn't get too upset just yet. Yeah that is always a posibility but don't get worried until you know for sure. Secretly I was hoping that it was my DH (bad me I know) but we just waited until he had his SA done and we got the results. They came back above average (of course he has to be above average) so the problem is me. So now we move on to the next step to correct this. There is always options. And even if you DH has a low sperm count you might not need to go to "sperm donor". With all the modern tech these days you still might be able to go through IVF or somehting like that.
Anyhow, I am running late. I am due to be in work in 45min and I am still on the computer and still in my PJs. Hope everyone has a wonderful friday night.