Llmp- ty!!

a good GP makes all the difference, we're confident, and it helps his brother is one of the top baby dr's up here!! It is hard to feel accepted sometimes, I'm well aware that not everybody agrees, for one reason or another, with my relationship and the fact we want to be mums, and to each their own, so it's just nice to be able to be open and accepted here. Its such a trying journey on its own, so to have that is super nice and I feel lucky, outside of here we live in a very open area, we dont worry, and all our friends and family our supportive of us having a family, but too early to include them. Its nice to share with others going through the same trials and tribulations!!
Melainey- you are hilarious!! Earlier this year I joined the gym around the corner, bc i didnt have the self control to "do it myself" and I think its what helped us conceive, I became the most regular ive been in my entire life of having a cycle, and I dropped about 10-15 kgs, a few more to go but that will be harder now. I do a few classes and cardio and weights. I notice the biggest difference in weight with what I eat rather than what I do to work out. Eating right isnt always fun, but it does work

Give yourself a cheat day!!
Angel- congrats on 20kg thats awesome!!! Never heard of the diet you used, might look it up for fun!!!
Mum2- I'd love to stick around!! yay!!! omg, youtube pregnancies ahahaha i love it!! Super cute and yes super clucky, hope you get something to cluck about of your owns soon!!! fx!!! Between the tears and a tight tummy...maybe baby!!
When i go back to the states I allow myself 5 kg(1kg a week) hahaha, its just worth it, and i know i'll just have to work hard when i get back!!

(in a nice loving way of course) at your maggie birth pic story!!
No pics or video at my L&D, just me and my partner, although she's already insisted I fly my mum out, whether she's in the room is not decided, but probably not bc I would like it to be an experience for just the two of us!!
Just woke from a nap, had a late dinner, chicken, sweet potato mash, broccoli and green beans, might have to make some choc chip cookies for dessert haha!!