Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Hi everyone!

Welcome Alyce (is this pronounced aleese or assuming the first as that's such a ridiculous way for me to try to spell it & makes me think yours looks so right in just wanted to check who we're talking to)

Ground rules are basically
-TMI TMI TMI - as Maddy said - if we have 100 rules, TMI is about 98 of them!
- bitch badge - if you don't have one, find one! we are lovely...really...but we also love a good bitch!
- you must stay around after you get your BFP - we have a few floating about at the moment, and we love hearing their pregnancy stories as much as everyone elses TMI stories about CM, periods & ovulating!
- crazy - we all have a little (a lot) crazy in us, so don't be afraid to show yours!

you will fit in great, I can see already! jumping straight in there with questions about TV's kinda what we're more about on here... day-to-day stuff, we're just friends, so add in as much TTC as you like, but we pretty much just chitty chat!

FYI - 1st page has all out real names etc on it, so if you get confused about who anyone is, just check there!

I have had a weird afternoon....and now I'm having a big depression session. It probably won't sound as bad as you don't know the whole story, but today I got a call from DH's ex (mum of his son), had to go pick him up (lots of drama that I won't go in to cos it's irrelevant) and she told me that shes pregnant....7 weeks... I only said to DH not even 2 weeks ago that i would be so devastated if she was pregnant. maybe i subconsciously knew...

anyway, I am just gutted. she made it so hard for us to be in his life, cut us out completely! he wasn't even able to come to our home until the beginning of this year and he's just turned 3.... I just hate that she can have these children so easily & all I want to do is bring a little baby into a loving home.

anyway, sorry to be a negative nancy, just needed a bit of a vent. I'm gonna go sulk into my pillow till I fall asleep I think!

hope you're all well!
Mum2Q- :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: so sorry love!!! Don't let her get to you too much, although I know it's hard. Be grateful that you do have your DH, and your DSS, and know that soon you two will create a gorgeous little bubba together, that will be brought up in a healthy, loving, happy home with two parents and a big brother that will love the hell out of it, and make sure its the most loved little creature ever!!! Don't stress yourself out of an egg :) And we all know your bubba will be much more cute than hers! I meant to say earlier, that I actually think its a great thing and will be quite helpful to have that appointment in Feb, bc you wont be stressing knowing you have that next step planned and i'll put my money on you falling preggos before Feb!!!! And don't worry karma will come for the ex, be glad its not you being the ugly person!! :hugs: feel better doll!!!
thanks Amber! I think I just need one bad day, when it was all happening, it was fine, it was just sitting here alone, it got to me, I'm making a conscious effort to stay out of that bad place and getting too caught up in the 'why' of it all...just upsetting - although not shocking....I've been expecting it for a long time...

I forgot to say Hi Nana!

and happy holidays Amanda!

and 2 mums, how is OH's nose?

and lucy - im with you, you'll have a better weekend staying at home!

and asked something or said I will have to read back throuugh!

Angel, time can't fly quick enough! I hope youre back in the TTC game soon! Maybe this time will teach you a bit of patience!

everyone else...I forgot, sorry! I just have a bit of a scatter brain today! love you all though!
oh was angel & Ginny - I totally agree about teaching that getting duffered isn't easy! Maybe they should make it part of your full drivers licence test! good age. It costs an arm & a leg, so may as well have a good cause for all the revenue raising! lol
lol thanks for asking, I think multiple people have, sorry, I been scatter brained too. OH's nose is good, wasn't a full on break in the end, she was lucky she hit it straight on and not from the side, so she had a few days of bruising and swelling and two black eyes, and a terrible headache and facial pain! But back to normal now, we've had a good laugh about it!

And I think you asked about my scan, its not a 'normal/scheduled' scan. Its a follow up to the spotting and last scan. Dr said everything should be ok, but there was a 20% chance of it not being ok, so he wanted us back in 10 days, which is Friday, I should be at 11 weeks. Next for us is, I have a blood panal next week, then the following week (about 13wks) is the nuchal (sp?) thickness scan, which apparently can take a long time, what I was told was, it was to measure the neck thickness which can determine down syndrome (80-90% of the time) and I'm not sure what else they do, but its at an imaging place not obgyn and its a process bc the bub has to be in just the right position, I'm told it could take hours, ugh! But i'll do whatever the DR says!!
That scan is usually fast 2mums, ive never heard of it taking hours :)
My story - I had a rough childhood, I had been raising my baby brother from a very young age, I gave up school to work and provide a safe and happy home for him. I got all my wild and crazies out by the time I was 17.

I started ttc with my ex when I was 19, I always wanted to be a mum. We ttc for 12 months with no results (it's like my body was against having a child with an absolute asshole).
We broke up and I met my now darling partner of 9 years.

When we had been together for 8 weeks I found out I was pregnant with fraternal twins (one stopped developing at 8-9 weeks). At the tender age of 21 I had Joshua. When josh was 12 months old we said lets start trying soon... One month later I was deathly ill with a chest infection and before I started taking the antibiotics I had an overwhelming urge to pee on a stick.. 2 pink lines and Sophia was on her way!
Brendan happened pretty much the same way!

This is our first time actively ttc and I'm worried it could take some time. I don't feel great about it happening this month.
Hi girls and good morning! Welcome Alice:hi: ! I'm fairly new here (although with the amount of time I'm on here you would never know!) and these girls are lovely-very warm and funny!!

I'm still learning everyones name so I will refer to your usernames for the time being (sorry!)-M2Q, I'm so sorry that this has happened :hugs: We have to trust that it will happen for each and every one of us when the time is right. Hope you feel better today xxx

Afm, I agree also with you girls about the teaching of the infertility aspect of reproduction as well as the contraception side of things. I spent 4 years completing my PhD in female fertility and I had it drilled into me about the stats of infertility affecting women as we age. Low and behold, I conceived 1st cycle with DS whilst in my PhD at age 26 to which my supervisor responded to the news with "At least you have learned something!" I guess knowing all the "science" behind things doesn't necessarily mean it's any easier. I think I got way too crazy (I know that's not allowed to be mentioned on here!) last cycle in making it happen the first time we ttc which resulted in it not happening. One of the biggest environmental contributors to infertility = STRESS! I feel better about things this month and in general as I have accepted it will happen when it happens. Hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later for those of us waiting for our bfp's! In hind dite, I wish we went in for the 2nd earlier now (I will never tell my DH this though as he's been busting my chops for the next one since DS was 6 months old!) but I had just completed 10 years of uni and finally started my career in what I love-medical research. So that plus needing to work 12 months before maternity entiltlements would be awarded brought us to where I am now...ttc #2 with an almost 3 year old and working full-time. Gosh I can't wait to be able to go on some maternity leave!!!

Hope it's a positive day for us all and that the girls 'baking their little buns' have an extra fabulous day xxx
Hey 2 mums, did you come any closer to a decision about your Aunty? How us she? Xx
Good morning Ladies... I am so tired this morning. How is everyone? my temp has dropped again a little.... I don't feel duffered this month but I also don't feel out? DH and I were stressing about bills etc and low and behold unexpected money came in our account and we feel less stressed... yay. I have a niggling feeling when DH says I hope your not UTD it makes me a little uneasy... I don't know if he is joking or not... ohh well we will see.
Hey 2 mums, did you come any closer to a decision about your Aunty? How us she? Xx

shell, i've 98% made a decision, I shall stay put til the original flight Dec 5th. My mum is flying down from washington state to San Fran next week, she's going to see my aunt, but will be lucky enough to be there for her grandsons 4th birthday, and watch the other one, 5, play his soccer game, lucky lady! But she will see if we can skype with my Aunt when she is there but if nothing else I'll be able to call and talk to her. The good news is she was moved out of ICU yesterday, and still no infections. DRs are trying to put together a new chemo for her and just waiting/hoping til she is strong enough to have a go. She has found some fight and the will to live which is very positive, as she lost it a few months back. I'm hoping to give her the good news next week and spur her on a little more. :flower:There is still no guarantee she'll make it til Christmas, but on the other hand she's doing good so we're all remaining hopeful and positive whilst staying realistic. No news is good news at this point bc she can turn for the worse and go down hill immediately. Thanks for asking though :) I appreciate all the support in her, for everything so lucky for us that Angel started this wonderful thread!!! we're awesome! :happydance::happydance:
Welcome Alyce! These ladies are like family and I just know you will love us and fit right in :flower:

Amber- glad OHs nose is on the mend and lots of positive thoughts for your Aunt!! Xoxo

Ginny- that is one gorgeous bean!!!!

:jo: hope travels are treating you well! Miss you on here!

Lucy- hope girls feel better soon!

:flasher: :wave: how are you today??

Maddy, Abby, Number2, Angel, Pammy, Lisa, Lisa((smithy), kiwi, Cossi, and anyone I forgot, :wave: hope you are all having a great day!!!!

AFM, I know my POS (piece of shit chart, not to be confused with my pre o syndrome, I have both....hehe) says I ovulated already, I have not....I use the digital OPKs. Seriously...FF likes messing with my mind. I am due to get a positive opk tomorrow, and Fx'd I do because DH will be back from his work trip and I'd really like to catch that eggy!!!!:happydance:
AFM, I know my POS (piece of shit chart, not to be confused with my pre o syndrome, I have both....hehe) says I ovulated already, I have not....I use the digital OPKs. Seriously...FF likes messing with my mind. I am due to get a positive opk tomorrow, and Fx'd I do because DH will be back from his work trip and I'd really like to catch that eggy!!!!:happydance:

Hope you CATCH THAT EGG (or who knows, it could be egg'S!!) Rosie! I still have about 5 more days for my egg-feel kind of bad 'wasting' these cb digital's atm BUT I vowed to myself I would follow the SMEP so I have to suck it up and POS and look at the empty circle for another 5 more days:wacko:
Happy :sex: tomorrow!! xxx
Rosie: i feel like FF is mocking me to! I usually get a big temp drop before O, so i had that this morning
i hope i pop my eggy soon! Just had a little afternoon delight with DH so his troops are there at the boarder!
Hello Ladies :)

Have read everything but have also forgotten most :rofl: Sorry ladies hehe I will comment on what I can remember as I actually read most of it this morning before work :haha:

I think we were talking about our situations and how we came to wanting babies?

I have always wanted babies since like FOREVER... But obviously I never met the right guy .. And along came Daniel.. :happydance: We were only together a very short time when we had a "i think I may be pregnant" moment but it turned out to be negative.. When we were out drinking the night we found out it was negative we both said to each other that we were sad that it was negative.. Decided from that night on that we were going to try for babes :) Some people think we moved too fast with our relationship cause we got married after 8 months of meeting (we lived together from the first week of meeting ) but we both just knew that we were meant to be together :hugs: SO that's our story :) We are two very in love people who want to share our love for each other with a few more additions to the family hehe :happydance:

2mums - I am very happy that your aunt is a little better and I really hope that she makes it 'till christmas so you can see her.. Also I am sure that she is going to be delighted with your news :) xx

Shelly - You poor thing :hugs: That is horrible .. I hope that you are ok xx :hugs:

Ginny - LOVING Your bean :) Very cute :happydance:

:jo: Nanna we miss you x

Rosie cheeks - I'm great thank you :) A bit knackered after work haha Those 3 months of not working made me very lazy haha and now I am trying my best to get out of it and I think it is working hehe :) x How are you???

Cossime - Go get that eggy :) I hope that my eggy comes out to play soon too hehe :hugs:

Abby - Hopefully you O when you think you will :) Just keep :sex: incase you didn't O when FF said :) :hugs:

:hi: Angel, Smithy, Pammy, Maddy, Jayney, Lisa, Amanda, Cannon, and anybody else I have forgotten Much love to you :happydance: xx
rosie!!! exciting, enjoy your :sex::sex::sex::sex: catch that eggy, don't forget to sing/talk to the egg and sperm!!! ;)
Hey Girls :hi:

Sorry I have been MIA the last few days but I have been reading everyone's posts and keeping up-to-date with the news. I didn't even temp this morning as I was anxious about the alarm having to go off early so I was awake nearly every hour.
I see we have a couple of new girls on here! HI GIRLS!! And welcome to this site. I am sure you will fit in perfectly and make some great friends on here. And Mum2Q is right - there is no such thing as TMI - the more info the better!

I am a little down today. I just dropped my friend off at the airport and she is on her way back home to OZ (via Thailand for a few days). I really had an amazing time with her the past 2.5wks and I am really going to miss her. She was a bit of home so today I am homesick, sad, not looking forward to going to work soon and a little apprehensive. I have been reading your bits about age/conceiving etc and not sure what is going on with me at the moment. I am 10cd today so I should be getting my OPK smiley face in the next day or two so apprehensive about that. I know STRESS is a big factor to infertility but this month I am in stress overdrive! This is my last month before fertility treatment so I am putting all my effort into this (i know I should relax a little but I jsut cant - any advice on how to relax PLEASE TELL ME). I have downloaded all these relaxation cds to try and get me stressfree but not sure that they are working. I think last month being 3 days late and having great temps really knocked me when AF showed up. Looking at random babies is making me cry, people nursing random babies are making me cry, seeing DHs sisters with their kids pisses me off and makes me cry. I just can't stop. Maybe you girls are onto something with Ovulation PMS cause that is definately me at the moment. :cry:

But enough of my rant. Hope you girls are all well. Those who are away enjoy your little break, those you are BFP hope all is going well with you and your little beans are sticking there nicely, those on Ovulation day go BD now and catch those eggs, those on the TWW fingers crossed for you all and those who I have missed - HI and to everyone have a brilliant day. I was up at 4.30am this morning and working until 7pm tonight so I'd say I will hit a wall about 2pm :)
good afternoon kiwi.... i have a hell of alot of symptoms atm... did any of you ladies get thick stretchy yellow cm just before BFP

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