Hi girls! Glad to see you happier Kiwi, Abby and Newbie!!! your absence is most definitely felt so I'm glad you guys are somewhat in a better place today
Pammy I agree with you!!! November is Sasha's month and that goes for both of them
Number2, doesn't surprise me at all that you have a magic wand
2mums make sure you post a pic so we can all see your bump when it comes into full effect
Big hello everyone else
afm...so I had my doctors appointment with the lady doc this morning...she told me nothing I didn't already know but I suppose it was reassuring for me to hear from a 'professional' if you know what I mean. Basically told me to STOP OPKing, temping, tracking my cycle days )except for when af is due), analysing cm and everything else I was doing. Told me she's not concerned at all as I have conceived 3 times in the past and carried one baby to term so I most likely have nothing wrong in the conceiving department and dh most likely doesn't have anything wrong with his little guys either
So she told me to stop everything, start taking folate, avoid lysteria-risky foods and just have good old fashioned sex with my husband. She said like we did when we conceived with DS but come on, we were on our honeymoon!!! Bit different now hey
BUT seeing as we are going overseas in 2 weeks lets just take it from there...
If in three months nothing has happened, then she will send me off for some tests but as I am only 29, she is not concerned (even though I am slightly). So girls, I've decided to NTNP for the rest of the year (not just this month as originally planned). I'm not going to pee on anything except for in a toilet bowl for the remainder of the year and see where that gets me. I actually feel soooooooo much better if for nothing at all, for getting it off my chest and talking to someone about it. Went and bought me some folate tablets and packed all my opk's, thermometer and hpt's far from sight. I'm not even writing my cycle day down in my diary anymore either!! Guess I have to trust in myself and my own body that it knows what to do and it will do it when it's ready
I feel so much better girls and I highly recommend going and seeing your GP (or trusted professional) and just having a chat with them. It will be good especially those who have been contemplating it. They just put things into perspective for me and I feel really positive that I will be duffered by the end of the year. Number one thing she told me NOT to do was over-analyse and STRESS about it! Stress is the leading cause for infertility so as hard as it is, I need to let go of it. I'm due for a pap smear also and I went into book for it next week and I was like 'Should I wait incase I ovulate?' and she was like, 'Don't even thing about ovulating! Just have it done when you're ready!' She then proceeded to tell me to get excited about my holiday and have it done when I'm back so I will.
I did ask her about the having sex every 2nd day to build up DH's quality men and she laughed and said 'Just have sex when you and DH want too. If your hubby is ready to go then don't question him! If that means having it 3 times a day or once a week, just do it when you WANT too and not when you NEED too'.
So with that my lovelies, I am going back to living my life and rooting my husband cos I love him (and he makes me horny
) and NOT because I need him to impregnate me!
Sending lots and lots of baby wishes to you all xxx