Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

I've been in Aus 3 years almost :) I want to go home to stay but DH won't live in Ireland :cry: haha But sure there is no work in Ireland at the moment! :haha:

Aww cool :) Bloody great age :)

Awesome, my hubby is the same, doesn't really like the UK and I prefer Aus to be honest! England doesn't feel like home anymore...
I totally recommend having kids young if you can...I love having boundless energy to play with them! :)

I don't think Australia will feel like home for a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG time causenone of my family are over here :(

I am origionally German but grew up in Ireland which was really hard and Inever liked Ireland until I left haha

I really want to have kids young! Butwe have been trying for a year and no luck :cry:
How do the saliva things work?

you put saliva on it first thing in the morning, or any time you haven't eaten or drunk for 3 hours, look through the little viewfinder, and it shows spots if you're not ovulating and ferns if you are. Check the link - interesting.

That is very interesting :) Can you buy them in a pharmacy or do you have to get them online? I hate waiting for mail haha!
How do the saliva things work?

you put saliva on it first thing in the morning, or any time you haven't eaten or drunk for 3 hours, look through the little viewfinder, and it shows spots if you're not ovulating and ferns if you are. Check the link - interesting.

That is very interesting :) Can you buy them in a pharmacy or do you have to get them online? I hate waiting for mail haha!

Friendlies chemist may have one.....

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, mrsmoomoo, Katherine1209 and Commie
Mum2Q- It does upset me sometimes that just bc my partner is a female I can't get married, we love each, we care about each other, we're having kids together, we're loyal and faithful. We are registered, and i'm on a de facto partner visa (bc we cant just get married to get me here, its a 2-5 yr mess of visas and proving our relationship, and i mean PROVING :growlmad:- ridiculous really!!) The main thing is, we dont have the legal rights as hetero couples, I mean she will have to adopt our babies, we will need to go to the lawyers and go through all these hoops, that are not only a pain and unfair but will cost a fair bit, and no mother should have to adopt her own children!! :nope: Its worse in the states, but at least some states are catching up and marriage is legal, but once you leave it doesnt count. And yet my hetero friends that got married last month on a beach in Costa Rica, by his brother who officiated who wasn't ordained/a priest/nothing, that marriage counts worldwide-- it baffles my mind sometimes! I am a good citizen, so is my partner, we do deserve equal rights. Religion, which is 90% why its not allowed, should have nothing to do with legality - hence separation of church and state! I was talking to my friend the other day, and decided if the word "marriage" which was an originally a biblical term, needs to kept for hetero couples and religious reasons, then ok, but the government needs a new word that can cover everyones relationships equally! Oh well, i just hope one day we'll be able to have the same legal rights as everyone else. :shrug: Sorry for that rant. Im glad you agree and understand Mum2Q! :hugs:
OPKs never gave me a positive reading, over a whole year, not one and yet obviously I ovulate, hahaha. I used the maybe baby saliva too, and got heaps of ferns, a few times a month! I still had better luck weighing myself twice a day, i retained water and gained about 4kg in water weight around mid cycle- turns out it was ovulation! Checked cm too, but that wasn't always reliable, its a wonder we caught the egg this time at all i think!
Not a morning person either, alarm goes off 6/6:30 for OH, its on my side so i wake her and turn it off, pups and i sleep til about 8/930 at the latest!
Melainey- looking forward to your news, hope its good!!! :hugs::dance:
Llmp- my sister does a similar thing- boys go to bed at 7pm, and not allowed out of their room til 7am.
For me California/states will always be home, but I love Australia, despite having my family and long time friends over there, this is now home too!! But i visit once or twice a year to help homesickness, and of course skype and FB. We'll get a house over there near my mum (washington state) next year as well so we can split live when our lives allow for it.
Feeling good today, no nauesea, a few cramps, still tired, thirsty- but i was outside alot. Staying positive, thanks to you ladies!!! :dance:
I can only imagine your frustration 2mums and I also believe that it is a joke! This day and age people should be allowed to marry for love not gender! It's a joke but nothing we can do about it :cry: Jopefully one day you will be able to get married :) Would you consider getting married in the uk/state in usa just because you want to show each other your love ?

Glad you are feeling good today :hugs:

Still have to wait a little longer till doctors :cry: haha (everyone please say a prayer/non religious piece for me It would make my world if I was pregnant and it would also make DH's world, he is a lot older than me and I feel bad that I havn't been able to give him a childas of yet :cry: )

Thank you Pammy :) Will have a look in Amcal when i'm in there next :hugs:
2mums - I totally agree with you that marriage laws should be the same for everyone!

When it comes to doner/surrogacy though I do understand the need for the law to come into play. Although I've had no first hand experiences I can imagine things can get tricky if someone changes their mind or something doesn't go to plan. Not suggesting this is going to happen in your case though!!

My mum works in a maternity hospital and she frequently gets trained in how the law applies in each situation etc (I think this is more for surrogacy though). Some of the laws sound nasty but it's to protect the baby.
2mums... it must be frustrating for you and your OH. As a Christian I believe that marriage was designed by God to be between one man and one women ... however I do not expect non-Christians to follow what the bible says and as you said - church and state are separate and legally I believe you should have the same rights - as any other couple. Whether you are able to get married or not - from what I can tell you and your OH are going to give your bub a wonderful home and life and even though you will have to jump through more hoops than most in your journey to parenthood I'm sure it will all be worth it and that you will both be amazing mums!

Melainey - I have been praying for you all day! I truly cannot wait to hear bfp news - please let us know as soon as you know!

Melainey- I am sending all my hope, positive thoughts and just pure 'babyness' :haha: your way my friend!!! :hugs: Hope its good news for you and your DH!!! Washington State, where my mum lives, is getting closer and closer to legal same sex marriage and we would there bc we will live there one day, and it makes everything easier, you have legal rights, tax rights, medical rights and countless others to your spouse and children.
Ginny- I 100% agree with protecting the parents and children in a donor/surrogecy situation, but in our situation what I was talking about is totally different. She will have to adopt our child so she has rights to it, so if something happens to me the child wont be taken from her, so she can have a say on legal, school, medical, in case emergency's, her word will be as good as mine or a father in other cases, etc. Bc if we dont go through these hoops the law considers her no better than a stranger on the street to the child she helped conceive and raise!! Its something we have to start asap bc if something happens in childbirth and i am unresponsive and she has no rights to that child and it can be taken from her and given to the state!!! :nope:
2mums... it must be frustrating for you and your OH. As a Christian I believe that marriage was designed by God to be between one man and one women ... however I do not expect non-Christians to follow what the bible says and as you said - church and state are separate and legally I believe you should have the same rights - as any other couple. Whether you are able to get married or not - from what I can tell you and your OH are going to give your bub a wonderful home and life and even though you will have to jump through more hoops than most in your journey to parenthood I'm sure it will all be worth it and that you will both be amazing mums!

That means the world to me Angel, I (we) am not trying to take anything away from Christianity or the Bible, and I wish more would see it your way!! That's why I think we need a different word, gov't/ legally, I wouldn't want to take 'marriage' away from Christianity and other religions that believe it is for a man and woman only, that would be just as unfair. And as a group (the gays) I'm sure would be happy with civil unions IF they actually included and was the exact same legally, rights wise as marriage is, everyone could have civil unions in the gov't eyes, and religious people could also still have marriages! See problem solved hahahaha.
But thank you for your words, we will be great parents, we've worked very hard for our child, wasn't a unplanned, mistake or accident, we genuinely want and will love ours and therefore will give them the best in the world that we can!!
I think all the women in here will, we have a group of intelligent, compassionate, loving, caring, respectful ladies, with awesome OHs and it makes me confident that all of us will be great parents and raise fabulous children!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thank you guys :) It means an awful lot that you guys are thinking of me in this time :hugs:

It is horrible that non-believers (religious) should have to follow suit! (please don't take offence :hugs: ) but there are more non believers these days or believers of other religions so I do not understand as to why the whole world follows this one religion is beyond me :) Hopefully one day you will get what you have always wanted :happydance:

I really hope that you O'd Angel :) Are you going to continue :sex: ?? x
Yeah, it's pretty shitty hey... I suppose to draw some kind of positive out of least you're well informed & aren't going to get done on a loophole you didn't even think about later on!

Angel - I think that's a really nice thing to say, I really think it is lovely when a person can have very strong religious beliefs, but still be open minded & not pus that onto others, it's nice that you can accept people in an 'unacceptable' (by the bible) situation, shows how good of a person you are!

Melainey - hurry up and tell us about that BFP!!! good luck! I so hope this is it for you!!!!!

guess what?? I just went to the RTA and I was served before I even had time to finish filling in my form... WHOA!!!!! that never happens! haha
No offense taken - everyone is entitled to their own opinion :)

Of course I will contimue to BD! (who wouldn't - hehe)

Although I really feel that I ov'd yesterday... nothing really to substantiate it yet but I just feel very strongly that I did - so am going with that and staying positive! I don't do negative very well anyway - it's just not me! :)
:hugs:Melainey:hugs: :happydance::dance::headspin::dance::happydance:
we love ya!!:flower:

Mum2Q- brilliantly said!! And I agree, loving Angel for her words right now, and do wish more could see it that way. The world is so different these days, i think its an amazing place, love all the cultures, religions, beliefs, colours, food, ceremonies, etc... Needs to embraced by all!!:happydance:
How awesome about the RTA :yipee:

Angel- fx for you!!!!! :dust: So hoping this is your month!!!! :flower:

This thread is full of "good" people! Love it!! :bunny:
Ladies, I have a TMI question about CM....

today my spotting has cleared up completely. When I check my CM internally, it is clear, and none comes out on my finger (like a thin layer coats it, but there isn't much at all) so I'm just wondering if I call this 'dry' or 'wet''s sort of slippery, but I feel dry throughout the day, and I assume that being 'dry' doesn't actually mean that it is dry like your skin would be, but more like your mouth after you swallow??

sorry for the TMI...just wondering what to call it. lol
I agree wth mum2Q - Angel I think it is lovely that you can still see the other side and not push your beliefs onto anybody else even though you have strong faith :hugs: I am going to be honest I began to hate religious people because they always tried to convert me/knock on my door and try and preach! but you are one in a million :) I think that people should have a choice and not be forced to believe something :) I just wanna give you a squeeze for being so different :) :hugs:

Myself and DH also had :sex: yesterday and it was so lovely because it was just random and it had nothing to do with TTC ! He was all like are you ovulating or whatever :rofl: ( he hasn't got a clue and he likes it like that ) and i said no why? Na dhe was like ..... (TMI) cause i have a stiffy hahahahahaha I giggled my ass off and jumped on board :) i think we all need to relax a little more sometimes when it comes to TTC :) It's nice just to be intimate for no reason sometimes :) And that includes you 2mums :happydance:

I will let you all know as soon as I get back from Doctors but prob won't be until tonight :)

Ladies, I have a TMI question about CM....

today my spotting has cleared up completely. When I check my CM internally, it is clear, and none comes out on my finger (like a thin layer coats it, but there isn't much at all) so I'm just wondering if I call this 'dry' or 'wet''s sort of slippery, but I feel dry throughout the day, and I assume that being 'dry' doesn't actually mean that it is dry like your skin would be, but more like your mouth after you swallow??

sorry for the TMI...just wondering what to call it. lol

Had the same issue, and I noticed the same type of cm a few days before I got :bfp: so yay maybe!!!! (TMI- the day after that cm you're describing I was so swollen internally I couldn't even check, not even a pinky would get up there, and haven't tried since) I think I did record mine as watery even though it wasn't super watery ,(went back and forth between that and dry), but it wasnt dry per say, nor sticky, nor egg white, nor creamy. Don't know if that is helpful, ahaha.
Ladies, I have a TMI question about CM....

today my spotting has cleared up completely. When I check my CM internally, it is clear, and none comes out on my finger (like a thin layer coats it, but there isn't much at all) so I'm just wondering if I call this 'dry' or 'wet''s sort of slippery, but I feel dry throughout the day, and I assume that being 'dry' doesn't actually mean that it is dry like your skin would be, but more like your mouth after you swallow??

sorry for the TMI...just wondering what to call it. lol

Great question! I want to know the answer to that to! Might have a google and see what I can find :):comp:
:rofl: at Melainey and your DH, awesome!!! And its true, :sex: should be done all month, but esp at OV, we play by those rules too!!
Ima wait up for you!! :hugs: We will support and be here no matter what your result is!!! We're just hoping for the best!!! You deserve it, so does your [cute] DH :blush: :haha:

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