Mum2Q- It does upset me sometimes that just bc my partner is a female I can't get married, we love each, we care about each other, we're having kids together, we're loyal and faithful. We are registered, and i'm on a de facto partner visa (bc we cant just get married to get me here, its a 2-5 yr mess of visas and proving our relationship, and i mean PROVING

- ridiculous really!!) The main thing is, we dont have the legal rights as hetero couples, I mean she will have to adopt our babies, we will need to go to the lawyers and go through all these hoops, that are not only a pain and unfair but will cost a fair bit, and no mother should have to adopt her own children!!

Its worse in the states, but at least some states are catching up and marriage is legal, but once you leave it doesnt count. And yet my hetero friends that got married last month on a beach in Costa Rica, by his brother who officiated who wasn't ordained/a priest/nothing, that marriage counts worldwide-- it baffles my mind sometimes! I am a good citizen, so is my partner, we do deserve equal rights. Religion, which is 90% why its not allowed, should have nothing to do with legality - hence separation of church and state! I was talking to my friend the other day, and decided if the word "marriage" which was an originally a biblical term, needs to kept for hetero couples and religious reasons, then ok, but the government needs a new word that can cover everyones relationships equally! Oh well, i just hope one day we'll be able to have the same legal rights as everyone else.

Sorry for that rant. Im glad you agree and understand Mum2Q!

OPKs never gave me a positive reading, over a whole year, not one and yet obviously I ovulate, hahaha. I used the maybe baby saliva too, and got heaps of ferns, a few times a month! I still had better luck weighing myself twice a day, i retained water and gained about 4kg in water weight around mid cycle- turns out it was ovulation! Checked cm too, but that wasn't always reliable, its a wonder we caught the egg this time at all i think!
Not a morning person either, alarm goes off 6/6:30 for OH, its on my side so i wake her and turn it off, pups and i sleep til about 8/930 at the latest!
Melainey- looking forward to your news, hope its good!!!

Llmp- my sister does a similar thing- boys go to bed at 7pm, and not allowed out of their room til 7am.
For me California/states will always be home, but I love Australia, despite having my family and long time friends over there, this is now home too!! But i visit once or twice a year to help homesickness, and of course skype and FB. We'll get a house over there near my mum (washington state) next year as well so we can split live when our lives allow for it.
Feeling good today, no nauesea, a few cramps, still tired, thirsty- but i was outside alot. Staying positive, thanks to you ladies!!!