Yeah Llmp- they bounce, but like I said with the two sports bras, i've spent the money on some good ones, they barely move, so i can run and do my classes at the gym no problem!
Mum2Q- your right about how we change over time, I know more about my girlfriends (all hetero but one) than I do about my sister, hahaha.
The reduction/lift will be worth all the money, pain and recovery time, I'm super excited about it, have been for years, but have waited only bc i was scared to damage anything and risk not being able to breast feed!
I've been an emotional mess too, crying at the footy, the olympics, survivor finale, movie previews, tire commercials

, you name it, it makes me cry

And the other thing, the last 3 nights, tonight included, i've been so irritable, and annoyed so easily. My poor family!!! Gets better temporarily after i've eaten dinner but then I get like that again, and its terrible, I cant even control it, feel quite out of control of my emotions actually and that is very different to how i am normally!