Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!


sorry I've been MIA - have had a huge weekend! I have finally sat down and am going to start painting a firestation DH is building for the little fella!

I've been stalking the thread on my phone, but haven't had enough time until now to I won't try to jump into old conversations, I'll just jump in where we're at.

One thing I do remember reading though is from Melainey - I think we would get along very well as a lot of things you say sound just like me too!!! :)

so how was everyone's weekend?

2Mums, Ginny, hope your little baby bumps are warming up nicely ready to grow!!

LLPM especially for having 2 kids, but also everyone who has children, I have a new found respect for you being about to have kids around & still find time to be on here so much!! It's kind of different for me cos we only have him of a weekend, so we usually get about and do heaps constantly, so don't really have much downtime. I still think it's great you can find time for all of us on here!!

newbie - whoa! you're crazy! haha I HATE cycling... loved it when I was a kid, but it's just not my cup of tea now (something we don't have in common it's fantastic you get out and do it! good on you!

I forgot my thermometer last night, so missed temping this mornign :( very sad about it, as I've become just as much of an addict as teh rest of you!! but looking forward to tomorrow so I can see where I'm at.

sooooo good to be back! :):):)
Lol mum2Q, thanks! I think for me it's a combination of things, firstly I'm really routines with the girls so I know when I can get on for 2mins here and there! Secondly as I said before I usually sew lots, but I'm out of the groove so this has become my creative outlet! Haha, thirdly I found having two easier than one (now that Maggie is old enough to play properly!) they entertain each other most of the time and have got to the point where they can resolve things so I feel like the look after each other! Maggie also sleeps for 2hours and poppy has a rest for an hour or so (watches a movie most days lol!) after lunch so I get time to myself then. They also go to bed at 7pm so after that I'm free to do whatever! :)
I imagine if they were only here some of the time I'd want to make the most of it but because they are with me 24/7 I don't feel bad leaving them to their own devices a bit. They understand there's a time to have attention from me and there's times when they have to leave me alone! :)

I hate it when I forget to take my temp or forget my thermometer!
yeah, I know what you're saying. I was only saying to DH today that I feel it'll be so much easier to have one of our own cos we will be used to doing it every day. We are just so happy to have him, it's the best!!! I think this weekend is also worse as we went to someone else's house, so it wasn't just like bed at 7.30 and im free... normally it's like that when we're at home, but we were our most weekend!

sorry I've been MIA - have had a huge weekend! I have finally sat down and am going to start painting a firestation DH is building for the little fella!

I've been stalking the thread on my phone, but haven't had enough time until now to I won't try to jump into old conversations, I'll just jump in where we're at.

One thing I do remember reading though is from Melainey - I think we would get along very well as a lot of things you say sound just like me too!!! :)

so how was everyone's weekend?

2Mums, Ginny, hope your little baby bumps are warming up nicely ready to grow!!

LLPM especially for having 2 kids, but also everyone who has children, I have a new found respect for you being about to have kids around & still find time to be on here so much!! It's kind of different for me cos we only have him of a weekend, so we usually get about and do heaps constantly, so don't really have much downtime. I still think it's great you can find time for all of us on here!!

newbie - whoa! you're crazy! haha I HATE cycling... loved it when I was a kid, but it's just not my cup of tea now (something we don't have in common it's fantastic you get out and do it! good on you!

I forgot my thermometer last night, so missed temping this mornign :( very sad about it, as I've become just as much of an addict as teh rest of you!! but looking forward to tomorrow so I can see where I'm at.

sooooo good to be back! :):):)

Hahahaha....yeah, maybe a little crazy!!!

Nice to see you back mum2q :-)
Mum2Q- so good to see you back!!! Sounds like you had a busy but good weekend!! :dance: Time with the kids is always fun!! We missed ya.... looking forward to that temp tomorrow :coolio:
Mum2Q- so good to see you back!!! Sounds like you had a busy but good weekend!! :dance: Time with the kids is always fun!! We missed ya.... looking forward to that temp tomorrow :coolio:

Yeah, I missed you too! All of you girls on here! yeah, was a great weekend, It will be nice to get back into routine! I'm off to bed now...I'm worn out! haha you sleep well and make sure you look after that little bean for you & OH!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:still so excited for you guys!

Mum2Q- so good to see you back!!! Sounds like you had a busy but good weekend!! :dance: Time with the kids is always fun!! We missed ya.... looking forward to that temp tomorrow :coolio:

Yeah, I missed you too! All of you girls on here! yeah, was a great weekend, It will be nice to get back into routine! I'm off to bed now...I'm worn out! haha you sleep well and make sure you look after that little bean for you & OH!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:still so excited for you guys!


I bet you're tired, they have that effect :haha: When you and DH are finished with the firestation/car play thingy, could you post a picture, OH and I love that kinda stuff and I cant wait to make kitchens, work benches, fire stations/police/post office etc type things out of old recycled furniture and wood. Love to see what you two have created!!! Have a good nights sleep!!!:sleep::sleep:
time to hit the fart sack.... talk in morning ladies...
My Ovulation Chart
Hi ladies I've been a bit MIA today too luckily I haven't missed too much! For those of you currently preggy (or previously) did you find you got super emotional around 6dpo? My poor DH my moods and emotions have been so all over the place I've been really teary and tired all day! I slept really well last night too and even squeezed in a Nana nap this arvo! He said to me today that he is hoping I'm preggy cos that would excuse my behaviour - poor boy! I'm hoping so too - of course! How are others today - have been thinking of you all and really hope you're well xx
Hi ladies I've been a bit MIA today too luckily I haven't missed too much! For those of you currently preggy (or previously) did you find you got super emotional around 6dpo? My poor DH my moods and emotions have been so all over the place I've been really teary and tired all day! I slept really well last night too and even squeezed in a Nana nap this arvo! He said to me today that he is hoping I'm preggy cos that would excuse my behaviour - poor boy! I'm hoping so too - of course! How are others today - have been thinking of you all and really hope you're well xx

yes, can't exactly say it was 6dpo, but i did notice symptoms early (earlier than i thought i should) ranging from irritable, annoyed, happy, teary, sleepy, pee'ing alot, some nights i slept like a log, others i couldnt sleep (could have been excitement of ttc) also had a lot of cramping, twinges, tugging in uterus area (had to feel to ascertain that they were in a different location than AF, bc felt similar at times) I'm hoping for yours and def DHs sake you are pregnant!! Your chart looks great, what your describing could very well be early preg symtoms. Stay relaxed and try not to kill him, :haha: FX for you!!!!!! :hugs: (also OH has noticed that my mood swings are starting include positive, she asked why i was so chirpy at times, and weird times, like 3am and first thing in the morning--not normal for me, so there is hope!!:haha:)
I have had some weird twinges today like butterflies or light pressure in my lower abdomen - not painful just noticeable - trying not to get my hopes up though - thanks for replying! Have you had a good day?
I have had some weird twinges today like butterflies or light pressure in my lower abdomen - not painful just noticeable - trying not to get my hopes up though - thanks for replying! Have you had a good day?

Days been good, got a lot done so feel good about that, bc i've been napping every day so trying to do a lot as to not feel like a lazy bum :haha: I understand about not getting your hopes up, its so hard though, esp when you've been trying and then you feel these things that you may have not felt in past cycles! I have my hopes up for you so you can stay balanced :) I think I would pee with excitement if you got a BFP, hahaha! :hugs: Hope your week at work is stress free, and yet keeps you busy enough so you dont drive yourself crazy! :headspin: FX!!! Looking forward to your temp tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad you had a great day :) i can understand why youre keeping busy - i het like that too esp in school hols after i get in at least one day of down time - so important to be productive! Thanks for your positive words- you always know what to say :) thinking I might head to bed now though as I have an early start and a busy day tomorrow! Am hoping I have a good temp tomorrow so there is something worth stalking on my chart lol :) night! Xx
Hello ladies :happydance: Busy weekend for all it seems :)

I have also been MIA this weekend :) I really hope you get your BFP this month Angel :) Looking great!

Up at 5am in the morning to go to perth for DH's job interview :) So should really go to :sleep: :rofl: :flasher:
Good morning Ladies!!! I just got back from my overnight boating trip, feels good to be home!!! :witch: arrived this morning! Ugh I hate her....not surprised just disappointed, I know I should just be grateful she came at all and didn't have to wait so long like you did last month poor Melainey :flasher: haha. You have all been chatty, I'm sorry I missed all the great convo! Didn't get any coverage where we went boating! :dohh:

Newbie- as much as I love :jo:, you could :bike: circles around me, if anyone one here needs a chair lift, it's me!!!!! Haha

Jayne- fingers crossed this is your month, :af: :bfp:

Pammy- glad to hear your DH is embracing temping, mine seems fine with it as well!!

Trying2- I love etsy too! I always buy stuff from there, just bought 2 newborn owl hats for friends babies, cutest things ever!!! I love how hormonal you ate, means that bean(s) is/are :oneofeach: super sticky :happydance:

Mum2- glad to see you again!!! :flower:

Angel- Fx crossed this is your month! You deserve a :bfp:! I can't thank you enough for creating this group!!! 2WW is definitely the hardest!!!!

Melainey- happy you survived camping and are back! :flasher::flasher::flasher::flasher::flasher::flasher::flasher:

Update on starting month 5 TTC- I have decided I am pulling out the big guns this month, going to stat temping/ charting tomorrow, using preseed when :sex:, and take b6 to see if I can lengthen my luteal phase!!! Here's to May babies!!!!! :dust::dust:

Hope you all have a great day!!! Xoxo. :flower:
Morning lovely ladies :)
I'm a little confused - took temp this morning at it said 36.0, took it again straight away (only 2 mins later) cos I thought maybe it was wrong being so low and it was 36.5 took it 3 more times (stupid I know!) and got 36.7, 36.5, 36.5. If I put 36.5 FF changes my ov date to cd21. If I put 36.0 nothing happens and ov stays at cd17. Have gone with this latter option as that is what I would have put if I only temped once... Such a goose for temping more than once have just confused myself and now have to wait 24hrs to temp again! Advice about whether you think I entered the right temp would be great! Thanks ladies - I'll update the front page later today if I get a chance xx
Angel, I would keep it as is, here is what I found on FF when I went into FAQs:

A single temperature point doesn't usually carry much significance on its own as individual temperatures can be affected by so many factors, both hormonal and non-hormonal. What you are looking for are trends and patterns over time.

If your temperature dips several times before your period is expected, then it could mean that you are not taking your temperature accurately (especially if you are not taking it at the same time) or that you did not really ovulate.
Morning lovely ladies :)
I'm a little confused - took temp this morning at it said 36.0, took it again straight away (only 2 mins later) cos I thought maybe it was wrong being so low and it was 36.5 took it 3 more times (stupid I know!) and got 36.7, 36.5, 36.5. If I put 36.5 FF changes my ov date to cd21. If I put 36.0 nothing happens and ov stays at cd17. Have gone with this latter option as that is what I would have put if I only temped once... Such a goose for temping more than once have just confused myself and now have to wait 24hrs to temp again! Advice about whether you think I entered the right temp would be great! Thanks ladies - I'll update the front page later today if I get a chance xx

OOOOOOOH Angel!!! This could SO be an implantation dip.....

I have EVERYTHING crossed that it jumps straight back up and even higher tomorrow hun!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Morning lovely ladies :)
I'm a little confused - took temp this morning at it said 36.0, took it again straight away (only 2 mins later) cos I thought maybe it was wrong being so low and it was 36.5 took it 3 more times (stupid I know!) and got 36.7, 36.5, 36.5. If I put 36.5 FF changes my ov date to cd21. If I put 36.0 nothing happens and ov stays at cd17. Have gone with this latter option as that is what I would have put if I only temped once... Such a goose for temping more than once have just confused myself and now have to wait 24hrs to temp again! Advice about whether you think I entered the right temp would be great! Thanks ladies - I'll update the front page later today if I get a chance xx

OOOOOOOH Angel!!! This could SO be an implantation dip.....

I have EVERYTHING crossed that it jumps straight back up and even higher tomorrow hun!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

OOOH I hope you are right Newbie!

Rosie - thanks for your advice - I didn't even think to check the FAQs on FF :dohh:

How are others feeling today?


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