Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Hi everyone! Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday - was busy finishing my assignment and showing relatives our building site. We now have a roof and some plastic walls! yay :)

LLMP - that sounds like a great business idea! I also love the thought of sending in your own fabric. I have some of DS's baby clothes (and some of my own baby clothes my mum has kept) that I would love to incorporate into a cot/bed quilt. Can you post any pics of things you've made? I'd love to see them

Angel - hope that was an implantation dip!

Hi to everyone else!! - sorry I have to cut this post short. MS has well and truly kicked in this morning :/ Funny enough last night I was a bit worried that I was feeling so good, and then wham this morning I'm horrible. My mum is kindly looking after DS for a couple of hours while I try and have a rest and get my energy levels back up.
Newbie :jo: you're too funny, jumping on the twin bandwagon i see :haha:
Took 9 big viles and 1 little vile of blood- feeling a little weak, haha. The nurse said DR should have the results by end of the day today, so i'll make my appointment for tomorrow 3pm ish so OH can come!!! And you all will be the 'first' to know anything.
Llmp- check out etsy for some ideas, and i'm sure between all of us we can come up with some cute business name ideas for ya! first thing that came to my mind was tokens n treasures, but we can do much better than that! haha. I'll be a first customer as well!!
Ginny- poor thing! Kinda jinxed yourself last night :) I know with your history you are unsure, but I still think its a good thing to have MS, that being said though, I dont have any.... yet! I am sure to, runs in the family, sorta hoping it hits me soon! But good thing you have your mum to help this morning bc it can really take it out of you! Feel better soon!!!:hugs:
Hey Ginny, thanks. I actually set up a blog but went away just after I set it up and have never gone back to it so it only has 5posts lol. Im also a terrible writer & photographer so i wanted to better at both of those things before i restarted it, we're moving in January and I had the idea of 'fresh start, new business with blog etc' we'll see... It has the girls quilts on it anyway and a few bags I've's don't laugh!!
Hey Ginny, thanks. I actually set up a blog but went away just after I set it up and have never gone back to it so it only has 5posts lol. Im also a terrible writer & photographer so i wanted to better at both of those things before i restarted it, we're moving in January and I had the idea of 'fresh start, new business with blog etc' we'll see... It has the girls quilts on it anyway and a few bags I've's don't laugh!!

Love love love the duffle bags!!! I should take pictures of our quilts, made by my mum, well mine i helped with, OHs was her birthday gift last year from my mum, and my fav one, my mum has thousands of house and miles on it (she was travelling for work at the time of working on it, and has lots of hand sewn intricate work) is unfortunately safely in the states!! We love our quilts, i cant sleep without mine, and i dare say our little one will get one from mum too, my nephews each have one! They are nice bc they can be individualized, and made with so much love!!!
Ginny- you poor thing, MS can't be any fun, but I agree, means that bean is sticky!!!!:thumbup:

LLPM- oh my, love your blog! Not sure who is more talented, you or your DH!!! Beautiful things!!!!

Angel- the more I read I would agree, I'll bet that was an implantation dip!!! :happydance:

Trying2- cant wait to hear the blood work results!!! So excited!!!!!
Why not 2mums! :twingirls::twinboys::twingirls::twinboys::twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach::oneofeach::oneofeach:

Im not sure if i would see twins as complete blessing or not tbh! Seeing how much my sister struggled with her twin boys would make it all very scary i think! I am actually not sure if i have a higher chance of twins because there is some family history of multiple ovulation...I would be really happy with just one!!! Dunno if :jo: could handle two at once hehehehehe :haha:

PS - CANNOT WAIT for your bloods!!!!!

:hugs: :hugs:

:jo: getting back to work now...
yeah, it would be hard work, but will be happy if whatever and however many we have are healthy!!!! But one girl is prefered, but timing wise i think a boy is more likely, but dont tell OH :haha:
done the dishes, laundry, lawns, made the bed, had a yummy chicken wrap for lunch, showered, now headed to the dog park!!! Then, i'll bet a nap is in order!!! haha
Hope everyone is having a fabulous monday/ sunday for rosie!!!

wow you have had a busy day 2mums!!!

Im still stalking when i should be working....

Have a lovely :jo: nap for me!!
argh... here comes the bloatedness of the tww...and the half dark 2 days in a row opk...whats up with that???
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, mrsmoomoo, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Hey Ginny, thanks. I actually set up a blog but went away just after I set it up and have never gone back to it so it only has 5posts lol. Im also a terrible writer & photographer so i wanted to better at both of those things before i restarted it, we're moving in January and I had the idea of 'fresh start, new business with blog etc' we'll see... It has the girls quilts on it anyway and a few bags I've's don't laugh!!

Love your blog Lucy. I wish I could make things. A lot of my girlfriend that have little ones do a lot of craft things on the side. You should set up a facebook page. That's what they have done.
Why not 2mums! :twingirls::twinboys::twingirls::twinboys::twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach::oneofeach::oneofeach:

Im not sure if i would see twins as complete blessing or not tbh! Seeing how much my sister struggled with her twin boys would make it all very scary i think! I am actually not sure if i have a higher chance of twins because there is some family history of multiple ovulation...I would be really happy with just one!!! Dunno if :jo: could handle two at once hehehehehe :haha:

PS - CANNOT WAIT for your bloods!!!!!

:hugs: :hugs:

:jo: getting back to work now...

Newbie that awesome you sister had twins are they identical? I would love to have twins & it runs in our family too. My cousin has twin girls but they don’t look identical. I am just worried we could have twin second time around and I would have my hands full with three under 2 yrs old.
Why not 2mums! :twingirls::twinboys::twingirls::twinboys::twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach::oneofeach::oneofeach:

Im not sure if i would see twins as complete blessing or not tbh! Seeing how much my sister struggled with her twin boys would make it all very scary i think! I am actually not sure if i have a higher chance of twins because there is some family history of multiple ovulation...I would be really happy with just one!!! Dunno if :jo: could handle two at once hehehehehe :haha:

PS - CANNOT WAIT for your bloods!!!!!

:hugs: :hugs:

:jo: getting back to work now...

Newbie that awesome you sister had twins are they identical? I would love to have twins & it runs in our family too. My cousin has twin girls but they don’t look identical. I am just worried we could have twin second time around and I would have my hands full with three under 2 yrs old.

Yeah...they arent identical so just fraternal (which i think is from multiple eggs being fertilised? Pls correct me if i am wrong I am not a twins expert!!)

She now has another little 6 month old, so had three under three for a while there and talk about hands full!!! Though number 3 was her choice at that time!!!! Keenoooooo!
yeah, it would be hard work, but will be happy if whatever and however many we have are healthy!!!! But one girl is prefered, but timing wise i think a boy is more likely, but dont tell OH :haha:
done the dishes, laundry, lawns, made the bed, had a yummy chicken wrap for lunch, showered, now headed to the dog park!!! Then, i'll bet a nap is in order!!! haha
Hope everyone is having a fabulous monday/ sunday for rosie!!!


You know what - when the baby arrives you really won't care if it's a boy or a girl. I never believed that would really be true, but it is. I so desperately wanted a girl - and I had a boy. I actually cried a little when I found out it was going to be a boy, I admit (though not many admit it, it's more common than you'd suspect!). However I am SOOOOO glad I have my gorgeous little man! I am so lucky, he is just amazing.
Hey Ginny, thanks. I actually set up a blog but went away just after I set it up and have never gone back to it so it only has 5posts lol. Im also a terrible writer & photographer so i wanted to better at both of those things before i restarted it, we're moving in January and I had the idea of 'fresh start, new business with blog etc' we'll see... It has the girls quilts on it anyway and a few bags I've's don't laugh!!

Love it - I want a duffle bag like you made for your daughter! So cute!
Number 2 - I think you ovulated on cd 11 and you just had a random low temp. Not an expert, it's just my opinion... Whenever it was, I hope you caught the eggy!!!

Llpm- one thing we made for my nieces is bouncer covers, they're padded with wadding and slip over the top and tie on. Great idea, was so handy to be able to wash when they spewed, especially as we often used them for feeding. I'll check out your site when I go home!

2mums, I'm really excited about your results! It will put your mind at ease!!! Yay!!!

Ginny, hope you feel better soon!

Pammy, if it's not darker than the control line, it's not positive. It's common for there to be colour, but keep testing until its darker than the control. I thought it would be hard to tell, but the day I got mine, it was really obvious.
yeah, it would be hard work, but will be happy if whatever and however many we have are healthy!!!! But one girl is prefered, but timing wise i think a boy is more likely, but dont tell OH :haha:
done the dishes, laundry, lawns, made the bed, had a yummy chicken wrap for lunch, showered, now headed to the dog park!!! Then, i'll bet a nap is in order!!! haha
Hope everyone is having a fabulous monday/ sunday for rosie!!!


You know what - when the baby arrives you really won't care if it's a boy or a girl. I never believed that would really be true, but it is. I so desperately wanted a girl - and I had a boy. I actually cried a little when I found out it was going to be a boy, I admit (though not many admit it, it's more common than you'd suspect!). However I am SOOOOO glad I have my gorgeous little man! I am so lucky, he is just amazing.

It's interesting that you say that, because I was wondering the other day what it would feel like to deliver a baby you thought would be something else, would it be disappointing etc... I am so set on a little girl, and would be happy with anything, but I never believe people who say they haven't thought about what they want it to be... I was worried i would get too wrapped up in wanting a girl it's be suck a shock having a boy. Lol I suppose it's different when you actually have them in your arms rather than the thought of it...
yeah, it would be hard work, but will be happy if whatever and however many we have are healthy!!!! But one girl is prefered, but timing wise i think a boy is more likely, but dont tell OH :haha:
done the dishes, laundry, lawns, made the bed, had a yummy chicken wrap for lunch, showered, now headed to the dog park!!! Then, i'll bet a nap is in order!!! haha
Hope everyone is having a fabulous monday/ sunday for rosie!!!


You know what - when the baby arrives you really won't care if it's a boy or a girl. I never believed that would really be true, but it is. I so desperately wanted a girl - and I had a boy. I actually cried a little when I found out it was going to be a boy, I admit (though not many admit it, it's more common than you'd suspect!). However I am SOOOOO glad I have my gorgeous little man! I am so lucky, he is just amazing.

I agree with you number2. I desperately wanted a boy- and I had a girl. I too cried a little when I found out I was having a girl. Howevr I am sooo glad to have my little girl now. I am so lucky she is a health little person. But know we are trying for our little Man.
Pammy, if it's not darker than the control line, it's not positive. It's common for there to be colour, but keep testing until its darker than the control. I thought it would be hard to tell, but the day I got mine, it was really obvious.

I fear I am not ovulating at all... i will be charting for 2 more months and if no BFP I will get my progesterone checked. I think it is because I am a fuller figured lady.
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, mrsmoomoo, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
yeah, it would be hard work, but will be happy if whatever and however many we have are healthy!!!! But one girl is prefered, but timing wise i think a boy is more likely, but dont tell OH :haha:
done the dishes, laundry, lawns, made the bed, had a yummy chicken wrap for lunch, showered, now headed to the dog park!!! Then, i'll bet a nap is in order!!! haha
Hope everyone is having a fabulous monday/ sunday for rosie!!!


You know what - when the baby arrives you really won't care if it's a boy or a girl. I never believed that would really be true, but it is. I so desperately wanted a girl - and I had a boy. I actually cried a little when I found out it was going to be a boy, I admit (though not many admit it, it's more common than you'd suspect!). However I am SOOOOO glad I have my gorgeous little man! I am so lucky, he is just amazing.

I agree with you number2. I desperately wanted a boy- and I had a girl. I too cried a little when I found out I was having a girl. Howevr I am sooo glad to have my little girl now. I am so lucky she is a health little person. But know we are trying for our little Man.

I'm hoping for another boy! Can't believe that because I always wanted a little girl. But if I can have another one like my Harrison - well, he is just perfect. No, he really is. :)
However, now that I know that you really do just love them, no matter what, it really doesn't matter if it's a girl as I'm sure the same thing would happen.
So glad to hear I'm not alone in that initial reaction x
Now all I need do is worry that how on EARTH could I ever love another little human anywhere near as much as I love my Harrison. I can't understand how that could even be possible. I'm told by mums of more than 1 that it all works out just fine too! :)

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