Morning lovely ladies
I'm a little confused - took temp this morning at it said 36.0, took it again straight away (only 2 mins later) cos I thought maybe it was wrong being so low and it was 36.5 took it 3 more times (stupid I know!) and got 36.7, 36.5, 36.5. If I put 36.5 FF changes my ov date to cd21. If I put 36.0 nothing happens and ov stays at cd17. Have gone with this latter option as that is what I would have put if I only temped once... Such a goose for temping more than once have just confused myself and now have to wait 24hrs to temp again! Advice about whether you think I entered the right temp would be great! Thanks ladies - I'll update the front page later today if I get a chance xx
OOOOOOOH Angel!!! This could SO be an implantation dip.....
I have EVERYTHING crossed that it jumps straight back up and even higher tomorrow hun!!!
OOOH I hope you are right Newbie!
Rosie - thanks for your advice - I didn't even think to check the FAQs on FF
How are others feeling today?
You see if that was me, i would have buckleys of a good nights sleep tonight! I'd be hanging to go back to bed right now and sleep through until tomorrow morning just to get my temp!!!!!
Everything crossed angel (which is much easier sat at my desk than running around a netball court or on a bike )
AFM...4 dpo is boring!!!!