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Babies that were due in may 2012

Aw zephyr that's awful!!! I hope you get some answers soon and aria doesn't get poorly. I would be so angry if that happened to me!

Bumpin-cute photo!! :)
I'm awful at putting pictures up coz I'm always on my phone not the computer. If you want to see pictures of ashlynn add me on Facebook. [email protected] just let me know who you are else I won't accept the request. :)
Anti I will look for you on Facebook now. It will come up as a request from lucy roberts.

Had Lola's 8 week weigh in today and she's 11lb 5oz and 57.5cm long...really pleased with her.
Anti I can't find you on Facebook. If you want to add me I'm lucy roberts and Lola is my profile pic.
Anti I will look for you on Facebook now. It will come up as a request from lucy roberts.

Had Lola's 8 week weigh in today and she's 11lb 5oz and 57.5cm long...really pleased with her.

Well done Lola!! That's amazing weight gain!

Hoping to get ashlynn weighed next week but I can tell she's putting on weight. She's getting really heavy!!
so far if I put her in daycare it will be around £1200 a month, which is too much. I'm currently looking into childminders as they may be cheaper. I just want to stay at home :(
Anti- I couldn't find you either! I'm Luci Clark, and my picture is my and my younger brother.

Zepher- Thats awful that they refused you! I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to do that here, I think they can see you once and decide not to see you again, but I think they at least have to see you once! Fingers crossed she gets sorted soon! Hope Max is doing ok too :)

Yazzy- Thats a pretty impressed weight gain! How old is she now?

Waves- Hannah is so gorgeous!! We've stolen your idea of taking a picture each month in the same chair too :)

Evie is 5 weeks today, and last time she was weighed she was 7lb 4.5oz, so she's still a little dolly! She's suddenly got really long though! She is still in tiny baby vests and leggings etc, but her legs get squashed in them, so she's in newborn sleepsuits, but they swamp her everywhere else lol.
She still has the occasional bottle of formula, but she's mainly breast fed now, with the occasional bottle of expressed milk too. Its going so much better now, and I'm starting to actually enjoy it now! :)
She seems to get very windy sometimes, so have started giving her infacol, even though my OH disagrees and thinks I'm just giving her medicine for the sake of it! Typically, when he feeds her, she's an angel and burps her wind up instantly!

We've had a really busy week!!I took her to Pixifoto recently, and got some lovely pictures :) She met the rest of my family, including her 90year old great, great Grannie :) And took her to her first cheerleading competition on sat. She got some very admiring looks and comments in her ear protectors :)
She had her first bath with daddy too, and she loved it :) She kicks her legs and splashes around, and she's started making the cutest little cooing noises now :) and she gives me the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen :)
She's been very clingy the past few days, but today she's actually let me put her down! The last picture is her crashed out in front of CSI :)


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hey ladies :)

thought id pop in for a quick catch up so I've been sat reading everyone's posts for a bit - wow these babies are growing fast!

Annabelle is 4 weeks tomorrow and was weighed today at 10lb 2oz - she was 8lb 1oz at birth and I've been breast feeding so am v proud.

I tried to add you too but couldn't find you, I think it might be your search options :p Add me, Aimee Lerch pic is of a white flower.

Well, I will be ringing my doctor shortly to find out wth is going on! Still have heard nothing. I phoned on Monday and its now Thursday. Unbelievable!!
Though she is doing good I must say, S26 seems to be tolerable ish.

We started her on it on Monday morning and she spilled as usual little spills which progressivly got worse, she had a decent sized vomit before we went to the osteopath.
They did soemthing to her I dunno what but she slept through it all and then woke up sneezing.
Got home and she did the biggest poo I have ever seen!! and then she smiled and cooed for about half an hour (which is not like her at all, shes been quite the grump lately) then she slept solid for 7 hours, woke up fed slept through the night only waking once at about 4am then up again at 7am.

She has been spilling and some of them are quite big, soaking through her bib and 2 layers of clothing, BUT it does seem to be less and it could be the formula or it could be the osteopath, I dunno. Either way we are going back again today and he is going to check her mouth out for me because of her latch problems.
He gave me probiotics to take the other day and told me to try breastfeeding as a top up every now and again but I just cant seem to latch her on, whereas other times she latches fine!
On monday we brought the closer to nature bottles cos avent just wasn't doing it for her, sometimes she would latch properly other times she screamed in frustration cos she couldn't get it right, but these bottles we have had no issues with yet and are really quite good, wish I got them sooner.

Anyways long story short, the osteopath seems like it helped but it could of been a coincedence cos we had just changed bottles and formula also, we are going to give them 2 weeks and if things dont improve in that time or go back to how it was then we wont be going back to them.But she does seem like a different baby since we have gone there.

Max is doing just fine too, he loves it when I sing and bounce his feet when I lay him down and when I blow raspberres at him he coos and smiles really big! Aria has been enjoying play time the last day or two also and our floor time is getting to be longer and longer now :D

Frangi - good work on the weight gain!! and yes I cannot believe how big all these babies are now

Luci - cute pics!! Good to hear everything is going well :D
only got broadband in today and popped onto the old thread and found the link for here :) Rosalie Victoria born 17/5/2012 6lb 12oz same day as your little miss anti :)

hope everyone and babies are well?
Yazzy and Luci, I've added you both.

Zephyr:I how the osteopath really had helped. Glad to hear everyones babies are doing well, and those if you still breast feeding good job!!!

Gabe gets weighed tomorrow at his 2 month appointment, along with his first round of needles. I expect a big jump in his weight as he is eating like a monster! He's eating about 40-48 oz of formula a day!
bumpin - Heck thats heaps!! we are lucky to get Aria to eat half that amount a day and she spills a lot of that! Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow hehe and the needles eeek I hope it goes well.

Youngnimum - congrats on your little girl! welcome back :D
Zephyr I can't find you on Facebook. :(

Welcome back youngNI!! Hope all is going well with you and LO

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