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Babies that were due in may 2012

Spent half the night in the ER with Gabe. He's got blood in his poop, is pooping almost hourly and is really fussy and bothered. They have no idea what's causing it.

Hope he's okay. I can't remember... you're on formula right? I wonder if he's just developed an allergy to milk-based formula if that's what you're using. I believe those are symptoms of that. Hopefully it's something "harmless" like that and that you get it sorted out soon!

yep raise the head or get one of those sleepers that are at an upright angle

This is the one Kendra and I both have... I can only speak for us but I'm sure she'd agree... it's made a world of difference. Hannah even slept for 7 hours last night! I don't know if it's available overseas but maybe you have something that's identical to it:


It's the Fisher-Price Rock n Play sleeper.

How do you feed him slower? We stop and burp her halfway through, sometimes a quarter depending on how fast or slow she has been drinking. Maybe we need to try something different?

With Hannah's reflux, when she was hospitalized we had to take a reflux course and they told us to burp her every ounce to half ounce (we do it every ounce) and to keep her upright at least 20 minutes after she feeds. And she sleeps in the rock n play sleeper I mentioned above. Noticed a world of difference with it all.

Waves - 10 weeks!! wowwe has time flown, how is she doing? is she more settled now?

She's doing a lot better. She still only naps while laying on me so we're trying to break that habit. Yesterday & today I got her to nap once in her swing so I'm hoping to ease her into that and then slowly ease her into the crib instead. Last night she slept for 7 hours which was pretty amazing. The other night she slept through her nighttime feed as well. Things seem to be getting easier though, for sure.
Bumpin I hope gabe gets better soon!!! How scary!!

Waves so glad things are getting better for you!!

Ashlynn has outgrown her 0-3 month vests and sleep suits!! She's only been in them for 3-4 weeks! Makes me wonder how long her 3-6 month stuff will last!!
Waves so glad things are getting better for you!!

Ashlynn has outgrown her 0-3 month vests and sleep suits!! She's only been in them for 3-4 weeks! Makes me wonder how long her 3-6 month stuff will last!!


Hannah's outgrown a lot of her newborn sized clothes and is close to outgrowing some 0-3 months. She's also going into size 2 diapers!
i hope gabe is ok bumping, is his poo hard or anything?

i packed up all rosalie's tinybaby and newborn bits today must of the 0-3 stuff is still big but wont be long till im packing 0-3 away lol

mamas with baby girls what bounchers do you have? im looking to buy rosalie a pink one with me being team yellow i bought a coloured one for either gender, but id like to get her a nice girly one x
Bumpin - Awh I hope its nothing too serious!! Maybe its just a tummy bug? Good luck!

Waves - Glad to hear she has given you some rest :) I will have a look around for something like that. I slept her in her pushchair a couple of times now and she did an hour okay, but I'm worried about how safe it is.

We raised her cot, but maybe its not raised enough? will try that later and see if that helps.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys!! I'll keep at it :)

Well this medicine seems to be helping, a lot!! we are on day 3 now and she has improved greatly but is now starting to get a bit constipated again so we are giving her medicine for that now too.
I have been emailing my aunty cos apparently both her girls had the same issue, so bad one was back in hospital at 8 weeks cos of poor weight gain. She used soy formula cos one could not tolerate dairy at all and it made her worse so if this medicine stops working I will speak to my gp about trying that. I'm hoping this is it though!! Her puking has slowed down to spills now and smells like milk, not acid vomit. uggh I'd hate to think how painful that would be.
Waves so glad things are getting better for you!!

Ashlynn has outgrown her 0-3 month vests and sleep suits!! She's only been in them for 3-4 weeks! Makes me wonder how long her 3-6 month stuff will last!!


Hannah's outgrown a lot of her newborn sized clothes and is close to outgrowing some 0-3 months. She's also going into size 2 diapers!

Ashlynn is gonna be in size 3 diapers by the end of the week!! The size 2 are very snug on her. I'm trying to keep her in them coz size 3 looks huge, but size 2 really is too small for her now. :( hoping the doctor will weigh her at our check up next week. I think she might be close to 12lb now if not more!!
Waves: I had thought that as well, but he lacks many of the symptoms, he's not fussy while eating, isn't vomiting, or really bothered at all by his formula until he poops. He also doesn't have any rashes, or Eczema. he's also been on the same formula for 6 weeks. I asked the ER doc, and she had felt it was unlikely to be an allergy.

I'm so glad to hear life with Hannah seems to improving!

YoungNImum: no, his poop is green and yellow and very seedy, with mucus and blood scattered throughout. Its not liquidity, just all little seedy clumps that are soft...its actually really gross looking...bit the ER doc saw it and didn't seen concerned by the consistency. I'll hoping its just a bug. I talked to my friends husband who is a surgeon for belly issues, he deals with adults, but he feels that its more likely to be a bug than anything else.

Zephyr: glad to hear the Zantac is helping. I am surprised that you are only trying soy now... I thought soy would have been suggested by your Dr before the expensive specialty ones....maybe that's just the way its done here?:shrug:
hey everyone.. not been on for ages, i just don't know where the time goes. I hope you're all well & having a good wk end

zephyr - gosh can't believe you got refused the apmnt - i really hope aria continues to improve on the latest meds. you are doing amazingly & I often think how hard it must be with twins!

bumpin - hope Gabe is on the mend too, sounds scary for you - i guess our lo's have a habit of scaring us from the moment we know we're expecting

waves - also v glad Hannah is doing so well - 7hrs?! wowees, i'm envious!

YoungNI - we got Eva a lovely pink bouncer from Argos with music/vibrations etc, she sits in it whilst i shower etc!

Eva is doing great, still feeding loads! She's a wee bit grumbly in the evenings & i can't tell if it's because she's not getting the milk quick enough or if it's wind. am hoping it'll pass. I started pumping 2 days ago & had the grand total of 3oz in the fridge to top up later & freeze as the start of my supply. I had to go collect my son today & was away from the house for 3hrs as was long drive, dh was desperate for me to leave Eva with him. Eeek separation anxiety! I left him instructions & the expressed milk. Asked him not to use it unless she was really upset & hungry as we haven't tried her on a bottle yet. I walked in the door to see her contentedly guzzling the milk from the bottle!! My first reaction was omg i hate it - which is stupid i know!!

We have our 6wk check tomorrow & I want to try get exercising again soon to regain my waistline!

Anyhoo - off to watch the rest of Andy Murray nervously through my fingers!!!

My little lumpy has been in size 3s for 2 weeks now - can see him needing 4s by the time I've worked through the 120 size 3s I have left in my stockpile!! He's in 3-6m clothes on the whole (unless it's a big 0-3 lol) and I've just put him up to 8oz bottles! :wacko:

Oh, and after having a smattering of smiles for the past week and a half, we got the first ones on camera yesterday and today. Attached pics of smiler! :cloud9:


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aimee lou - gorgeous pics! We have been getting heaps of smiles from Max lately too, I wake up to a baby full of grins every morning. So cute :D

bumpin - Glad to hear Gabe is okay :) I hope whatever it is passes quickly.
I dunno why no one mentioned soy, even the formula company didnt mention it, kinda weird really.
The medicine has been working wonders! Shes still very clingy and wants to be cuddled all the time but shes not really grizzly and unhappy so I think it fixed the acid problem, also her appetite has picked up the past couple of days, don't know if that is related or not but shes now finishing her bottles consistently :)

rjsmam - sorry Eva is so grumpy ni the evenings, our babies have been too though with Max I realised hes actually been getting over tired and he ends up quite upset and can't go to sleep so we get him sleepy and rock him a little earlier than we were and hes stopped the evening crying :)
About the appointment, I know, I'm still quite annoyed about it and I am still waiting for the reason why!! There was a huge delay apparently and my gp is receiving letters at the end of last week dated the 15th of June!! so it will be another week or two before we know why, cos ours was declined on the 26th grrrr.

We got our second cot a few days ago! I managed to find a white one similar to the one I have now so they are matching :D Just need to get a mattress now yay!
We have Aria's hearing test on Wednesday to recheck her ear that failed and we also have the babies weigh in then too can't wait to see how big they are now.
Wow! My LO is still in size 1's, they are starting to get snug but I have about 100 more and I want to use them all! lol!
Hey everyone,

bumpin I hope gabe gets better soon, it sounds like a bug of some sort.

Zephyr sounds like a good improvement in Aria, I hope it continues.

Lola is in size 2 nappies now but think she'll be wearing them for a while yet. Her clothes are 0~3 months and she has plenty of room in them. Now when I get the urge to buy clothes I'm trying to get the next size up. She is such a smiley baby, everyone gets smiles from her but it is lovely how quickly she responds to the voices of us and the family she see's all the time.

And wow Lola is 2 months old today! Off to baby massage in a couple hours.
YoungNImum: no, his poop is green and yellow and very seedy, with mucus and blood scattered throughout. Its not liquidity, just all little seedy clumps that are soft...its actually really gross looking...bit the ER doc saw it and didn't seen concerned by the consistency. I'll hoping its just a bug. I talked to my friends husband who is a surgeon for belly issues, he deals with adults, but he feels that its more likely to be a bug than anything else.

poor little man hows he doing now?

YoungNI - we got Eva a lovely pink bouncer from Argos with music/vibrations etc, she sits in it whilst i shower etc!

thanks must have a look later, oh an iv a soft spot for the name eva lol pretty name :thumbup:

aimee lou - gorgeous pics! We have been getting heaps of smiles from Max lately too, I wake up to a baby full of grins every morning. So cute :D

bumpin - Glad to hear Gabe is okay :) I hope whatever it is passes quickly.
I dunno why no one mentioned soy, even the formula company didnt mention it, kinda weird really.
The medicine has been working wonders! Shes still very clingy and wants to be cuddled all the time but shes not really grizzly and unhappy so I think it fixed the acid problem, also her appetite has picked up the past couple of days, don't know if that is related or not but shes now finishing her bottles consistently :)

rjsmam - sorry Eva is so grumpy ni the evenings, our babies have been too though with Max I realised hes actually been getting over tired and he ends up quite upset and can't go to sleep so we get him sleepy and rock him a little earlier than we were and hes stopped the evening crying :)
About the appointment, I know, I'm still quite annoyed about it and I am still waiting for the reason why!! There was a huge delay apparently and my gp is receiving letters at the end of last week dated the 15th of June!! so it will be another week or two before we know why, cos ours was declined on the 26th grrrr.

We got our second cot a few days ago! I managed to find a white one similar to the one I have now so they are matching :D Just need to get a mattress now yay!
We have Aria's hearing test on Wednesday to recheck her ear that failed and we also have the babies weigh in then too can't wait to see how big they are now.

love to hear about your twins, i envey you lol i would love twins due to me being one :flower: hope the hearing test goes well on wednesday :hugs:

well Miss Rosalie slept from 8:00 last night till 7:30 this morning without a peep, she has her first set of injections on the 17th july, and iv purchased size 2 nappies which we will be trying later on tonight :happydance:

was wondering what you girls have decided about contraception? im pretty sure ill be getting the injection, altho i was very much keen on the patch but injection is more effective :hugs:
so pleased - (sorry unashamed boasting coming up! lol)

Last night Eddy slept from 10pm until 5am (bottle at 9pm with 8oz in so actually went 8 hours without a feed).

HV came round today - his vitals at 6 weeks are

weight - 14lb 1oz
length - 61cm
head circ - 42cm (I think that's right)

All are sitting between the 98th and 99.6th %ile! :wacko:

He's been great all day. 8oz seems to do the trick as he's gone at least 3 hours between feeds all day. We went to the shops to get my toddler some new shoes (a size 8.5 by the way which is just crazy!) and he was as good as gold either sleeping or staring at the sky cooing all afternoon. He's then had a bath which is older brother helped with, a full bottle as the timing was perfect and then into bed with his music box on for 10 minutes. he's now fast asleep and I'm about the sit and watch a movie with my hubby. Toddler has gone to bed too so the evening is mine....... lets see how long it lasts before one of them is up shall we! lol :haha:
was wondering what you girls have decided about contraception? im pretty sure ill be getting the injection, altho i was very much keen on the patch but injection is more effective :hugs:

Have you ever used the patch before? I personally didn't like it because there was always a sticky ring around the edges from the adhesive and the sticky goo would always get onto my clothing which wasn't very nice.
Aimee: wow! Good job Eddie! I can't get more than 3 hours between feeds with Gabe.

YoungNImum: I had a copper iud placed at my follow up appointment. I had one for years before Gabe and its been the best form of birth control I have ever tried.

And in Gabe news, I took him to see his Dr today because of the ongoing concern with his poop. While at the Dr he had another blood streaked poo, so we are being refereed to a pediatrician. Our Dr agrees with me, the ER doc I saw on Fri was full of crap, he doesn't have am anal fissure, but she doesn't feel that this is simply a bug, or a milk intolerance. So now we wait. I hate waiting...Gabe cried in discomfort/pain for 3 hours tonight, it breaks my heart because I don't know what's wrong, and I don't know how to fix it.
was wondering what you girls have decided about contraception? im pretty sure ill be getting the injection, altho i was very much keen on the patch but injection is more effective :hugs:

Have you ever used the patch before? I personally didn't like it because there was always a sticky ring around the edges from the adhesive and the sticky goo would always get onto my clothing which wasn't very nice.

i havnt tryed it before, and when ever i mentioned in the hospital (after having rosalie) thats what i would be intrested in, she didnt no very much about it and said shed have to see if they had any leaflets about it they never. i then said to HV and she also knew very little about it and just said its bascially the pill but in the patch form? maybe you could explain it abit for me please? x

so pleased - (sorry unashamed boasting coming up! lol)

Last night Eddy slept from 10pm until 5am (bottle at 9pm with 8oz in so actually went 8 hours without a feed).

HV came round today - his vitals at 6 weeks are

weight - 14lb 1oz
length - 61cm
head circ - 42cm (I think that's right)

All are sitting between the 98th and 99.6th %ile! :wacko:

He's been great all day. 8oz seems to do the trick as he's gone at least 3 hours between feeds all day. We went to the shops to get my toddler some new shoes (a size 8.5 by the way which is just crazy!) and he was as good as gold either sleeping or staring at the sky cooing all afternoon. He's then had a bath which is older brother helped with, a full bottle as the timing was perfect and then into bed with his music box on for 10 minutes. he's now fast asleep and I'm about the sit and watch a movie with my hubby. Toddler has gone to bed too so the evening is mine....... lets see how long it lasts before one of them is up shall we! lol :haha:

Fab eddie! hes a great weight aswell little chunk :flower:

Aimee: wow! Good job Eddie! I can't get more than 3 hours between feeds with Gabe.

YoungNImum: I had a copper iud placed at my follow up appointment. I had one for years before Gabe and its been the best form of birth control I have ever tried.

And in Gabe news, I took him to see his Dr today because of the ongoing concern with his poop. While at the Dr he had another blood streaked poo, so we are being refereed to a pediatrician. Our Dr agrees with me, the ER doc I saw on Fri was full of crap, he doesn't have am anal fissure, but she doesn't feel that this is simply a bug, or a milk intolerance. So now we wait. I hate waiting...Gabe cried in discomfort/pain for 3 hours tonight, it breaks my heart because I don't know what's wrong, and I don't know how to fix it.

i hope you start to get some answers soon, the unkown is a killer, poor little fella :hugs:
just a question for you all, how/where did your little ones get there names from?
this girl has a headband for every outfit :cloud9:


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