Babies that were due in may 2012

Full time at my sons daycare I think its about 220 a week, but here we have a childcare subsidy which is based on your income levels so it does go down depending on how much you earn also we get 20 hours free childcare a week for children 3 years old and over.

I'd love to go back to work but will probably l9ook at evening work when OH is home cos I hate to think what daycare would cost with two babies!

Aria did some big smiles last night for daddy!! They were so cute :D made her daddy teary eyed lol
Max was cooing heaps last night too annnnnd during the nighht in my sleepy state and changing Max in the dark I thought I had picked up white clothes and a red bib........I lold when I woke up cos I'd actually grabbed a pink suit and a hot pink bib!
Yes I am going back full-time. Going to be hard but my contract time is only until 3 in the afternoon, unlike the business world where I wouldn't be getting home until after 6. Plus being a teacher has benefits of a lot of holidays!
Full time at my sons daycare I think its about 220 a week, but here we have a childcare subsidy which is based on your income levels so it does go down depending on how much you earn also we get 20 hours free childcare a week for children 3 years old and over.

I'd love to go back to work but will probably l9ook at evening work when OH is home cos I hate to think what daycare would cost with two babies!

Aria did some big smiles last night for daddy!! They were so cute :D made her daddy teary eyed lol
Max was cooing heaps last night too annnnnd during the nighht in my sleepy state and changing Max in the dark I thought I had picked up white clothes and a red bib........I lold when I woke up cos I'd actually grabbed a pink suit and a hot pink bib!

How sweet!! I can imagine the happiness your hubby felt!!

Gemma is starting to smile, it is truly an amazing sensation!!
Took her 2 months old picture today :) We're taking a picture of her in the rocking chair each month her first year to see how she grows & I'll be making it into a photo book when all is said and done.

I included her 1 month picture too for comparison :)


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Waves - I LOVE that idea! :thumbup:

Btw, I love you rocking chair! We have a cushiony glider in the nurser but OH surprised me with a classic wooden rocking chair for Mother's Day. There's something about a wooden rocking chair that makes me smile!:yipee:
Waves - I LOVE that idea! :thumbup:

Btw, I love you rocking chair! We have a cushiony glider in the nurser but OH surprised me with a classic wooden rocking chair for Mother's Day. There's something about a wooden rocking chair that makes me smile!:yipee:

Thanks! We got a cushioned glider from my cousin shortly after the baby was born but it's all squeaky even though OH sprayed WD-40 on it so it just sits in the corner now. After that, OH's co-worker gave us the wooden rocker and I absolutely love it. It's in perfect condition and it was free!
Love the photos waves! what a great idea :D Would you continue it each year after the first year? cos that would be awesome when shes older! Such beautiful photos.

The smiles really were great! Max has been smiling for ages and she has on the odd occasion but never really at you and never that many! Little monkey though, OH gave her to me for a sec and she did these half smirks with a raised eyebrow but as soon as daddy was back she was batting her eyes and grinning from ear to ear haha I can tell he is going to spoil her! Shes the little baby of the family and has well and truly won her daddy over.

Second time this week I have sat down at the computer and seen my houseplants all round me looking sad and neglected, I am going to get up and water them now else this time next week they will probably all be dead. and its fujnny cos I took so much pride in my plants before and now.....haha omg I just dont have the time!
Love the photos waves! what a great idea :D Would you continue it each year after the first year? cos that would be awesome when shes older! Such beautiful photos.

That would be a neat idea :) Thanks!

Here's so more recent pictures of Hannah.


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So cute!! Love the pics :D She has got so big! Can't believe how quickly these two months have gone.

I will have to upload more pics too at some point, finding the time to go through them all is hard though.

My babies are defintely out of premmie clothes now and out of most of their newborn clothing!! I just went through it all and added in some bigger sizes for them! and packing up the smaller ones into boxes......and for a good half an hour there I actually quite liked the idea of another baby and 'keeping' the clothing for later on.
What the heck is wrong with me?! lol I must be mad in the head even thinking it would be cool after having twins. I am sure I won't think the idea is a good one when they are both screaming at me next.
i went back to work after 6 weeks part time, 2 more weeks and its full time, ugh so exhausted!!
I'm going back in Jan/Feb - I'm still not sure if I have a job to go back to (I wasn't there long enough to get my job back) but I have to work so will be looking for work after christmas I think. I went back after 10.5 months with Earl but had been ready to go back at about 8 months. Eddy will be 8 months when I go back. I'm not sure how it's going to work, but thankfully we get a lot of help with hubby being a student. He's off at the moment so I have a full time helper lol. I only have to work 16+ hours a week to qualify for all the help etc so I try to do the minimum I can (not completely ethical but it helps me cope to only work that part time). I used to work 29 hours a week in evenings and weekends and while it was tiring I got lots of time with Earl :thumbup:
Kendra - that's one of the major differences I see with the US/UK. We seem to be entitled to a lot longer at home. My work actually assumes that I will take a full year off & I have to request to go back early giving 8wks notice. Unfortunately I just can't afford the full year & will need to go back once my paid mat leave ends. So in I guess in some ways i'm lucky to have 5/6months with Eva, but i'm stressing about carrying on with the bfing etc....

aimee - i wouldn't worry about ethical or not - needs must!

I feel for all you ladies having to go back to work. I'm very lucky and can be a SAHM. We'll have to be super careful with money but hopefully we'll manage. I might do small bits from home for extra money. I feel so so lucky and grateful that I can stay at home.
Im Baaaccckkk!

Sorry not been on for ages, my laptop broke and this site not great on my phone.

Jenson is now 10 weeks old and weighs 9lb2oz. Drs thought he may have reflux and today had prescribed Lactose and soya free milk. Hope it helps with his sickness although it has got better by it self.

He only now has 1 feed in the night and the other night he slept through, just hope it continues.

Hope all mummies and babies are doing well :) xx
Glad to hear from you Rachel!

I'm of for the whole year, and when I go back it will be at 60% which works out to 2 12 hour shifts a week. I love my job for that its flexible scheduling so we won't have to worry about child care as I can work when oh is home. The only time we'll have a hard time is when oh gets posted to a long term tour and is out of the country for 6 months...but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it
Good to have you back Rachel!! Glad jenson is doing so well! Can't believe how tiny he is! He was really small born though so well done you, he's doing so well!! I'm looking forward to Ashlynn only needing one feed at night! At the moment she goes down at about 9 or 10 then wakes at 12:30 and 04:30 for feeds. I guess she's doing well but looking forward to having longer stretches of sleep!!
Yeah, gotta love the US, I got 0 pay and had to go on state assistance while I was on maternity leave, I didn't get ANY leave before the baby was born (I worked the Thursday before he was born, had Friday off, and then had him on Saturday) and my husband is a full time student and can't work more than a part time job right now because of his school schedule, which forces me to go back to work. I hate hate hate it.
I am lucky to do self employed work. One job I do when I feel like it ~ a few hours throughout the week and Lola can come with me because its at someones house and I also run a dog training school so again Lola can come with me or stay at home with her daddy. I might get a part time job in January but only if its a few hours and my mum or husband can have Lola. I think its really hard for the women in the states to have to return to work so early!

Lovely pics Waves, she's a cutie.

I keep trying to upload pics but it won't let me for some reason.

Welcome back Rachel, good to hear Jenson is doing well.

Lola went to a singing group yesterday and slept through it all lol. Its lovely having groups to go to.
Welcome back Rachel! Glad to hear things are going well for Jenson! I hope the new milk helps with his sick :)

Was thinking about braving a trip out today with my babies and my toddler, cos I wanted to go buy a sand and water table they have on special for my boy and the idea of going out sounded great earlier but now I have butterflies and am nervous about it and I am trying to put it off. :haha:
Go for it Zephyr, you'll feel really good after going!

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