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Babies that were due in may 2012

Added you zephyr. :) hope aria is doing better and continues to improve!!

Bumpin good luck with the jabs. We have ours on the 17th and I'm dreading it!!! Our poor babies!
Thanks for adding me anti and bumpin...great to see updates on all the babies. Zephyr will look for you aswell.

Welcome back youngNI!

Luci ~ Lola is 8 weeks now. She is piling on the weight for being enclusively breastfed. I am just making sure I eat and drink loads because it really takes any baby weight off and I've heard you have to drink and eat well to keep a good supply going. Pics of your little girl are lovely!

Zephyr I hope you continue with the osteopath and Aria continues to do well.

I having a chilled day today but need to get my goddaughter a present for her 3rd birthday so heading out for a walk to the shops in bit.
Needles went well today. Gabe only cried for a few seconds, and only after the 2nd needle! Chunky butt weighs a whopping 10 lbs! He has gained 20 oz in 10 days...no wonder baby is eating so much...hopefully this slows down some...I got more sleep when he was 3 weeks old!
Yay for gabe being so good with his jabs!! I'm sure his growth spurt will be over soon. When ash went through her 4 week one I was shattered!! Lucky it only lasted 3 days.
thanks :) feels like iv missed so much, altho iv hada look at the front page congrats the may mamas :)

Rosalie is now 7weeks old and is a little jem she got weighed on friday and is 9lb. she is a fantasic sleeper, sleeping 7-8hours from her last feed (which is 8:00) she has her first set of jabs on the 17th :S

she had a scan yesterday on her hips as she was born with a clicky hip, but thankfully she got he all clear :)
a few pics of Rosalie :flower:


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YoungNImum: She has great big eyes, gorgeous.
Thank you, everyone comments on her eyes, same as her big sister, i love yur avatar samuel looks like such a cool dude <3 x
Bumpin - glad the jabs went well! I'm with ya on the sleeping better at 3 weeks haha

Youngni - how cute! love the pics :)

Well not really much to say here really, Osteopath went okay. Was a bit weirded out at yesterdays appointment though, it was so strange that even my 11 year old daughter was giggling in the corner lol
Yesterdays appointment did onthing for her I'm afraid to say. She went in puking (I was mopping up a large spill when I got called in) and she came out puking.
The only real difference is for a few hours afterwards she seems very relaxed and calm, like it was a good massage or something. OH wants to give it a month, we will see how next week goes and decide from there.
She has been up every hour the past two nights, and her spilling isn't letting up at all.
Still have not heard back from my doctor so will phone him shortly and find out wth is going on.

Max has been very vocal this morning, it was cute, now he is asleep in the Moby on me......I'm wonderign how hard this transition to sleeping in his bed during the day is going to go?? Its easier to have him in the Moby cos I can just feed him in it while I tend to aria and it enables me to cuddle both also it saves me some free time when Aria sleeps. But I'm worried when I get him to sleep in his bed during the day its going to be a nightmare lol
I hope this ends soon...it been 2 weeks since I've gown a reasonable stretch of sleep. Gabe is eating 45 oz of formula a day! I guess the average for an 8 week old is about 30 oz a day...

YoungNImum: she is a beauty!

Zephyr: maybe you should take her in to Emerg... Tell them she us vomiting effecting she is eating. Maybe then someone will pay attention to the poor girl...
My little lady is 10 weeks old today!

Bumpin - Yeah thats the problem, unless shes losing weight or dehydrated no one wants to know and its a problem for my GP. If she has another bad night unsettled I may take her then as they are less likely to tell me to go see my gp if shes clearly upset.

He prescribed us Ratinidine yesterday, shes been on Gaviscon for ages now and it hasn't really helped but what he gave us ysterday seems to have done something. She seems to be more rested and comfortable.
The spewing we can handle until we find out whats going on, its the grizzling from the acid in the spew bothering her thats the problem and I think the ratinidine helped that cos her spew doesn't smell as acidic as it did yesterday.

If in a week she is still spewing and uncomfortable my doc said to go back in and we will try something else, unless of course she gets ill before then in which case I take her to the hospital.

Waves - 10 weeks!! wowwe has time flown, how is she doing? is she more settled now?
Zephyr if it helps, Zantac had helped Gabe a lot. But we have to fed him slowly, and as upright add possible, and then keep him upright for at least a half hour
Oh good! I'm glad it has helped Gabe, I hope it helps Aria too! We keep her upright a lot, I was thinking about sleeping her propped up in her pushchair but I dunno if thats safe. she slept okay in it yesterday for about an hour.
How do you feed him slower? We stop and burp her halfway through, sometimes a quarter depending on how fast or slow she has been drinking. Maybe we need to try something different?
I burp Gabe every oz, and give him a soother for a minute or 2 every time i burp him...Gabe is taking 6 oz, which is 180 mls.

Can you raise the head of her bed? I know some people put blocks under one side of the crib so that baby can sleep upright.
yep raise the head or get one of those sleepers that are at an upright angle
I looked into one of those wedges. It doesn't really raise baby all that much...

Spent half the night in the ER with Gabe. He's got blood in his poop, is pooping almost hourly and is really fussy and bothered. They have no idea what's causing it. Sent us home to monitor it, if it gets worse then we are to go back in. Poor baby is so uncomfortable, he's crying every time he poops. I think we might be going back in today....

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