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Babies that were due in may 2012

just a question for you all, how/where did your little ones get there names from?

Earl and Edward both got a 'because we like it' name. Up until the day each of them was born though Earl was going to be Arthur and Eddy was going to be Tobias! :wacko: Francis is for a relative and Stewart is hubby's middle name, as well as FIL's middle name.
i havnt tryed it before, and when ever i mentioned in the hospital (after having rosalie) thats what i would be intrested in, she didnt no very much about it and said shed have to see if they had any leaflets about it they never. i then said to HV and she also knew very little about it and just said its bascially the pill but in the patch form? maybe you could explain it abit for me please? x

The patch is basically the pill on a sticky patch. You put it on your skin just below the bikini/panty line just inside the pelvic bone (hope that makes sense). You wear it for a week and then change to a new one for three weeks and don't have to wear one for the week of your period. If I can remember correctly if you don't want a period for a month (holiday or whatever) you can wear it and not have a period. It is pretty easy to use and they don't come off in the shower or anything. My only complaint was you tend to get a mucky sticky ring on your tummy where the patch is and the sticky goo tends to get onto your clothes.

Names: We like traditional names, so that narrowed the choices down. My husband said a few years before ttc that if we ever had a boy he would like to call him Samuel, I liked the name so it stuck. I think because there are a lot of Sam's in books that he reads is the reason for the choice. I chose James as the second name because it was the name of my mentor, almost like adoptive dad growing up. He was such an inspiration and lovely man, I wanted to honour him some how (he had a heart attack and died in 1999 when he was only in his 40s and left a lovely wife and 2 kids behind), plus James is my DH favourite band so it wasn't hard to sell the idea to him.
bumpin - i hope Gabe is better today - it's so horrible seeing them in pain & not knowing. will you get another apmnt to see another dr?

aimee - woweees how jealous am I - what a super sleeper! Eva has done 4.5hrs at the most but then she followed it up by hrly wake ups!

Eva is a name we really liked & her middle name is Mairi (scottish, pronounced like 'marry') which was my mum's middle name & I think they go well together.

we had our 6wk check yest & all was well. today the health visitor came & Eva is now 11lb 9oz - previously 9lb6 2wks ago. She has also grown 8cms in 4wks - that seems a lot to me & is in the 98th percentile for length!

Today was Lola's injections...oh boy did she scream! My heart broke for her...she screamed all the way out of the doctors! She's comfort feeding now but I don't mind at all. The worst thing is we have to do it all again in 2 weeks.

Names...I wanted something different but OH wasn't keen then he just mentioned the name Lola and I loved it so it stuck. Her middle name Mae is just something we liked that flowed well.
I'm thinking of going for the mini pill for a few months as after I'm finished expressing I'll move onto the normal pill again.

Names... We just liked ashlynn and Ann is OH's late grandmothers name.

I've got a very grumpy baby today for some reason. She won't sleep unless she's on me so she's really tired and grumpy!! Currently asleep on my chest!! But she's only doing 20 min naps.

Yazzy I hope Lola is feeling better now!! Not looking forward to ours next week. :(

Ashlynn is getting cradle cap. :( looks horrible... My poor baby.
rjsmam: Gabe and I are being referred to a pediatrician. Hopefully sooner, rather than later.

As for names... Gabriel wss the only boys name we agreed on. James is oh's middle name, as well as his fathers, and grandfathers middle names.
just a question for you all, how/where did your little ones get there names from?

Earl and Edward both got a 'because we like it' name. Up until the day each of them was born though Earl was going to be Arthur and Eddy was going to be Tobias! :wacko: Francis is for a relative and Stewart is hubby's middle name, as well as FIL's middle name.


you sound like my twin, both her boys had names picked then they changed when they where born :dohh: lol

i havnt tryed it before, and when ever i mentioned in the hospital (after having rosalie) thats what i would be intrested in, she didnt no very much about it and said shed have to see if they had any leaflets about it they never. i then said to HV and she also knew very little about it and just said its bascially the pill but in the patch form? maybe you could explain it abit for me please? x

The patch is basically the pill on a sticky patch. You put it on your skin just below the bikini/panty line just inside the pelvic bone (hope that makes sense). You wear it for a week and then change to a new one for three weeks and don't have to wear one for the week of your period. If I can remember correctly if you don't want a period for a month (holiday or whatever) you can wear it and not have a period. It is pretty easy to use and they don't come off in the shower or anything. My only complaint was you tend to get a mucky sticky ring on your tummy where the patch is and the sticky goo tends to get onto your clothes.

Names: We like traditional names, so that narrowed the choices down. My husband said a few years before ttc that if we ever had a boy he would like to call him Samuel, I liked the name so it stuck. I think because there are a lot of Sam's in books that he reads is the reason for the choice. I chose James as the second name because it was the name of my mentor, almost like adoptive dad growing up. He was such an inspiration and lovely man, I wanted to honour him some how (he had a heart attack and died in 1999 when he was only in his 40s and left a lovely wife and 2 kids behind), plus James is my DH favourite band so it wasn't hard to sell the idea to him.

Thanks, thats pretty much what iv been reading on the internet, i think the injection would suit me better due to getting it once every 3 months.

bumpin - i hope Gabe is better today - it's so horrible seeing them in pain & not knowing. will you get another apmnt to see another dr?

aimee - woweees how jealous am I - what a super sleeper! Eva has done 4.5hrs at the most but then she followed it up by hrly wake ups!

Eva is a name we really liked & her middle name is Mairi (scottish, pronounced like 'marry') which was my mum's middle name & I think they go well together.

we had our 6wk check yest & all was well. today the health visitor came & Eva is now 11lb 9oz - previously 9lb6 2wks ago. She has also grown 8cms in 4wks - that seems a lot to me & is in the 98th percentile for length!


Most the babys are heavier than my little miss, sounds like eva is doing fab.

I'm thinking of going for the mini pill for a few months as after I'm finished expressing I'll move onto the normal pill again.

Names... We just liked ashlynn and Ann is OH's late grandmothers name.

I've got a very grumpy baby today for some reason. She won't sleep unless she's on me so she's really tired and grumpy!! Currently asleep on my chest!! But she's only doing 20 min naps.

Yazzy I hope Lola is feeling better now!! Not looking forward to ours next week. :(

Ashlynn is getting cradle cap. :( looks horrible... My poor baby.

anti tip for cradle cap, it not to use the products on the shelf as most take the oils out of the scalp, use baby oil, soak cotton wool and just massage it into her head, leave for 5-10min then gently brush her headwith a soft baby brush :thumbup:
My eldest daughter got her name from both her great grannies first names, Eva-jane and Rosalie got that as her first name because we both loved it, that much it was our 2nd choose for our eldest daughter, and Victoria after my twin sister, Rosalie Victoria

Aria passed her second hearing test today! Very happy!!

Both Aria and Max were weighed and they both have put on over 500grams EACH in the past 2 weeks!! I sort of had a feeling one or both of them got bigger in the last week cos my back has started burning during the day when I hold them and its because all of a sudden I am carrying around an extra kilo.
Max is now 11.9 lbs and Aria is 11.3 lbs! Can't believe how big they got and how fast time has gone!
Yay zephyr!! You must be so relieved!! Well done to you and max and aria!!!!
Jackson has put on 5lbs 4 oz and three inches since birth!! He went from the 10th and 15th centile to 70 and 55! His head is in the 90th! Dr says hes very advanced with his coordination and movements. Put him on Zantac as the Dr believes he has reflux. He's had some very acidic spit up the last few days that smells like vomit and its always 45-60 minutes after a feeding or longer so I agree with the Dr. I am hoping it works!
Well done kendra and Jackson!!

Ash hasn't been having her day time naps for two days now and she's been pooping more than normal and today she's got nappy rash and just had mucus in her poop!! So worried about her. Got doctor appointment tomorrow so will ask then. Hope it's nothing though.
Just a few pictures I took of Hannah the other day. I can't seem to get enough pictures of her hahah.

This morning I got 3 wisdom teeth plus 2 other teeth pulled and am on pain killers so Hannah is at my Mom's for a couple of days while I recover. I don't know what I'd have done if I didn't have someone to watch her these couple of days.

I think she's going through a growth spurt, definitely need to move into size 2 diapers ASAP (we have so many size 1's left and I don't want them to go to waste.) She's holding her head up pretty much all by herself now. She'll lay in her crib with a mirror we placed on the side and just talk to herself for awhile. It's so adorable.


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Can't guarantee I'll be in here often, lol, but I wanted to comment to track because we have all known each other for a hot minute, some since TTC :-D

It's so cool to look and see how everyone and their baby's are doing. Love seeing what color the yellow bumps turned :haha:
Anti I hope Ashlynn is ok and its nothing to worry about. She may have just picked up a bug. Just remember to mention about her injections next week as they shouldn't have them if they've been poorly.

Well done Kendra and Jackson!

Waves lovely pics and I hope you're feeling better soon.

Well guess what....Lola has just slept through the night!! So last feed was at 10.15pm and she just woke up at 6am for a morning feed and is now back in bed. Is it a fluke or will it continue lol. I didn't sleep all night though as I woke up and checked on her.
Well done Lola!! Hope it lasts!!

I have to go wake ashlynn up to get her ready for the doctors. I hate waking her up when she's so comfy. I feel so bad!! Poor little monkey.
Cute pics waves :)

Kendra well done with the weight gain!

yazzy - Nice! I hope Lola starts sleeping through :)

Anti - I hate waking my babies too they look so peaceful when they are asleep.

I wanna say I had a great day today but it was rough, both babies and my 3 year old are sick, which means I have had two babies being super clingly all day long and a grumpy little man. I didn't even get any smiles from any of them! haha
Zephyr I hope everyone gets better soon!!

So after waiting ages in the doctors coz they were running late as usual ashlynn weighs 12lb 1oz. :) still in the 75th centile so I'm really pleased!! I'm all healed up and have opted for the mini pill. Will see how we go with it.

Coz I was at the doc so long I missed my 10am express so it's now 11am and my boobs are so full and sore!!! Finally home so busy expressing now. It's sore but such a relief!!
As a lot of you may have seen Jason was in hospital for 12 days but we're back home again now and he's recovered very well from his surgery - he last got weighed at 4 weeks + 6 days and was 10lb 7oz! 2lb 4oz up from his birth weight & for the last 2 nights he's slept from 11pm-5am! So proud of him! :happydance:

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