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Babies that were due in may 2012

I havn't either, I'm too scared I'll get pregnant and If I did I would be terrified of having another set of twins. I couldn't even imagine how crazy that would be. I actually am secretly petrified of having triplets next so I wont even go near OH. lol

My doc rang the formula people so they are sending out two tins to sample and see if its okay. Apparently it is what the ped would write us a script for anyways. So this way if it doesn't work I can tell them so at my first appointment and save some time.
Karicare said it works on 80% of babies that have problems with formula though so I feel positive :)

Anti - Sorry to hear about the smoking problems, that must be hard especially since you are an ex smoker! I know when me and OH quit we had to do it together cos one of us still smoking made it really unfair and unpleasant for the other. cigarette smoke smells absolutely foul now! So even just catching a whiff of it makes me wanna vomit.
I hope he gets it sorted and does quit but at the same time it is an addiction and its quite hard to get into the right mind frame to quit. Could you's get something to help him like meds from a doctor? That is what we had to do, we just couldn't do it on our own.
I have my 6 week appt on Tuesday, and am also scared to DTD. I hope it's a good experience or else OH will have to be without for a while!

Anti - Sorry to hear about the smoking, I don't blame you at all, I'd feel the same way.

We are having our first out-of-town weekend this weekend, of course Gemma too! Since we have gotten into a routine of a bath and her in her crib, I was really worried about this weekend. We're in bed now & she's sound asleep in her pack & play, I'm one proud/relieved Mamma! I hope the rest of the weekend goes just as well!!
I have my 6 week appt on Tuesday, and am also scared to DTD. I hope it's a good experience or else OH will have to be without for a while!

Anti - Sorry to hear about the smoking, I don't blame you at all, I'd feel the same way.

We are having our first out-of-town weekend this weekend, of course Gemma too! Since we have gotten into a routine of a bath and her in her crib, I was really worried about this weekend. We're in bed now & she's sound asleep in her pack & play, I'm one proud/relieved Mamma! I hope the rest of the weekend goes just as well!!

We are having our first weekend away as well but haven't left yet. worried about so many things, but i'm sure it will be fine. We have a 3.5-4 hour car journey to devon to stay with SIL and her family. Then on Sunday we are staying in a hotel in Cornwall, on tuesday I have to make the return 4.5 - 5 hour ride back on the train by myself as DH is staying in Cornwall for work. Wish me luck.
Kwood - you (and Samuel) will do great! At least it's a train ride and you're not having to actually drive that far with him by yourself! :thumbup:

So far I haven't forgotten anything, but through the weekend I'm sure there will be something that I need that I don't have. Luckily there are a few good stores withing a 5 minute drive!
We dtd 2 weeks after Gabe was born without any difficulty. But I warned oh that if I ended up preggo again he was a dead man...
Bumpin you are a brave woman!! I think we're too tired to dtd anyway!!
No dtd here lol. I'm still spotting a bit anyway so until that's cleared up and I've sorted out birth control its a no go. I want Lola to be 2 1/2 before she has a brother or sister!
my OH has started dropping hints about dtd, but I'm still bleeding and a bit sore, so there is no way he's getting near me!!

Evie is doing well, had her weighed again wed, and she was 6lb 14.5oz, so over her birth weight now :) We've cut down on formula too, and she's doing awesome :) She has maybe 6oz a day now, as a top up once she's done with my boobs, as opposed to the 20 or so she was having before! She is a really happy baby :) She's very stubborn though! We had a night where I was feeling a bit blergh, so my OH took her downstairs for a few hours, so I could rest. She got hungry and started screaming, so he made her a bottle. She refused point blank to accept it, screwing her face up and spitting it out. As soon as I put her to my boob, she was fine! She knows what she wants :haha:
my OH has started dropping hints about dtd, but I'm still bleeding and a bit sore, so there is no way he's getting near me!!

Evie is doing well, had her weighed again wed, and she was 6lb 14.5oz, so over her birth weight now :) We've cut down on formula too, and she's doing awesome :) She has maybe 6oz a day now, as a top up once she's done with my boobs, as opposed to the 20 or so she was having before! She is a really happy baby :) She's very stubborn though! We had a night where I was feeling a bit blergh, so my OH took her downstairs for a few hours, so I could rest. She got hungry and started screaming, so he made her a bottle. She refused point blank to accept it, screwing her face up and spitting it out. As soon as I put her to my boob, she was fine! She knows what she wants :haha:

How funny! These precious babies are amazingly smart!!
I brought a tin of the pepti junior for Aria $35 dollars!! for a half the size of normal formula, so basically for the same amount as a regular formula its $70!! (regular formula is $15 - $25 a tin) I nearly fell over when I saw the size of it.
We got sent two free though and they arrived today so fingers crossed we get that appointment within the next week or two otherwise we are going to be very broke for a while!
Shes only been on it for a day so can't tell if theres been much improvement, shes still vomiting as usual BUT she did a massive poo earlier and wasn't constipated and she seems to burp very easy now after feeds....real loud ones :haha: I am hoping these are good signs.
Hey everyone - been mia for a while as had my sister visiting from France which was great as i'd not seen her in so long.

zephyr - so sorry you're still having feeding problems with Aria - that is mentally expensive!! i hope you get something sorted really soon - they don't exactly seem quick off the ball to get your apmnts etc. Well done you for doing so well with everything.

bumpin - agree that you're brave! lol at the dead man comment!! my dh keeps saying he wants another - nope sorry i'm shutting up shop!!

yazzy - great pic, you both look great, glad to hear the 6wk check went ok

waves - so sorry you've been having such a rough time. whilst these early wks & months are so magical, it's also true to say they are also so very hard. glad to hear Hannah slept well recently & hoping it's the start of good times to come. i hope your abdo pain is gone.... and those pics are fab - you all look really relaxed & happy!!

anti - yikes i didn't realise they had vaccinations this early... i am right there with you on the smoking. my dh promised repeatedly to stop smoking when i was pregnant. He has stopped now but he waited til the very last minute & stopped when she was born, which meant he was crotchety & through withdrawal right when we were most sleep deprived - grr! should have done it months ago - not to mention the bloody cost of the stinking things! have you discussed it with him - i hope he's seen the light. my dh is going to a smoking cessation clinic which really helps & he gets all the patches etc free. ahem i shall get off my soap box now :haha:

hey to all our other yummy mummies!!

Eva weighed 9lbs 6oz this wk so I am delighted. Can't believe she's 4 weeks old already!! She's doing really well & only really grumbles when she's hungry - which is a lot though! I've noticed that she has more & more alert time every day, starting to sit contentedly for brief periods in her chair. Sleep is 4hrs at the very most at night but usually 3hrs at then more frequent wake ups for boobie after 1 or 2hrs. I had friends round last night & we had a glass of champagne which was lovely - actually my friends had a few glasses but i stuck to one & half & drank loads of water etc before bed.

Part of me is torn kinda wishing the routine would come so I am not feeding so often, but the other part is telling myself to enjoy this time as they grow up so quickly....

Anyway, my girl is rousing & the kittens are escaping!! Here's my girl & what i think is one of her first smiles.....



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Aww rjsmam, that's a gorgeous pic and smile! It must have been lovely having your sister stay...I bet she enjoyed all the cuddles with her niece! That's a great weight at 4 weeks, well done.

I put Lola in her carry thing earlier and we went off around Montacute House grounds with the dogs today. Lola slept soundly and I wonder if its because she still recognises the walking motion from when I was pregnant.

Zephyr ouchy for the price of the milk...that's crazy!
aw thanks Yazzy... i've taken Eva out a few times in her baby bjorn carrier & she also falls straight to sleep & so far the same goes for the pram! she also absolutely loves the bath - she can be screaming blue murder & goes instantly quiet & happy in the bath. i took loads of baths when i was pregnant & she was born in birthing pool, maybe just coincidence but my little water baby loves it so far!

is anyone else still sweating buckets - not sure if it's bf related but jeezo sometimes i feel i'm lashing in sweat. hoping its just the last of the fluid retention escaping......

Oh I hope so bad we get the appointment in the next 2 weeks cos yahh its even more than goats milk and that was expensive.
Its been two days now and she seems to be vomiting less and her constipation has cleared up, shes pooped again and it was soft and has not needed any coloxyl.
I'm not really sure whether I want to say its working yet though, probably wont know for a few more days yet.

Does anyone know, if I cut out dairy from my diet and try her back on the boob in a week or two would cutting out dairy affect my supply for Max? I wanna try it but of course I don't want to end up with two babies on formula.

rjsmam - aww love the pic! how cute :)
Zeph, I know you want to try to BF so badly, but at this point all the stress its caused you and the babies and everything, no offense, but if it were me, I would consider it a success that you've had one successful breastfeeding experience and just let go of the fact that Aria is having a hard time. I think you would find life less stressful that way :( I hope its not presumptuous of me to say that but it can't be easy to do what you're doing :/

And yes about the routines, it hasn't gotten easier for us yet either and he is 7 weeks today. I have a feeling at his 2 month appointment they will tell me to put a small amount of cereal in his formula because I am getting really burned out with these 2 hour wake ups every night!
Zephyr: yikes, that is expensive! Although I feel for you, I must say I agree with Kendra. Focus on keeping max happy on the boob. Maybe once is older and her tummy is mite mature she will be able to return to the boob. I wouldn't risk affecting your supply at this point.

Rjsmam: Eva is a cutie!

Well ladies, after 7 weeks of fighting to breast feed, I've decided that I'm hoisting the white flag. I stopped the domperidone and the herbs, packed away all my breast feeding bits in the hopes that I can bf baby number 2 when the time comes. I took the night to grieve, and today I'm focusing on moving on. I know this is the right decision for us both, as the stress was overwhelming us both, and the time spent trying will be better used for bonding, playing and getting out of the house. All I got to say is frig this HURTS!!! My poor nipples are raw from a bad latch and pumping, they are on fire!
Zephyr cutting out dairy won't effect your supply but you would need to get plenty of calcium elsewhere as the babies need it for their bones. You'd have to make sure you didn't eat any products at all with cows milk and that is very difficult. I'm not sure what to suggest.

Rjsmam I have a very similar carrier, it is the bushbaby cocoon. Oh and with bathtime Lola enjoys them as long as you are in there with her...she has to feel secure.
I might wait and see what the pediatrician says after thinking about it and hearing other peoples thoughts.
Thanks for your guys input, its not so much the wanting to breastfeed its more wanting to find a solution to her problem and if it was as easy as eliminating stuff from my diet and taking supplements I would be happy!
The last 8 weeks has just been constant vomit and every feed is me basically trying to get food into her and trying to keep it in her its just so exhausting. Going back to the boob seemed like an easy option but I will wait it out a bit more, Max enjoys his boob so I would hate for that to end when its been going well.

She has been pooping every day now on the pepti junior and she drinks more at each feed, we aren't struggling to make her drink her feeds.
The only prob is when she does spill or vomit the taste is awful for her and she screams, whereas before she never screamed when she vomited. I think the vomit is less now though, more like spills than vomits.
It must be so frustrating zephyr and I know what you mean, you'd do anything to make it all better.

I took Lola to her first baby group today. Met some lovely people and we did baby massage which Lola seemed to really enjoy....she has slept all day since apart from waking for food!

Has anyone else started baby groups?
Zephyr I hope you get to the pedi ASAP and get arias food sorted. Must be so frustrating!!

Bunpin you did the best you could and 7 weeks is amazing. I know it's hard but don't beat yourself up over it. I only managed 2 weeks before I had to exclusively express which I'm still doing now. It's really hard work!!

We have good nights and bad nights. Some nights ashlynn goes 4 hours between feeds and other nights it's only 2 hours so it's a bit hit and miss at the moment. Hoping it settles down soon!!

What contraception are you ladies going to use. I need to try make up my mind before my check up so that I can get it all sorted and try be brave and dtd. I miss the intimacy even though we probably to tired to dtd!! I was on the pill before for 7 years an it worked for me but now that I'm exclusively expressing I won't be able to go on the pill till I stop. Was thinking about the mini pill but have heard horror stories of it failing!!!

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