Aw hugs for you girls.
Whisper hope this evening goes better for you.
Smiley hope the testing goes well.
Becca, thank goodness. That's crap they let it go so long!
Well done on the sleep Elodie and Ruby!
Lindy, I think I am leaning to the SS too

Some of the reviews on the blue one weren't encouraging...
Whitt only woke once last night 10-4 and then 730! Ahhh

We started our bedtime routine last night - light feed, bath, story, feed, rock and down. He lasted all of 45 seconds before I put him down at 8

so far so good! I thought he was out for the count at 8pm as that's his bedtime but he woke at 10 for some reason screaming bloody murder - think maybe he scratched himself or something. Oh well he settled pretty quick at 10 so I consider it a win!
So glad it's friday! No plans for this evening but hoping to get out and enjoy the weather tomorrow at the vineyard with friends.