Hi PM!
no i was a big brave girl and got a cup and a piece of paper and caught it went to throw it out the bathroom window then droped it so its somewhere in my bathroom or hallway now
I would have burned the house down to kill it.
Hehe! It will be, Sasha. I'm glad I took Harry's nappy off in the middle if his poo-splosion yesterday, so I could just wipe as it came!!
Day 2 of 2 of DH's days off. It's so nice to have an extra pair of hands to help all day, though his patience with Harry is non-existent!
This is so my husband - night before last he was changing him (which takes all of 45 seconds unless there's poos let's be honest so his job at night is WAY less demanding than me nursing and getting back to sleep) and he got frustrated putting on the diaper and took too long so of course, he pees all over, and then he just throws the diaper up in the air and starts to walk off. UGHHHHHHHH
He also does the 5 min of crying "what's wrong with you" . His solution is always back to me as "he's hungry" -
And last night it was bath night and he tried to push it off as "he just wanted to relax" UM WTF, I just want to relax after taking care of him all day by myself and working a full time job at the same time, and going to get the take out! ASS!!
I did bath by myself anyways and he went straight to sleep after eating so it worked out. I didn't wake him to change the diaper as I just didn't want to deal with his grumpy ass. Men suck.
Elodie is going 48 hours between poos and they are all up the back, up on her tummy and out the legs.
I am scared of leaving the house when one is due! Also her clothes are getting stained. Best tips for getting poo stains out?
Cloth nappies getting strip washed this weekend, they contain poo much better!
This is true! The disposables leaked way worse! I use a bit of All Free and Clear (detergent) and warm water to prewash before I wash it. I rub the detergent right into the stain. Got to do it right away though which is a pain...Might also try salt. I've read it helps get out a lot of stains from things like carpet.
He doesn't watch TV but it's always on. Keeps him asleep as it covers up the dogs walking around or me doing work.
Rota, don't worry about the dogs - it's actually good as it helps them have less allergies as kids. Between that and bfing I think I'm raising a potential superhero
Well done on sleep last night babies!
We got a 6 and 4 too but the 4 took some work on my part. Had to put him in bed with us and keep shushing him as he fidgeted