Embo, I bought a bottle of wine 2 weeks ago and I havent even had a drop of it yet because by the time Ive sorted the kids out of an evening and got Jack down for the might and fed him and made sure O is settled it is nearly bed time for me! Yesterday I swore that I would have a nice glass of wine while britains got talent was on but then when it came on I was busy with both kids....meanwhile OH had a friend round and they were both enjoying copius amounts of alcohol Pisses me off because OH has a drink about 3 nights a week, yet here I am, not even able to find half an hour before bed time for a glass of wine.
Embo have you tried saline drops up the nose? My midwife said to boil the kettle and add some salt to the cup of water and use that. She said it keeps for 24 hours.
Bet your very excite for your meal.
Isle doesn't go to nursery till wednesday. Also we find out what school she has/hasn't got. I don't think we will get any of the four we choose? We put the village's down first and the last school is second closest to me and well over subscribed. I will be stressed!!!
Smiley I've not had a drink either.
Mf hope the weather improves? How funny is lovely here yet a couple of hundred miles away it's horrid x
Lovely mf, love to take the Girlies there, never been myself.
We have been dreaming about holiday today, love to go back to where ww went in October.... Could do it at a push but Money is tight. Saying that Shaun went food shopping and come home with an I pad mini!!!! I'm so bad with technology, might learn how to multi quote on here, lol x
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