Sorry I haven't been around much ladies. I hope you are all doing well and babies too!
Wow Whisper, I can't believe these babies are getting teeth already!!!!!!!!!!! Hope Lena feels better soon!
We have had a rough few weeks but things are starting to get back on track (I think). I had my gallbladder surgery 2 weeks ago and had such a hard time recovering as Weston was still getting me up every 2-3 hours at night and I was hurting so bad. I have 4 incisions on my belly so breastfeeding was really hard to do. I thought I might give up several times, especially when he was up every 2 hours. I did try to give him formula, 3 different times and 3 different kinds, and he got very ill each time (vomiting over and over). I am thinking he has a cow's milk allergy or sensitivity? Anyways we are back to exclusive breastfeeding now and things are going a little better. It was just a very challenging and trying couple of weeks!!!!!!!!
The last few nights though, Weston has done a 5-7 hour stretch--yay!! Last night he slept in his crib for the first time. He was starting to outgrow his bassinet and I kept waking up to him pushing his face against the cloth side of it (it scared me to death), so it was time to move up to the crib. I cried a little as I wasn't quite ready for him to be away from my side at bedtime, but it went well last night and he seemed much happier in his crib actually.
He also had his first set of vaccines today--not fun! He has been quite fussy when he's not sleeping. Everytime he kicks his little legs he cries, I'm sure they're sore as those muscle shots hurt!

I have given him Tylenol twice today, may do it one more time before he goes to bed so he won't be in pain overnight.