Whisper - Glad Lena is OK, the first of many bumps and falls to come
I heard that if you have SPD or simalar in pregnancy then it can flare up again when AF is here. Mine is bad all the time so no idea about that
babydreams - I'm pretty relaxed about temperature, as long as it's not freezing/boiling I just adjust blankets and clothes to one more layer than I have. I feel her chest or her back to see how warm she is and usually the "one more layer" rule works pretty well
Jem - Glad you got one of your school choices!
Lucky - sent a friends request, I'm Sasha
MrsS - I'm not exlusively BF, but even with the odd bottle I still feed often enough that AF should stay away for a good long while (This girly looooves the boob

), I heard a lot of women get AF back when baby starts on solids.
Sophie is an awful mood today, really grumbly and clingy. Not sure what's up with her.