flipping heck Becca, that's ridiculous. When you feel stronger 100% complain. My mum has complained about docs and I did lots of it for her so I can help you when the times right if you need some support? Huge hugs hun xxx
Smiley- grr about home visit ffs

Glad you got through though and good luck for his appointment. Hopefully its something that is easily treated.
Jade slept well and went down at 7-5.30 then straight back to sleep till 7.45. Those who have ones awake in night, are they crying after feed? I just ignore jade if shes still awake. Obvious I don't ignore a cry lol but I ignore the fuss if she makes one.
My 8 yr old had a headache though so had some neurofen at bed time and he fell asleep at 8.30 so I went to bed aswell. I felt all weird last night and kept having hot flushes!Said to Ryan its like the menopause LOL. Feel horrid today

because I went to bed so early, I was wide awake at 3am so kept waking up Ryan to talk!
How is everyone today?
What responses do you all get to babies name? My Ruby is the one who gets complimented the most!? Its meant to be a really popular name but she is the only Ruby in her school of 280 kids!