Hugs ladies xxx
Don't know if its tiredness or everything but feel really down today. I love being a mum but feel like I can't do all the things that need doing and that stresses me so then I feel bad that my "things" haven't been done and the time I've spent half doing things means I haven't given Thomas the time he needs. That probably makes no sense!! If I feel like that with 1 I seriously don't know how you ladies cope with 2+ and how will I manage with another!!
Brother came around yesterday with my nephews. Older one is 8 and a little star. Give him the iPad and he is happy! The baby turned one last week and is into everything. He came over to Thomas when he was on the gym and they were staring at each other. Thomas was doing big gummy smiles. Nephew leaned over like he was going to kiss him but then it looked like he was going to bite so I just played a bit and moved nephews head a bit because couldn't be sure kiss/ bite. Next thing nephew reached our and smacked Thomas really hard on the face a couple of times. I pulled Thomas away and didn't make a deal of it- dh would've freaked. But then nephew starts pulling at tv speakers and tv stand. My brother and SIL were just sitting there while I was dealing with an hysterical Thomas and destructive baby!! I know kids can hit out etc and was protective because Thomas is tiny but thought my SIL or brother wouldve helped. Nephew is used to wrestling with 8 year old.
Sorry for rant and moan like I said things get to me more at the moment!. I'm having a shit day after a shitty week
Don't know if its tiredness or everything but feel really down today. I love being a mum but feel like I can't do all the things that need doing and that stresses me so then I feel bad that my "things" haven't been done and the time I've spent half doing things means I haven't given Thomas the time he needs. That probably makes no sense!! If I feel like that with 1 I seriously don't know how you ladies cope with 2+ and how will I manage with another!!
Brother came around yesterday with my nephews. Older one is 8 and a little star. Give him the iPad and he is happy! The baby turned one last week and is into everything. He came over to Thomas when he was on the gym and they were staring at each other. Thomas was doing big gummy smiles. Nephew leaned over like he was going to kiss him but then it looked like he was going to bite so I just played a bit and moved nephews head a bit because couldn't be sure kiss/ bite. Next thing nephew reached our and smacked Thomas really hard on the face a couple of times. I pulled Thomas away and didn't make a deal of it- dh would've freaked. But then nephew starts pulling at tv speakers and tv stand. My brother and SIL were just sitting there while I was dealing with an hysterical Thomas and destructive baby!! I know kids can hit out etc and was protective because Thomas is tiny but thought my SIL or brother wouldve helped. Nephew is used to wrestling with 8 year old.
Sorry for rant and moan like I said things get to me more at the moment!. I'm having a shit day after a shitty week