Gf- hope Theo's reflux eases up soon. Poor guy. Thinking about you two, hope he gains starts gaining weight again

Blake's a good sleeper, too. He goes to bed about 9-10, up at 6 for a bottle, then sleep for another hour or so. Maybe a cat nap in the morning, but usually he's up until his big afternoon nap (3-4 hours), then maybe a cat nap while we hav dinner. He's been eating more, less often lately. He's taking 5-7 oz about 5 times a day, usually about 6am, 9:30am, 1pm, 5pm, 8:30pm. I like his early morning back to sleep as I can get some housework done before he's up, I feel less stressed when kitchen is clean.
Yesterday, he screamed and screamed every time I changed his diaper, didn't see any rash or anything, not sure what was wrong. He usually doesn't scream for no reason? Explained a couple away by him being hungry (and he gets MAD if bottle isn't in his mouth immediately!), but most times he didnt want food, hugs, coconut oil, play? Usually stopped a couple min after diaper change? Hope today doesn't repeat, or I figure out what's bothering him? Any ideas? Maybe time for next diaper size, could they be too tight? Idk?