Are you guys getting broody already???
GF I hope the formula does the trick for Theo, Ivy was 2nd centile until 6 months I think due to puking, it is so hard with bfing because you can't just 'get' more milk when they chuck up.
Have you done anything to try and boost your supply - fenugreek, brewers yeast, domperidone etc?
I haven't taken anything to boost it but I baby wear theo all day, nurse him every 2hrs, and let him feed from both breasts for as long as he likes. I haven't looked into dietary supplements. Not sure what else I can do. Am worried that my supply is going to decrease even more now I'm adding in bottles every other feed but don't think there's much else I can do. Plus he really needs to start gaining weight.
I was only thinking, like you said, with topping up your supply is likely to decrease further BUT you have to do what you feel is right by Theo and what lets you feel safe and secure you are doing all you can to make sure he is well.
I took Fenugreek with Ivy and it does provide a boost but I guess it depends how low they think your supply is? I am surprised they didnt offer to prescribe you something to help boost your supply, just incase he doesnt take to the formula.
Does he take a bottle well?
Please please dont think I am being all pushy about bfing - I hate the Mummy guilt - I just wouldnt like you to feel like your boobs were the problem or that your bfing journey has been cut short.