Morning girls
Jem, what a dope. And yes men are extremely selfish! MF, I HATE that comment - Its so wrong, but I will turn around and say to lo, did you hear that? Your daddy doesn't love you...shuts him right up. He can't take that! Sigh, sometimes you're down to the last tools in the toolbox in an argument...
Rota hope everything is ok
GF nice on the new washer. I adore my set - they are LG and red. They sing to me when the stuff is done! Only thing I don't like is a front loader tends to mildew the wash quickly : /
Hi Wiggler, Cherry and our newcomer!
Hope babies are feeling better today. I am a bit worried that Whitt still has yet to be sick...he's just not around babies and other people but maybe a couple times a week. Im worried he will be horrid when he does finally!
So why is it he wont sleep well after the first long sleep? How can I get that to stop? I've tried feeding every wake up, I've tried not feeding and just comforting. He's up 2hr on the dot after the first one, and then like every hour??? So obnoxious!!

Especially when the first wake up is at 1am

We stopped changing him at night but maybe we need to go back to it...