Has anyone else had a c section ?
I'm still a bit tender but looks to have healed really well though
I have! How long did you wait before you felt okay venturing out of the house? I'm still tender when I walk around too much, it seems, but I was hoping to be able to get out a couple of times this week. I seem to be healing up pretty well also. Do you have staples or stitches or what? They've given me the dissolving stitches.
Finally made my way to the parenting thread... I kept losing it. Hello, ladies! Nice to see all are doing well with new babies.
I'm also dealing with the sore nipples. Trying to heal the scabbing seems impossible! I can't tell if they're going away because of course they re-form after each feeding.
Having a new baby is so much better than I ever could have anticipated

It's like waking up at Christmas every day! Or... every 2 hours every night...