Well I have just introduced a pacifier too, Lia doesn't really need it but helps when she is especially fussy and I don't know what's wrong!
I need some advice! Since I am alone and my hubby is back home due to work, I have been co-bedding with LO, I didn't even try to put her in her cot (since like MrsSwaffer I have had trouble BFing at the start) so I ended up having her on my breast all night to get the latch right and then now just for convenience (where when she wants to eat I just roll over and lay down and she just drinks herself to sleep and I fall asleep doing so)
Now, I am pumping and introducing a bit of formula (1 or 2 bottles a day), and have no idea what her routine is during the night.. I want to try to pump milk that will last for the night with just a bottle of formula in between so I can get a bit of a routine in place.. Any tips or advice on this situation I am having? hehe
I am not having this exact situation but you could try what I am doing with feeding from one side each time and pumping the other - that would give you enough pumped milk to get through the night and make sure your supply stays up. One thing though, I don't know how you'd go the whole night without pumping or feeding without your boobs about to explode...? Mine are so sore and leaking after about 4hrs that I have to feed or pump!
Oh God no, I think I may have expressed myself incorrectly.. that's what I get for blabbering on haha..
I meant, instead of just sticking LO on my boobs and falling asleep I would like to have a routine.
at the moment what happens is, she fusses next to me, I wake up and lie her next to me and give her one side, I fall asleep and after what I am sure is only half an hour she starts kicking and fussing next to me so I turn and put her on the other side.. I'd like to have a routine where I wake up after a good 3 or 4 hours sleep and feed her, whether that be a bottle or pumped milk whilst I pump some more as she feeds... makes sense?
At the moment I am just sure she keeps losing latch and falling asleep then fusses very quickley because I thought its more convenient to have her in bed next to me (plus I am so attached to her but this has to stop soon)

I hope I am making sense now