Baby Bugs Due February 2013

We DTD at 4 weeks and at 5 weeks. One area that was stitched is still tender only when pushed tho. Just made salmon risotto and DD wouldn't eat it. Scrambled egg on toast for her now

Anyone's 2 yr old on semi skimmed milk? Might switch her as she's huge anyway and saves me buying 2 milks!
She is way above the 99.9 centime for weight and height so least she is in proportion
My DS wont drink cows milk...tried full fat and semi skimmed and he wont drink either. They recommend full fat as it has more of the goodness in it I think?
not sure if anyones seen but mothercsre have a sale on clotges at the mo
Nooooo don't tell me that!!! We have too many baby clothes as it is :rofl:

Older 2 are in bed now and Sophie is sleeping, fingers crossed I can have a nice relaxing evening.
Nooooo don't tell me that!!! We have too many baby clothes as it is :rofl:

Older 2 are in bed now and Sophie is sleeping, fingers crossed I can have a nice relaxing evening.

lol some really cute outfits on there:blush: i dont think my evening will be relaxed my hips gone and have a snuffly unhappy baby asleep on me who refuses to be put down:dohh:
Anyone's 2 yr old on semi skimmed milk? Might switch her as she's huge anyway and saves me buying 2 milks!

My eldest has been on semi skimmed since about 18 months, she refuses to drink whole milk - I figured semi skimmed was better than nothing!

I know in nursery once they are over 2 they give them semi skimmed.
Horndog- made me giggle!!

I can't shop in Next until work some 'keeping in touch day's- money is so tight.

How silly am I, I still buy two milks, I didn't even think to give them green!! Does the blue milk have more calories? As my girls are slim jims I may just keep using it for now?

I've only dtd coz I was fine down- would have been different if I'd had stitches.

On a positive I lost 2lb this week without really trying! 12lb to go :)
Thanks AP, that is such a relief to hear. Maybe I just need to change my expectations x

Oh and with Ivy honestly I spent quite a lot of time sobbing on the hallway floor begging my husband to just take Ivy off me for 10 minutes because I couldn't handle it anymore!

I wasn't depressed or anything - I think it is quite a normal way for someone to feel when they have a fussy, boob obsessed baby. It is just people don't always tell you that could happen before you have a child!

I've been crying a lot as well. Over not having a minute that is my own anymore. Dh can escape and hacd "his" time but I can't. Get a glimpse of myself in mirror/ window and it sets me off again. It's just overwhelming and I wish I wasn't crying when I'm doing it. So you aren't on your own, :hugs::hugs:

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any advice on how I can get daniel to stretch his feeds to every4 hours during the day? He is taking 3.5-4 ozs every 3 hours at the mo, sometimes it's just over 2 hrs between feeds. At night we don't have any problems, he can go for over 6 hours without feeding.

Becca, it is normal for small babies to sleep for up to 18-20 hrs a day. I got the aptimil newsletter emailed to me the other day for a 9 week old baby and they say that at 9 weeks old they should still be sleeping up to 15 hours a day.

I just let Daniel lie with no nappy on for about 20 mins and he loved it, although the towel under him got peed on twice and he got my leg with the first one . It was so nice to see him lying kicking his legs about and smiling loads.

I would kill for 6 hours at night!!! You have an amazing routine!!!

we are having a terrible week here this week lena is so clingy keeps falling asleep gasping and swallowing then screaming until shes held up on my chest then falls asleep again:shrug:, its getting so we cant do anything around the house she lays downshe screams, she sits up she screams lays on her tummy shesfine for 10-15 secs then cries:wacko: has been coughing quite a bit too this week so not sure if shes coming down with someyhing either way im ready to pull my hair out shez finally asleep now for the first time today and its after 7 pm!

Whisper- sound similar to thomas and they think colic/ silent reflux. Might be worth a trip to gp got advice.

Ugh this is the second night where theo has just cried virtually non stop because of colic or reflux. From 21:30-1:00. He's just settled, praying he'll sleep for a good chunk now. I can't cope with all this very well.

:hugs: Thomas is in stereo. Are you trying coleif? :hugs:

Thanks ladies. Got theo settled at around 4 in the end! Ugh.

Ouch wiggler! Poor you.

Becca hope the MW's helpful.

MrsS we've got Theo's basket on a slant but it doesn't seem to be helping. We've been prescribed infant gaviscon for him which I'll try as soon as I figure how to express and use the steriliser!

Parents are visiting today so theo can be spoiled by them and have lots of cuddles.

Nooooo don't tell me that!!! We have too many baby clothes as it is :rofl:

Older 2 are in bed now and Sophie is sleeping, fingers crossed I can have a nice relaxing evening.

So many baby clothes thrown in cot. Need to sort ages or won't get to use them!
Jem- well done on DTD!! I'm stitched big time so no idea when poor dh will get a bit of fun!!
You say fun, the lights were off, my body makes me sick at the min.
Plus DH keeps pointing out all the hot ladies off the telly..
I neec my hair colouring and if I straighten it iys a frizzy mess the next day due to my night sweats- no way am I washing and doing it every day. And I feel horrid in my baggy clothes and mat jeans.
Really hate this part... Roll on our babies hitting 12 weeks where hopefully they will be in a routine and we may all resemble our forma self!!! X
think its going to be a long night here for me, lenas in pain with her sore throat so keepa randomly screaming and crying at us then hurts her throat more doung so and bexomes unconsolable screaming:nope:
So I've been trying to use multi quote but it's not happening for me!!!

I'm addicted to buying stuff for theo so I should probably stay clear of mothercare!!!

:hugs: lindy. It's really tough isn't it and you've summed up well how I feel. I love being a mummy and look fwd to having more but gosh it's challenging!

Jem, well done on the weight loss! My body's depressing me too but the tiredness is zapping my self control so I keep eating crap!!!

Theo's sleeping through his next feed. I always agonise over whether to wake him up when this happens!!! X
Gosh, sorry about all the exclamation marks. I'm a bit over enthusiastic with them tonight.

Hope Lena gets well soon whisper xxx
Gf...multi quoting is really easy, click multi quote on all of the posts you want to be included and then on the last one you have multi quoted, press reply with quote as well :)

I have one greedy little boy...Jack has had 6 ounces of milk in the last two and a half hours! It sounds horrible but Im sick of needing to feed him all of the time!! I gave up breastfeeding because he was constantly attatched to my boob and now he is on formula he just wants to have a bottle all the time anyway...if Id known it would pan out like this Id have just stuck to BF!!
Smiley - :hugs: there is a growth spurt at around 7-10 days, could be that, I hope he calms down with the feeding soon.
Im just on the verge of a nervous breakdown today because Im on my own with both kids for the first time properly :haha: Jack constantly wants feeding and Oscar has been a little shit all day and still wont go to bed. Ive not had chance to have any tea yet either so hunger is making me cranky :lol:
This parenting malarkey is hard. Jade is over tired tonight but tbh my other two have been harder work than her today. Agh! I est crap too cause I literally grab what I can when I can and its nearly always junk.

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