Ive never had a temp thing, I think it'd make me more paranoid personally (just me).
Ok so Theo's defo got a cold. His nose I'd all bunged up. What do I do?
Sorry you've had a crap morning MF.
Lindy I didn't sleep til 4 because of Theo's reflux & cold.
Thanks ladies.
He's feeding on right now and finally got him to sleep. Put him in his grobag. Hope he doesn't overheat- this room is 19 degrees and his bag is a 2.5!
Tom's going to buy a snot sucker and saline spray for him too.
Im the same em. Thats why I just judge by my instinct lol. Mind you she sleeps on her side etc. Im quite relaxed with her at night. Normally just use the one extra layer than I have x