Hi ladies, I hope you're all doing well.
I have been terrible about reading and responding this week...just so tired. Weston has gone backwards and is sleeping less than he was a couple weeks ago. I think it may be because of his reflux. It seemed to get better for a few days but now is obviously bothering him again. He has his 1 month check up tomorrow morning and will have to get another vaccine. Not looking forward to it as I cried when he got his first one in the hospital (it broke my heart when he screamed).He is on Zantac for the reflux but he may need the dosage adjusted or possibly a different medication. I will talk to his doctor tomorrow but I am hoping we can get it figured out. We both need some sleep!!!!! He is either fussing or nursing now. Being on the boob is about the only thing that calms him.
Well got to run and give him his bath and try to get him fed and settled for a little while so I can hopefully sleep for 2 hours if I'm lucky! I will check back in soon and try to read everything I missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I might start a journal and do my birth story now every one is done!
Good morning everyoneConnor did a 6 hour stretch last night from 8am till 2am, was lovely! It was OH's night off though so we was up watching a movie and having a curry
Woke up this morning to another big coldsore brewing![]()
I wish Jack would do 6hrs! We went to bed at 10, he was up at 11.30, then went back to sleep at something to 1, was awake again at 4 and is still awake now![]()
Hi all, been stalking this thread for few months now finally thought I should join in! Hope thats ok! On 18th feb had phoebe weighing 7lb12oz by elective c section due to oblique lie and 2 previous large baby's (phoebe ended up tiny for me ) I have a 9 year old and a nearly 3year old and my god life got hard with three. Hope I can tag along and chirp in on the night feeds lol!
Morning everyone, sorry I am so rubbish at keeping up with this thread, you ladies sure can talk
Little lady is going through a growth spurt, she was glued to me most of yesterday and last night, poor OH was awake ALL night rocking her between feeds so I could grab a few minutes sleep before she screamed for the boob again, bless him. I hope this passes quickly, OH is back to work tomorrow and I need to be rested so I can keep the kids entertained.
Em my cold sore really hurts![]()
oh babe give it a day or 2 and you won't even know it's thereYou could ask the pharmacy if there's anything they recommend? x
Gad you got some rest butwe got one 5 n half hour stretch minus 2 hours screaming and being unsettled then another 5 hours till 8 this morn now waiting for the midwife
My first day at home with both girlies with DH back at work. So far I am impressed we are all dressed and have actually eaten breakfast
Elodie is still getting green poos but she isn't windy or uncomfortable. I know it is normally a hind milk/fore milk inbalance but she is feeding for a normal amount of time on both sides and (sorry if tmi) the poo is full of white seedy bits which I know if undigested fat...
I am being really strict with offering her the same side until it is definitely drained and putting her back on the same side for the next feed until she gets frustrated. Green poos still on and off though
I need to see how her next weigh in goes to see if it is causing an issue, I am a bit confused by it though.
im a total newbie and don't no how to quote etc but thanks for welcomes. Glad I'm not the only one finding hard work with other children and it all is about to get harder when Dh goes back to work on Monday![]()
Oh hugs becca, sorry I have no BF advice but maybe call MW?Morning ladies! Hope you're all okay!
I'm a bit sad, Lily is a really hungry baby, and I just can't seem to get enough breastmilk out for her.
tonight we are attempting all 3 of sleeping in the bedroom, as past 6 weeks me and lenahave been in the living room but the stupid flat insulation is panrs so we have started getting mould once again where we have been sleeping in here![]()
@MF: Do you formula feed Jade? My OH asked me to ask you what you use if you do.
@Bex: I do hun, I'm constantly engorged but when I start pumping I just can't get enough, she's SO hungry its unreal!
I'm at a loss, super down. I just want what's best for Lily.
Aw man, that sucks. Is she putting on weight and doing enough poos and wees? Maybe she's comfort feeding or having a growth spurt?