Yay, good job Connor!! Sorry about your coldsore...
Welcome! Congrats on Phoebe!!
Hope her spurt goes by fast and she calms down a bit!
Good job Lena!!!
I think I read somewhere that green poo in a breastfed baby means diarrhea/stomach upset. As Smiley mentioned it could be something in your diet (dairy, spicy food?). When I have dairy Weston's tummy does not do well. Hopefully she has gained some weight!
Weston does this too. I thought either his reflux or he's just having a bad dream. He will make a terrible face and scream/cry and then as soon as I go to settle him he's back asleep.
You are NOT a bad mom!!! There is nothing wrong with formula feeding if that's what is best for you and Lily! Plenty of babies are formula fed and they do just fine.

If breastfeeding is stressing you out that much then it's definitely not worth it. Happier mommy=happier baby.