Baby Bugs Due February 2013

We have a bouncer. Are swings better?

Harrison feels really heavy to me now! We weighed him at home yesterday (DH stood on the scales with and without Harry, and we worked out the difference), and it seems he's put on 7ozs in two days!!!! :wacko: ?!?! Baffled! I'll go to the clinic on Tuesday again and get him weighed by the HV.

So, I pumped (and emptied) one boob at 8:30pm after Harry had fed from the opposite one about an hour earlier. Incidentally, he never empties a breast. :shrug: I'll give him the bottle in the middle of the night (his 1:30am feed, for example), and then pump again tomorrow at the same time and do the same. Does that sound right?
Jack is greedy and is drinking 3-4oz every 2hours, sometimes it can be as often as every hour, but then again sometimes he goes for 3hours between feeds too. Ideally, I would like him to go 3-4hours between feeds and take about 3oz a time but he has other ideas. Try starting Lily on 3oz and see how she gets on. You can always give more if necessary!
We have a bouncy chair and a swing, Jack isnt fond on either. Oscar used to LOVE his swing!
Sophie hates her bouncy chair, Dylan loved his bouncer and his swing and Bethany only had a bouncer and she loved it.

I forgot how much room baby stuff takes up, all the baby stuff and all the older kids toys means my lounge officially looks like an outlet of Toys R Us :rofl:
Thanks Smiley :hugs:.

Btw ladies, stool softner? :blush:. Pooping is SO painful for me right now, I get such bad headaches while doing it.
TNT sending hugs xx

Becca Ruby took between 2oz and 4oz every 3-4 hours and she still does that now.
Mrs you will have to let us kno how he gets on.

I'm sending Shaun up in the loft to get The baby toys out.
Ruby is just about wearing 'up to 10lb' clothes. Not a newborn anymore!

I'm must subscribe to all your journals...
Goodnight ladies, hope yours goes well xx
Just back from Weston's appointment. He has been switched to a stronger reflux medication (Prilosec--omeprazole). He is 10 lbs, 2 oz now and in the 53% so just average in weight but only in the 23% for height. He is going to be a shorty like his mom lol. He also has something called penile torsion. She said we can do corrective surgery if we want, but I think he would have to be referred to a urologist and would have to go under general anesthesia. I don't know what to think about it. Guess I will have to talk to DH when he gets home but probably leaning towards having the surgery. I hate to put him under but I guess it's better to do it now than when he is older and understands what's going on. The doctor thinks he has colic that is probably being caused by the reflux. He did have a 5.5 hour stretch last night (FINALLY I got some sleep yay!) but that hasn't been typical for him this week.

He just woke himself up from a nap a few minutes ago by gagging and retching and I had to pick him up and turn him on his side until he stopped. :( SO hoping that the new medicine works for his reflux and all this stops. I hate seeing him so uncomfortable!

On the bright side he has started smiling!!!! Love seeing his little face light up!!! :)

We're on Zantac too - seems to be helping a bit but he did throw up badly this morning :( felt like a step backward, but my ped did say it wouldn't control the spitting up so much as help with the discomfort and would take probably a week to work so that's next Tuesday - what was happening that you all decided to go with the other med? He said we could move the that one next if we didn't see improvement - right now I feel like it's working so so but we do need another few days to make a week...Hope his little surgery goes well! I know you must be fretting about it.:hugs:

Aww I can't wait for real smiles!

<3 <3 Bec, don't feel bad! At least she got the colostrum - that's the most important part of breast milk anyway. Luckily, my midwives weren't fussed either way whether I breast fed or not, so when I told them Harry had had the one bottle of Aptimil at day 3 or 4, they weren't bothered. In a way, I think that laid back attitude spurred me on with BFing.

Sitting here with Harry in my arms asleep, and he proper just chuckled in his sleep!! It was so funny! :p

Anyway, I'm thinking of starting expressing for one feed a day, so DH can help out. Has anyone done this? How do I start? :wacko:

I love when Whitt does that too:cloud9:

Feed on one side only and pump the other. That's what I've been doing. I then put it in breast milk freezer storage bags - I've got about 50 bags (200oz or so) in the freezer right now. I am using the honeysuckle brand bags from Amazon - they are biodegradable :)

This is the swing Weston has:

He loves it! It does swing side to side but you can also change it so that it swings back and forth. He actually likes the side to side motion though and it doesn't seem to make him sick at all. He has reflux and spits up often, but he has actually never spit up while swinging.

We have this one too and we like it - Whitt has spit up and thrown up in it though :(

We've had a rough day - Whitt woke and fed at 7 and was awake until 930, threw up everything he had in his poor tummy, fussed and ate again. By 11am I hadn't eaten breakfast, had changed him 3x, had changed his outfit 3x, fed him 3x and he didn't want to be held, rocked, or laid down :( I finally put him in his napper and just had to walk a way to keep my sanity! He's been unusually awake today - him throwing up gets us all off schedule with feeds and sleeping:growlmad:. He did eat 4oz of expressed milk with DH while I was at the vet with the dog. That also went badly - poor dog has had an ulcer on her eye we've been treating for a month and it's not getting better so now we've been referred to a dog opthamologist for surgery - :cry::cry::cry: God only knows how much that will cost.

DH is wanting to leave for a little while to hang out with friends and I feel like a butthead, but I told him I didn't want him to go. He's worked every night this week and that's usually when Whitt's his fussiest so I am just ready to have him help for a whole day for once...:wacko:

Aww so sorry about your dog. :cry: One of my Yorkies has had to have multiple surgeries and I know how expensive vet bills can be--they suck! Hope her surgery goes well!

Also hope that Whitt has a better day tomorrow! :hugs: Maybe the Zantac will be enough for him. Weston has been on it for a week and although things got a little better at first, they went back to being just as bad the last few days. It's not so much the spitting up with him, it's the gasping for breath, choking/coughing, and him pushing away the breast and acting like he's uncomfortable. That's why they decided to switch him, since he's still doing those things on the Zantac. It will be Monday before we can start the new med though, because apparently the pharmacy doesn't keep it in stock. :growlmad: Long story there, won't get into it lol. He has days exactly like you describe, where I can't even eat or go to the bathroom!!!! :wacko:

We have a bouncer. Are swings better?

Harrison feels really heavy to me now! We weighed him at home yesterday (DH stood on the scales with and without Harry, and we worked out the difference), and it seems he's put on 7ozs in two days!!!! :wacko: ?!?! Baffled! I'll go to the clinic on Tuesday again and get him weighed by the HV.

So, I pumped (and emptied) one boob at 8:30pm after Harry had fed from the opposite one about an hour earlier. Incidentally, he never empties a breast. :shrug: I'll give him the bottle in the middle of the night (his 1:30am feed, for example), and then pump again tomorrow at the same time and do the same. Does that sound right?

Sounds right to me! That's pretty much what I do except I express in the morning after his first feed. I think supply is the highest first thing in the morning (from what I've read).

We have a swing and a bouncer too. He likes both but seems to prefer the swing a little more. It calms him down when the bouncer won't.
Thanks Smiley :hugs:.

Btw ladies, stool softner? :blush:. Pooping is SO painful for me right now, I get such bad headaches while doing it.

I had to take Colace for the first two weeks. I am still having issues with it but at least I go about every other day now. :dohh:
Hoping everybody has a good night tonight. Sleep little babies sleep! Xxxx
We have a bouncer. Are swings better?

Harrison feels really heavy to me now! We weighed him at home yesterday (DH stood on the scales with and without Harry, and we worked out the difference), and it seems he's put on 7ozs in two days!!!! :wacko: ?!?! Baffled! I'll go to the clinic on Tuesday again and get him weighed by the HV.

So, I pumped (and emptied) one boob at 8:30pm after Harry had fed from the opposite one about an hour earlier. Incidentally, he never empties a breast. :shrug: I'll give him the bottle in the middle of the night (his 1:30am feed, for example), and then pump again tomorrow at the same time and do the same. Does that sound right?

That sounds just fine if you want to give that milk as the 1:30am bottle - bm stays good at room temp for about 6-8hrs I believe before it needs to be refrigerated - then it's good for a few days in the fridge (up to 5? I need to look at my bags). In the freezer it's good for up to 6 mo if you have a separate fridge and freezer. I usually keep a small amount out or in the fridge in case he gets fussy or I have to run out and leave DH here with him. We've thawed two milks now for bottles from the freezer and he did just fine with them. Only trouble is I had one night where I had broccoli and froze milk and can't remember the date. Whoops....
Thanks for letting me in guys and boy do you move fast!

Calum is another one suffering from reflux. I've been battling with the drs to try and get some help for him as he was one miserable little lamb and finally on Monday I got some infant gaviscon for him. Its not been a 100% fix, but his breathing has improved, he's not screaming 24/7 and he seems more content. Health visitor finally agreed its silent reflux as he's not throwing up but suffering from acid instead. Hugs to all the mummies and babies suffering it too!

He's a hungry boy though! Reading how much everyones little ones are eating - he drains a 6oz bottle roughly every 3 to 4 hours. He was 8lbs exactly at birth and now at 4 weeks hes up to 10lbs 7.5oz.

I'm not sure who was asking about breasts leaking, but I didnt BF and I was soaking through pads until the weekend just passed, so just shy of 4 weeks. It was horrible and I can totally sympathise.

Jembug, I'm still crying and feeling completely overwhelmed most days too so big hugs to you. I suffered from PND after my daughter and have been so worried about going through that again. As for weight loss, I got a 6 month hiatus from the gym, so my membership starts again at the end of April, I'll properly think about it then. Until then though, I'm just walking the school run every day and 'enjoying' the new baby - not getting a chance to eat diet, lol.

Hi everyone.

We were at the doctors yesterday and Daniel has reflux too, we got given carobel to thicken his feeds and it is a miracle cure for us, he is back to being he chilled baby that he used to be and he has not spewed once since last night, even when he takes hiccups (even those have reduced from 5-6 times a day to 1 time today). It can be bought over the counter but I got it on prescription.

I have been trying to be really good with eating but my weight is just going up and down, it's time to start kettleworx again I think!

How is everyone?
Well, Harry had his bottle with his daddy, but was still hungry so I'm currently topping up with the boob! :wacko:
Yeah, I can't have properly emptied it pumping!

Effectively, I have added a feed. Haha! :haha: I think we'll only feed with EMB every once in a while, so it doesn't affect my supply too much.
I think it's because of the let down. Baby is so much more effective at emptying the breast than a pump. I can only ever get about 2 to 2.5 oz anymore pumping and I KNOW he's eating much more than that, I would guess at LEAST 4 oz per feeding. Also twice I have let him on the same breast I just pumped less than an hour later and he is able to get plenty out.
despite hardlg feeding yesterday and being a sleep all day almost lena just did 1.45-6 .39
Jude has outgrown the up to 1 month and is now in 0-3! He was 10lb12 last week! I thought the 0-3 would be huge but it fits perfect :( he's getting to big! :( stay small baby boy! I didn't want to change as I have some gorgeous 1 month stuff but want to get use of the 0-3 too as have loads!

Will start stock piling for 3-6 soon but need to buy summer spring stuff!

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