Baby Bugs Due February 2013

Girls, I also have a guzzler/projectile vomiter!! What can we do about this? I blame the wind with Harrison, because he's on Infacol (which is really helping in getting his wind up, but he does MASSIVE belches - sometimes while still on the boob!). He also gets hiccups after a feed, and this sometimes brings on a good vomiting spell! :wacko:

I was just reeeeally brave and had a lovely bubble bath while Harry was in bed. DH is at work, so I'm alone in the flat. Our intercom isn't mobile/wireless, so I had all the doors open and didn't put the light on in the bathroom because our extractor fan is SO noisy (a candlelit bath - bliss!). I managed a whole chapter of my book. :) I didn't hear a peep out of him until I was getting dressed - and even then it was just trapped wind, so he farted and settled! I feel like I'm getting good at this mummy lark!
^ good for you! We have his pack and play right next to the bath room so I usually jump in the shower after his 7/8 feed and peek in on him.

Think we'll be after some more meds this week. Don't think this is working. He threw up twice yesterday and has only managed about 3/6 attempts as a what I would consider a good solid feed since about 1am. The other times I think he gets in maybe an ounce or two if he's lucky.

Also his poos have slowed down - maybe 4 larger ones a day now and a couple of just small wet farts? Is this normal? Wondering if the meds aren't backing him up a bit...He was doing six to eight smaller poos a day.

We're managing a movie out for a date tonight. :thumbup:
i have a fighting sleep little madame just me and her in the livin room bens in bed but im fine with that as he the past few days has cooked dinners, watched lena in the day, this morn put up her cot and tidyd the whole flat then had cuddles and played music with her:cloud9:
Girls, I also have a guzzler/projectile vomiter!! What can we do about this? I blame the wind with Harrison, because he's on Infacol (which is really helping in getting his wind up, but he does MASSIVE belches - sometimes while still on the boob!). He also gets hiccups after a feed, and this sometimes brings on a good vomiting spell! :wacko:

I was just reeeeally brave and had a lovely bubble bath while Harry was in bed. DH is at work, so I'm alone in the flat. Our intercom isn't mobile/wireless, so I had all the doors open and didn't put the light on in the bathroom because our extractor fan is SO noisy (a candlelit bath - bliss!). I managed a whole chapter of my book. :) I didn't hear a peep out of him until I was getting dressed - and even then it was just trapped wind, so he farted and settled! I feel like I'm getting good at this mummy lark!

We had the guzzling and projectile vomiting too, turns out that he has reflux so he is getting a powder mixed into his milk to thicken it, he used to take really bad hiccups 5-6 times a day too and brought up loads of milk with them.

Guess what...... Last night we got an 8 hour stretch of sleep! 11-7, plus he didn't even cry when he woke, he just lay in the cot talking to himself! I have started spoon feeding rusk mixed with milk too- we can't fill him and the gp told me that the only real thing to help reflux is weaning so we are staring properly at 4 months which is only 6 weeks time- the advice in ni is 6 months- not sure how I'm going to approach this with the health visitor though :-( I might not bother telling her!

It is so nice to see him enjoying his rusk, he kicks his legs about with excitement and sits with his mouth open for the next spoonful to go in! It is so nice seeing him develop, if he could figure out that his head needs to roll the same direction as his body, he would be rolling onto his side- I'm sure that it won't be long until it clicks with him.

The teeth are still annoying him - all 4 at the front are starting to come in, poor wee man, the worst but is that bongela is for 3 months plus and he hasn't figured out yet to bite on a teether, he just sucks on it!

Hope u r all good!
lena keeps gulping then crying in her sleep, the 5 secs or so later is fine until she gulps again:wacko: she sounds like shes in pain its a rwally high pitch cry
Mrs welldone you on the relaxing bath. No know what to suggest on vomiting? Never really had that. Altjough Ruby is sick with the hiccups.

Well done Daniel! Bet you didn't sleep as well waitImg for him to wake?

TNT, hope you enjoyed your date night.

Whisper, hows Lena now? Hope she is ok?

Well Ruby has been screaming since 11!! I'm tired and I've no idea what's wrong. She has taken a bottle in small doses and winded, been changed... She wants to sleep in my chest bit I'm scared coz I'm going to fall asleep. Everytime I put her down she yells!
DH has gone downstairs... My other two will be up from 6am. After looking after my poorly eldest and Ruby tonight I'm exhausted. :(

Hope your all having a better night than me x
Mrs welldone you on the relaxing bath. No know what to suggest on vomiting? Never really had that. Altjough Ruby is sick with the hiccups.

Well done Daniel! Bet you didn't sleep as well waitImg for him to wake?

TNT, hope you enjoyed your date night.

Whisper, hows Lena now? Hope she is ok?

Well Ruby has been screaming since 11!! I'm tired and I've no idea what's wrong. She has taken a bottle in small doses and winded, been changed... She wants to sleep in my chest bit I'm scared coz I'm going to fall asleep. Everytime I put her down she yells!
DH has gone downstairs... My other two will be up from 6am. After looking after my poorly eldest and Ruby tonight I'm exhausted. :(

Hope your all having a better night than me x
sounds a bit like colic hun thats how lena gets i hope she settles for you soon:hugs:

lena just did 5 n half hours despite being sicky earlyer is now back asleep thanks to the trusty seahorse
Thomas still hasn't settled. I'm tired. Dh is asking if I have tried all the obvious things..... Ermmmm yes , what else gave I done the 4 hours you've been snoring. Aaaagggghh
I hope everyone gets some sleep and has some happy Babies.

Elsie is finally over her bug and the infection on her head is healing very nicely. So nicely on one spot we have to guess where to put the antibiotic cream lol. What a crazy couple of days sigh. Hopefully we all can catch up on some sleep.
Morning ladies, sorry some of you have had a crap sleep, I will join that club too. Jack was awake at 11pm, then 1am, then 3am, then 5am and has been awake since. Yawn. He is awake for between 30mins and an hour each time when he wakes in the night so I didnt get much sleep at all.

OH is back at work today after his paternity so its my first full day of normality. Oscar is already throwing tantrums and testing my patience :( At least Jack is being good :haha:

Think I might take a trip to the doctor this week with Jack, he is very sicky after every feed and writhes in pain for a while afterwards despite getting lots and lots of big burps up. He is bringing up a lot of milk and it is getting very very messy. He doesnt cry with it though so that is a saving grace. Maybe a bit of refux. I have some gaviscon (infant sachets) in the house already from what is left over from Oscars reflux but unsure whether to try without the doctors say so???
Wowzers what a s**t night!! Ruby only slept from 3am till 5am other than that she screamed!!! Dear Lorf help me get through the day! Have a good day all x
The baby slept more than the toddler in this house too... Elodie did 11.30-4 5-8.15 but Ivy woke up 6 times just crying for no reason she could tell us.

Attempting to get out to stay and play this morning. I am impressed I have managed breakfast so far! I am realising with 2 kids I just need to take the opportunity to change nappies, get them dressed etc as soon as I can - else I'll never get out the house...ever!
Crappy night here too! I think three hours sleep was the best I got every time I put her down she would start, couldn't get any wind up just wouldnt settle. :nope:
I'm in same boat smiley husband back to work today and a grissly toddler wonder how long my patience is going to last today

Big hugs everyone hopefully tonight will be better:hugs:
Big hugs to you all! Sounds like everyone had a bad old night :( Ours was ok but I'm sure we'll get a bad night soon, weirdly he's always pretty unsettled on Saturday nights :wacko:
Oh girls. :( :hugs:

We had a good night, and this morning I have a very happy baby who has been giving me gummy grins!! Amazing! <3 <3
Bad night here as well. I ended up downstairs walking with Thomas. Shopping day with mum not going to be like our ore baby ones!! Xxxx
Smiley, i had some Gaviscon left from DS too. HV gave me the go ahead to try it so could you give them a quick call?
Rough night here too, Sophie slept OK, not brilliantly, but amazing for her, Bethany has been up since 1-2am and Dylan woke about 10 times.

Massive hugs to everyone who had a crappy night.
Girls, I also have a guzzler/projectile vomiter!! What can we do about this? I blame the wind with Harrison, because he's on Infacol (which is really helping in getting his wind up, but he does MASSIVE belches - sometimes while still on the boob!). He also gets hiccups after a feed, and this sometimes brings on a good vomiting spell! :wacko:

I was just reeeeally brave and had a lovely bubble bath while Harry was in bed. DH is at work, so I'm alone in the flat. Our intercom isn't mobile/wireless, so I had all the doors open and didn't put the light on in the bathroom because our extractor fan is SO noisy (a candlelit bath - bliss!). I managed a whole chapter of my book. :) I didn't hear a peep out of him until I was getting dressed - and even then it was just trapped wind, so he farted and settled! I feel like I'm getting good at this mummy lark!

Yey :happydance::happydance:

^ good for you! We have his pack and play right next to the bath room so I usually jump in the shower after his 7/8 feed and peek in on him.

Think we'll be after some more meds this week. Don't think this is working. He threw up twice yesterday and has only managed about 3/6 attempts as a what I would consider a good solid feed since about 1am. The other times I think he gets in maybe an ounce or two if he's lucky.

Also his poos have slowed down - maybe 4 larger ones a day now and a couple of just small wet farts? Is this normal? Wondering if the meds aren't backing him up a bit...He was doing six to eight smaller poos a day.

We're managing a movie out for a date tonight. :thumbup:
enjoy the movie. Jade only poos once a day now, sometimes twice but she does not poo as much as I remember babies usually doing!

Girls, I also have a guzzler/projectile vomiter!! What can we do about this? I blame the wind with Harrison, because he's on Infacol (which is really helping in getting his wind up, but he does MASSIVE belches - sometimes while still on the boob!). He also gets hiccups after a feed, and this sometimes brings on a good vomiting spell! :wacko:

I was just reeeeally brave and had a lovely bubble bath while Harry was in bed. DH is at work, so I'm alone in the flat. Our intercom isn't mobile/wireless, so I had all the doors open and didn't put the light on in the bathroom because our extractor fan is SO noisy (a candlelit bath - bliss!). I managed a whole chapter of my book. :) I didn't hear a peep out of him until I was getting dressed - and even then it was just trapped wind, so he farted and settled! I feel like I'm getting good at this mummy lark!

We had the guzzling and projectile vomiting too, turns out that he has reflux so he is getting a powder mixed into his milk to thicken it, he used to take really bad hiccups 5-6 times a day too and brought up loads of milk with them.

Guess what...... Last night we got an 8 hour stretch of sleep! 11-7, plus he didn't even cry when he woke, he just lay in the cot talking to himself! I have started spoon feeding rusk mixed with milk too- we can't fill him and the gp told me that the only real thing to help reflux is weaning so we are staring properly at 4 months which is only 6 weeks time- the advice in ni is 6 months- not sure how I'm going to approach this with the health visitor though :-( I might not bother telling her!

It is so nice to see him enjoying his rusk, he kicks his legs about with excitement and sits with his mouth open for the next spoonful to go in! It is so nice seeing him develop, if he could figure out that his head needs to roll the same direction as his body, he would be rolling onto his side- I'm sure that it won't be long until it clicks with him.

The teeth are still annoying him - all 4 at the front are starting to come in, poor wee man, the worst but is that bongela is for 3 months plus and he hasn't figured out yet to bite on a teether, he just sucks on it!

Hope u r all good!

Aw dont worry about the HV, I know friends have had to wean early due to reflux. Jade sleeps on her side etc and I dont give 2 hoots what HV says :D Your mum and you know best so never let them get you down.
Have you tried teething powders? I used to swear by them and anbesol though not sure what age they are for?

lena keeps gulping then crying in her sleep, the 5 secs or so later is fine until she gulps again:wacko: she sounds like shes in pain its a rwally high pitch cry

Jades done that gulp thing before, it was weird :S

Thomas still hasn't settled. I'm tired. Dh is asking if I have tried all the obvious things..... Ermmmm yes , what else gave I done the 4 hours you've been snoring. Aaaagggghh

grrr men! Mine will say stupid things like that :/ As if you had not already fone everything. HOpe he settled in the end xx

I hope everyone gets some sleep and has some happy Babies.

Elsie is finally over her bug and the infection on her head is healing very nicely. So nicely on one spot we have to guess where to put the antibiotic cream lol. What a crazy couple of days sigh. Hopefully we all can catch up on some sleep.

Glad shes ok now :)

Morning ladies, sorry some of you have had a crap sleep, I will join that club too. Jack was awake at 11pm, then 1am, then 3am, then 5am and has been awake since. Yawn. He is awake for between 30mins and an hour each time when he wakes in the night so I didnt get much sleep at all.

OH is back at work today after his paternity so its my first full day of normality. Oscar is already throwing tantrums and testing my patience :( At least Jack is being good :haha:

Think I might take a trip to the doctor this week with Jack, he is very sicky after every feed and writhes in pain for a while afterwards despite getting lots and lots of big burps up. He is bringing up a lot of milk and it is getting very very messy. He doesnt cry with it though so that is a saving grace. Maybe a bit of refux. I have some gaviscon (infant sachets) in the house already from what is left over from Oscars reflux but unsure whether to try without the doctors say so???

Hope today goes ok and Jack is ok hun xx Oh dear at Oscar :( Hope he settles too.

Wowzers what a s**t night!! Ruby only slept from 3am till 5am other than that she screamed!!! Dear Lorf help me get through the day! Have a good day all x
Blimey hun, its hard having more than 1 child hey :hugs::hugs: hope you get a bit of rest today or a good night tonight.

The baby slept more than the toddler in this house too... Elodie did 11.30-4 5-8.15 but Ivy woke up 6 times just crying for no reason she could tell us.

Attempting to get out to stay and play this morning. I am impressed I have managed breakfast so far! I am realising with 2 kids I just need to take the opportunity to change nappies, get them dressed etc as soon as I can - else I'll never get out the house...ever!

Yep you have to take the gap and go lol thats what I am like at weekends. I have been guilty of doing the school run in PJ top and coat as not had time to get dressed :/ always change out pf pj bottoms though haha so I dont look like a complete tramp!

Crappy night here too! I think three hours sleep was the best I got every time I put her down she would start, couldn't get any wind up just wouldnt settle. :nope:
I'm in same boat smiley husband back to work today and a grissly toddler wonder how long my patience is going to last today

Big hugs everyone hopefully tonight will be better:hugs:


Oh girls. :( :hugs:

We had a good night, and this morning I have a very happy baby who has been giving me gummy grins!! Amazing! <3 <3

:thumbup::thumbup: yey

Rough night here too, Sophie slept OK, not brilliantly, but amazing for her, Bethany has been up since 1-2am and Dylan woke about 10 times.

Massive hugs to everyone who had a crappy night.

Its sods law that when the baby sleeps another one gets up isnt it. :hugs::hugs:

Jade slept really well. 7.30pm till 1am and then 1.30- 5:45 but then she was wide awake at 5:45 so I brought her in bed with me and she went back to sleep. It was like a health visitors nightmare as she ended up on my pillow too and on her side! Opps! What we do for sleep hey! I had Ruby up in the night due to ear ache :( lucky some calprofen sorted her out but shes still off school.
I had to take M to school though and it was pissing down :( By the time I got him to school (9am opps) I was ready to give up and ended up crying in the office. How embarrassing! I am just so frustrated at the school right now :(

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