im having a boy and he is very low. even though they switch positions- last time they checked he was head down and low in my pelvis. All the movement i feel is low and i don't see him roll in my belly anymore or kick my belly out- I actually can only see my belly jump or vibrate when he moves so i think his back is out with his limbs facing my back.
We're hoping for a boy (but will be happy either way of course) and all movements have been SUPER low as well! I was wondering if this was normal or not so I'm glad to read about so many other mamas feeling the same things! With our daughter kicking was all central and up high. I felt movement with this baby as early as three weeks (though they were just flutters at that time of course) all the way up until right at this moment at 19 weeks , all still very low down.
My babe has been super low tucked right down in my pelvis head down my whole pregnancy. Only a few times has she moved up for a short while and man was it ever uncomfortable! Girls can be low too my sis had a boy and carried super high.
My baby tends to stay low down right at my public bone, although I hate the bladder kicks (which happen constantly) when baby's moved up higher before I find it so strange and uncomfortable lol. Guess I would get used to that too.
I was so freaked when the baby started kicking the first time lol
My movements are all really low (when I feel them.. I don't really get many at the moment), at my 17 week gender scan they said I am having a girl. So I don't think gender really makes much difference.
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