Well or we can just keep posting here - doesn't really matter, does it? I think exchanging emails would be great too. I'll PM you guys with mine!
Feeling good, recovery-wise...surprisingly fast recovery, actually, based on what I'd always heard about c-sections. I'm not sore anymore...well, my incision site isn't sore anymore. My nipples are another story. Breastfeeding has been very hard so far - my nipples are cracked, bleeding and raw, and every time he latches on, I feel like crying. I'm so close to giving up and just saying, screw it, I'm doing bottle feeding...people around me don't like that attitude, but it's affecting my mood. Kal, I know you said something similar about your experience...has it gotten any better?
Sorry, don't mean to come on here and just complain, ha. I just think I am struggling through a classic case of the baby blues...either of you ladies felt this? I feel like I wish I could go back in time and be pregnant for another couple weeks, because I feel I didn't enjoy my freedom as much as I should have. Sitting here all day with the baby is really making me sad...not that I don't love him to pieces, but I wish I could just drop him off somewhere and spend an afternoon to myself. And it's only been a week! I feel bad because I'm kind of a weepy mess when Branden comes home from work, I'm just so a) glad to see him, and b) sad that we can't just decide to go out to dinner or something, which is what would normally happen if one of us had a bad day. I'm sad about not being able to do that even if I have no interest in going out to dinner, HA! Just the fact that the option is pretty much gone is enough.
My mom says it's totally nomal, she went through it with me and it goes away in a couple of weeks. The breastfeeders I know say the same thing about the nipple soreness. I hope they're all right!!
ANYWAY...again, sorry for the whiny post. Obviously I'm ecstatic with Sammy...I just want to get past these difficulties so I can enjoy him thoroughly.