Baby Mine

Everyone actually thinks he looks like Dan, but with my nose - he's definitely got his father's appetite - he's up on his birthweight already and has put on 5oz since Sunday, the little fatty!! (Daddy is as skinny as a rake though, I don't know where it all goes!!)

How you feeling Emmy?
What a doll, Red! How are you feeling? How are you adjusting?

Emmy, how are YOU doing? ;)
Just waiting to join your 'I've had my baby!' club, haha! Took a fall the other day so had to go get a non-stress test - so silly in the end, I wasn't even bruised, but I guess they have to make sure. Baby is all good, 7 lb 8oz is the current estimate, so we shall see!

How do you guys feel, body-wise? Is it the relief I imagine, or do you still feel a lot of the same discomfort that you had during pregnancy? I can't wait...
Glad you're okay, Emmy!

Relief...hahaha! Yes, there is relief from most of the pregnancy symptoms, but you are trading them out for a new set. :haha: the bleeding, and pain down there for the first week or so sucks. The lack of sleep is difficult too.

It's been 2 weeks now, and my swelling is finally going down. Breastfeeding sucks (no pun intended). I managed to develop mastitis, so on antibiotics for that. I've managed to drop about 30 lbs though! Only 20 more to go, since I gained about 50... Horrible!

A little stressed right now, found out my job position has been eliminated. I have the option of either a lower position with a 50% paycut, or being laid off with a severance package. Unfortunately, hubby might end up in the same position. Don't know what to do. The timing sucks.
Kal, that stinks...SUCH bad timing. Keep us updated on what happens with your husband's job - are you leaning towards one or the other? And how long do you have to decide between the two options? I remember getting a similar deal from my employer when they laid me off (they later hired me back, same employer I have now) - I took the severence. Do you know the details, would it be a good package or just so-so?

I wonder how this works with FMLA - do you get FMLA leave with your employer? I don't know how they could eliminate your position while you're on paid maternity leave...that seems sheisty.

Anyway...hope all is well otherwise, try not to let it interfere too much with enjoying your first weeks with your little one.
Yes Emmy, any news?! Hope you're ok.

Kal, how you getting on? We're going through a little growth spurt here so we have a very grumpy boy and a very tired mummy.

Took him swimming last week though and he likes the water so all good :)

Will post more pics soon, he's growing up fast and has fat little cheeks :)
Ha, yes...sorry, I have been meaning to come on and update. :)

Samuel Richard was born on Tuesday, 2/5, VERY early in the morning via c-section. The labor lasted two days during which I was dilating fast, then I wasn't at all, and the pitocin levels were constantly being adjusted and etc. They had broken my water early on though, so finally when the epidural started to wear off and I began to run a fever, they said it would have to be surgery. that time, I was so exhausted, I didn't even mind. I don't think I would have had it in me to push him out anyway - he came out 9 lbs, 8 oz, 22 inches. Big boy!

Since then we've been figuring it out together...breastfeeding is kind of a drag, my nipples are killing me. BUT, c'est la vie!

So...are we starting a 'First-Time Mom Survival Thread' - the Baby Mine Bump Buddy Sequel? ;)


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Congratulations mummy!! He's gorgeous!

How you feeling? Healing ok?

I reckon a new thread is needed, but where to put it? Maybe also time to exchange some email addresses so we can keep in touch and give each other some moral support on our journeys?

We're still having some lovely crying fits just when we want to go to bed - but I'm proud of myself that I'm no longer going to pieces every time he cries.

Well or we can just keep posting here - doesn't really matter, does it? I think exchanging emails would be great too. I'll PM you guys with mine!

Feeling good, recovery-wise...surprisingly fast recovery, actually, based on what I'd always heard about c-sections. I'm not sore anymore...well, my incision site isn't sore anymore. My nipples are another story. Breastfeeding has been very hard so far - my nipples are cracked, bleeding and raw, and every time he latches on, I feel like crying. I'm so close to giving up and just saying, screw it, I'm doing bottle feeding...people around me don't like that attitude, but it's affecting my mood. Kal, I know you said something similar about your experience...has it gotten any better?

Sorry, don't mean to come on here and just complain, ha. I just think I am struggling through a classic case of the baby blues...either of you ladies felt this? I feel like I wish I could go back in time and be pregnant for another couple weeks, because I feel I didn't enjoy my freedom as much as I should have. Sitting here all day with the baby is really making me sad...not that I don't love him to pieces, but I wish I could just drop him off somewhere and spend an afternoon to myself. And it's only been a week! I feel bad because I'm kind of a weepy mess when Branden comes home from work, I'm just so a) glad to see him, and b) sad that we can't just decide to go out to dinner or something, which is what would normally happen if one of us had a bad day. I'm sad about not being able to do that even if I have no interest in going out to dinner, HA! Just the fact that the option is pretty much gone is enough.

My mom says it's totally nomal, she went through it with me and it goes away in a couple of weeks. The breastfeeders I know say the same thing about the nipple soreness. I hope they're all right!!

ANYWAY...again, sorry for the whiny post. Obviously I'm ecstatic with Sammy...I just want to get past these difficulties so I can enjoy him thoroughly. :)
I've had a similar experience Emmy so don't worry - Dan even suggested I go see someone a couple of weeks ago because I was crying for no apparent reason, I couldn't sleep and was struggling to get to grips with coping with Seb crying etc.. Even though tis just what babies do sometimes. It's getting better though and I'm now staying much calmer when he cries, which is a lot at the moment, and having less teary moments - but I can't lie, they are still there.

The main issue I've been havin is huge huge anxiety and worry about something happening to him.. I constantly check on him, my mind wanders and kicks into worst case scenario all the time and I'm finding it quite debilitating. I'm hoping its the lack of sleep.. Which is making me crazy I'm sure. The other night for instance, I fed him and put him back in his basket.. I went back to sleep but my mind somehow blanked out me putting him in his Moses basket... Cue me waking bout an hour later in a blind panic not knowing where he was - I looked over the side of the bed fully expecting to see him face down on the floor! It was only out of desperation that I glanced in his basket.. All the while telling myself that it was pointless as I knew he wouldn't be there... Low and behold he was fine and fast asleep. Sleep deprivation does funny things to you!

I'm sure it'll get better Emmy, but if it doesn't, or you feel you're not coping.. Ask for help. I'm going to mention my issues to my doc on Tuesday - it can't hurt to share the load (for which we're always here too!)

Grouchy baby needs me so must go.. Will PM my email later on :)

Emmy, congrats, he's adorable!!!

Yes, breast feeding gets better. mine started to improve around week 5, once my nipples started to heal. Are you using lanolin cream? Put it on after every feed, it helps. Make sure your latch is correct, it makes a huge difference. Don't be afraid to try different positions. I started with the traditional cradle hold, but once my nipples started splitting on the sides (due to bad latch), I had to switch to the football hold for a few weeks until they healed. Now I go back and forth with different holds so I don't get too sore in one position.

Trust me, it sucks now, but it will get better. There were nights I cried every time I fed him because I was so tired, and it hurt like hell. I still get kinda depressed when I feed him, because it seems like that's all I ever do anymore. I'd love to have one night of uninterrupted sleep!

Do you have a pump? It might help to pump a couple feeds, and give him the milk with a bottle. I did that with Landon, still do every once in awhile. It gives my nipples a break, and it's faster. Not to mention, I can tell how much he's eating that way too.

Hang in there. Take it 24 hrs at a time, otherwise you'll go mad. It'll be better before you know it!

Baby blues... I'm right there with you two on that. And I agree, I think the sleep deprivation has a lot to do with it!
Thanks Kal - I actually switched to formula. My let down reflex was basically non-existent, partially because the pain was thwarting it (and I got mastitis too...awful awful) and God knows why else. I really felt awful about it at first, because I really was committed to bfing (and in fact, when the doctor suggested the switch, I had no idea even how to prepare a bottle or what to do), but it's for the best I guess. Now he's alot happier, because he's actually getting something to eat. We were two VERY frustrated people for a minute there, and it wasn't exactly good for the bonding and/or easing those baby blues.

I am glad I'm not the only one going through the blues...I will say that in the past couple of days it's gotten alot better. I seriously don't think I've ever felt so lonely, and all I could think was...and this is only the first week?? I cried alot. Finally my Dad came over and forced me to pack him up, put him in the car and we went for a milkshake...I was so relieved to be out in the sun (despite the cold, which isn't helping the cabin fever either) and so grateful that he cared so much and seemed to understand that I literally wept my way through my milkshake while Dad held Sam. That was a turning point. :)

It's still very scary - a HUGE change - but I'm starting to get over the fleeting 'my life is over' gloom. ;)

Glad your nipples are better, Kal...good for you for sticking it out, I guess you're a stronger woman than I am! Red, hope all is well with you too!
Oh and just quickly Red regarding crying - it's really hard to handle sometimes, because I honestly don't really think there's much you can do about newborn crying. They can't soothe themselves and they aren't old enough yet to really be able to be distracted by a toy or anything...about the only thing that works for Sam is his pacifier, and we try not to overuse it. Plus, often if he's too overwrought, he won't take it anyway.

Hang in there! I found I was sitting around all day waiting for him to cry, and it was preventing me from doing other things...and it was pointless because he IS going to cry eventually. So why dread it? Ahh...the joys of new motherhood...good thing they're so CUTE. ;)

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