Baby Mine

Still nothing yet, Red? Baby must want to be a 2013 baby!

Michelin Man... What a perfect description of how I look/feel! :haha: hubby was a little weirded out by the fact that if you press a thumb down into my leg, the perfect thumb shaped imprint stays there forever!

Officially full term!! Yay! :happydance: little guy, feel free to come any time now!
Nope, nothing at all - I've got a horrible feeling I'm going to go 2 weeks over :(

I feel crap, really under the weather mentally. - I've spent most of today in bed or on the sofa crying and feeling sorry for myself, none of which is going to be helping to bring on labour - doesn't help that the weather is awful so can't even get out of the house for some air.

Rant over - I'll be feeling better tomorrow hopefully.
The old tricks I've always heard work are spicy food (Mexican, curries, etc), exercise (nothing to strenuous, of course), and sex. Whether or not these actually work, who knows? I guess it's worth a shot...nothing wrong with a nice curry, a brisk walk and some fun between the sheets (except for the heartburn, the fatigue and lack of flexibility/energy - ha).
Well, my little Landon Michael arrived yesterday at 10:47 a.m.! 37+5, can you believe that?

My water broke at 3 a.m... I woke up and shifted, and felt quite a bit of discharge, so got up to use the bathroom and clean up a bit. As soon as I stood, I felt a small rush of fluid. I made it to the bathroom and leaked some put a big pad on, hubby woke up and I took a shower, called L&D and made it in around 6 a.m. I was 4 cm dilated, 80% effaced and -1 engaged. They put me in a room, I walked the halls for awhile, contractions were pretty uncomfy. By 8 a.m, hadn't progressed, so they started me on pitocin. Then the contractions started hard! I went to 9 1/2 cm by 10:30. I had just decided I wanted some pain meds, and the doc said I could start pushing, so no time for them.

4 or 5 pushes, 1 tear, and an episiotomy later, he was born!! 6 lbs, 5 oz and 18 in long. Will post a pic soon!
Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see a pic!

I'm going to go and cry in a corner somewhere, it looks like baby doesn't want to make an exit and am heading for an induction :(
WOW Kal! Congrats!! I came on here to see if Red had gone and got surprised. :) Sounds like things went relatively smoothly - pitocin, yes, but at least it did its job! So excited for sure to keep us updated (when you have time, ha ha) on how the first couple of weeks go with Landon!

Red, take heart - it can't go on forever. If you need to be induced then so be it, but either way, you only have a little time left to deal with being pregnant (I know a week can seem like forever when you're playing the waiting game, but hopefully it'll go quickly for you).
Well maybe God heard me.. I'm finally in early labour... Contractions every 6 mins or so for about 25-30 seconds... Had my show and delivery suite have said to sit tight and go in when they're 3-4 minutes apart and lasting about a minute...

Excited, and just a little bit terrified!!
Oooo! I just happened to check in - SO exciting! Can't wait to find out how it goes/what you're having!!

Oh man...both my bump buddies are going to be moms, and I will still be sitting here all fat and preggo by my lonesome. ;)
Yay Red! Can't wait to hear!

Hang in there, Emmy... Don't feel rushed, although I totally understand! Enjoy the last bit. I kind of miss it a little!
Kal, tell us about it while we wait for Red! :) Was Landon born with a lot of hair? How has he been so far - fussy, good? Are you breastfeeding, and how's that going so far...did you have trouble with latching and all that stuff?
Three boys!

Sebastièn Peter was born at 1:50pm yesterday after a 29 hour labour and eventually a forceps delivery as he wasn't quite facing the right way and got stuck with half his head out - I only had gas and air to cope, it was painful to say the least!

He was 7lb 1 and is lovely - if very sleepy and tired and not wanting to feed... Doesn't help I have absolutely nothing to give him.. Not even colostrum coming through at the moment :(

It's 03:47am here so I'm going to try and get an hour of shut eye at last.

CONGRATS!!! That's so great! Wow, we all ended up with little's funny to think about when we were first starting this thread, talking about HCG levels and morning sickness, and here we all are with our boys (well...almost...I'll get there sooner or later, haha). Seems like yesterday and forever ago, all at once. I bet Dan is happy with his son!

Only gas and air, huh? You are a hero! I'm sure having a big baby head stuck in your birth canal isn't fun with no epidural. That's okay, years from now, you can hold it over his head to get him to do his chores (take out that owe me!!). ;)
Congrats, Red!! So excited for you! It does hurt, doesn't it? It's nice you get gas/air, they don't offer that here in the U.S. Although in retrospect, it probably doesn't help much for that amount of pain.

Emmy - he has blonde hair, not a ton like some babies but he's not bald either. He hasn't been too bad, fussy during the night if he's not being held. Having a hard time getting him to sleep in his bassinet for that reason. He's out like a light all day though. Breastfeeding....ouch is all I can say!! It feels like I'm sticking a hot curling iron on my nipples when he latches on. Can't wait until they toughen up. I haven't had too much difficulty with the latching, although sometimes it takes him a few minutes to settle down enough to latch.

My milk is finally in...that hurts too. Darn kids! Lol

Had his first doc appointment, all is well. He might be eating too much at a time, making him kinda gassy and therefore fussy. At night, of course. I think I get about 3 hrs of sleep, mostly in 20 minute spurts.
Seb has blonde hair too but so did I when I was young and ended up redhead so think that'll probably happen to him as Dan is dark.

Home from the hospital this afternoon - slowly, very slowly finding our feet.

I'm in a lot of discomfort from the episiotomy, which was an emergency so pretty brutal, but is do it all again for him.. It'll heal, and Kal, you're right, gas and air is a nice distraction but its all it is.. It doesn't do much for the pain at all.

We wanted to breastfeed but Seb is a very slow starter feeding wise and seemingly just not that interested - consequently he wasn't latching or trying very hard which wasn't helping me produce.. This made me more and more stressed which halts production too and so last night Dan and I made the decision to save my sanity and bottle feed him which was never plan A but you do what's best and this is for us.

He's slightly disinterested even with the bottle so it's going to be an interesting war with him! One thing he does like doing is sleeping though, he's flat out in his basket at the moment :)

Can't wait to see how you get on Emmy - not too much longer and we can all start with the tips for each other with the babies!!!!!!!
I know I can't wait either! I feel so left out! :)

I wonder if mine will have a carrot top. My dad was a redhead (until he lost his hair, haha). He secretly is hoping yes, I think!

Sounds like you guys are doing well so far, making informed, good choices - good luck with the breastfeeding Kal, I know it DOES get easier. And Red, don't worry about it. That happened to my mom - and she never did breastfeed, and it's all good. Sometimes plans change!

Glad I have someone to turn to for tips on either feeding method, ha! I'll keep you guys updated...keep posting stories, it'll help pass the time!!! HA!
Red, so sorry your plan A didn't work out for feeding, but don't let anyone make you feel bad about it! Sometimes things like that happen, and there's nothing you can do about it, so you adjust accordingly. I have to admit, if it wasn't for the fact that breastfeeding is the healthiest option, I would probably cave and formula feed. But I'm going to try to stick it out for Landon's sake.

Good luck on the recovery. I am just now starting to be able to move around without too much pain. I hated it when I heard the doctor say (while I was pushing), "I'm going to have to cut her to make room for the baby". But at the time, I just wanted him out! :blush: He had to stitch up both the episiotomy and the 2nd degree tear I had internally. I progressed too quickly to allow it to stretch out, I guess.

Did the hospital give you anything like witch hazel pads or the such? Sitting on an ice pack helps... if they didn't give you some, you can make your own... just stick a regular pad soaked in water in a plastic baggy and put it in the freezer. Then wrap them in a paper towel or gauze pad. I have about 10 of them made up, and they really helped with the swelling/discomfort. Motrin helps too!

Emmy, are you taking notes? :haha:

Here's my little guy!
Oh he's gorgeous!! Such clear skin, at least in that picture. I'm sure he doesn't always look THAT peaceful, but hey...capture the moments, right? :flower:

Taking notes, ha. I'm printing this stuff out!!
Sebastien Peter Olley :)))


  • photo (4).JPG
    photo (4).JPG
    48.7 KB · Views: 4 cute. I don't know what your husband looks like, but I'm gonna say he looks like you anyway. :flower:

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