Baby scolded by boiling water. Please help.

Applying anything if the wound hasn't quite closed increases the risk of infection. This is why they are more adamant about not putting anything on. I would trust them. :flower:
You're doing a fab job, you must be so worried, listen to the professionals they deal with burns all day everyday. It must be so awful for you :cry:

Big hugs :hugs:

P.s your little girl is absolutely beautiful
Thanks Sue-what degree were your burns do you know?

The burns team keep DD's leg bandaged up with padded foam silver dressings underneath and said I can't apply anything until it's healed...I thought the same thing-surely I can apply something to HELP the healing as at the end of the day if she hasn't healed by Monday they are going to graft. But they are the burns specialists so it's hard to override their decisions as I'm not the expert here and therfore don't want to make her wound worse...they say it's best covered with dressings to prevent infection. Once it's all covered with new skin (for those areas that will do that) THEN I can apply things... I do feel very helpless though-I just want to make her better-that's what mum's are supposed to do!

I agree with a PP, that the number one priority is to minimise risk of infection. I know it's horribly hard :-( I really really feel for you. I have everything crossed. xx
Yes, just remember, infections can cause really bad scars too. You want to minimize that.
Yeah I am ladies, it could worsen the depth too. Poor baby has diahorrea- luckily it has avoided her dressings but I've done a lot of changing of clothes today! She's fine and happy-a little off her food but no temperature. Currently asleep in my arms after a good feed. Though that can only mean more diahorrea!! How long does it last for in babies?
:-( I would say if it continues ring the unit just to get some advice because with the leakage of the wound there is a risk of dehydration. It's all happening to your LO right now isn't it. Poor little chick xxx
The nurse is coming tomorrow morning anyway Mrs Pear plus ive been checking she's doing enough wee's and drinking lots. Thank you though-dehydration can happen quickly in babies. Poor lo x
Hard to say about the diarrhea. My kiddo has it on and off this week, I think it might be because of his teething? Is your lil one also teething? I haven't been overly concerned myself, no fever no discomfort, everything else is normal really. :shrug:
Yep-everything else is normal too really-but she's had it throughout the night too so I presume if it was teething she'd sleep through that..she doesn't normally poo at night! Lots of washing but that's ok :-) dressing change today, no nervous
So sorry your little still has serious wounds. I had second and third degree burns. I was an RN at that time working in surgery so had seen a lot of debridements and skin grafts. I have seen burns covering such a large amount of the body they would take so much skin to place on burns till they had nothing left and had to use cadaver skin. If your child has to have a graft is it possible a family member can give the graft. But I remember transferring a patient to the burn unit after grafting and I started talking to the occupational therapist she told me the most important thing when a burn occurs is to stop the cooking and that can take hours she said by the time they get to the hospital it is too late. It is like taking a roast out the oven it will continue to cook. So when I had my accident I immediately got in a tub of cold water for several hours my skin still burned and cooked but I stayed up through the night putting on ice cold water or even using cloth that I had wet and put in the freezer. If I got out of the cold tub within seconds I could feel the heat again. Finally the next morning when I went into the hospital they started me on the dressings. I am not going to lie I did what they told me the first day and when I went to change the dressings they stuck too much to the wounds. So I used xeroform instead of gauze. On the second degree burns I just did that day one then went to alternating with the castor oil and then after that the aloe. The infection is hoped to be prevented by covering the skin. Our skin is the first line of defense against infection it is very important that while the wounds are healing to keep them covered with medicated moist packs. Also, is she treating with a plastic surgeon that handles burns. I would prefer them over just a general surgeon that does burns. Those injuries could have ruined my career the scarring would have caused limited use of my hand certainly I would not have been a surgical scrub nurse or later do IVs or wound care etc... The tips that the occupational therapist gave me helped me a great deal. Now I tell my family if someone gets a bad burn and needs the hospital have a basin or ice chest filled with cold water for transporting them. I hope your little does well and does not require a skin graft. The best to you and your child
Here is a picture from today. It doesn't look good. The nurse said still 50:50 but in my heart I know the decision on Monday will be to have a skin graft. Im devastated for her. She also said she may need multiple opetations throughout her life along with lots of physio (my oh is a physio, small blessing) to prevent any mobility problems from contractures. And a pressure garment to be worn for 2 years 24 hours a day. All this from water. She didn't even pull anything onto her.

Thank you Sue, sorry you had to go through that. My DD was only under cold water for 20 minutes, then cling film. Do you have scars? So you avoided a graft? Any contractures?
Ps she has a silver mepilet/mepitel (sp) dressing on.
Oh gosh, the poor poor darling. Sending you both hugs and lots of positive thoughts for healing quickly :hugs:.
I'm so sorry it isn't healing as quickly as hoped :-( I wish I had something useful to offer. You sound like such a good and well informed mum so I know you'll be able to make sure your lo has the most appropriate treatment. Still thinking of you xx
Thank you-im just going to make a seperate post about skin grafts to get some information and advice from those who may know first hand. I'm clutching at any strands of hope I can right now-and I do wonder if letting it heal by itself-as some burns NEED longer ie 4 weeks-would allow for a better outcome. The Dr said thick scar tissue would develop from burns left to heal on their own...but im sure the degree of the wait effects the outcome ie 4 weeks vs 8 weeks for a skin graft is a definite scar plus the other things I listed such as future ops and contracture. This is why im going to make a seperate post re this-none of us are Drs (well, I'm not anyway!) but im a mum who needs some support and this site does provide me with that. Thank you all for your support so far, I will of course keep this thread updated.
That sucks. It does look bad. My grandfather had a skin graft but i was just a little girl back then so I know very little. I just know they had to do a lot work on him.

My son's burn did not cover a big portion of skin like your little girl but i hope she will heal nicely.

Btw, my MIL never trusted my husband's grandma either since she left my husband out in the yard when he was a toddler. He got bitten by a dog badly on the face. To this day, she is still upset with her and talk about it.
It breaks my heart to look at those pictures I can't imagine what you are going through. Massive hugs to you for being so strong xx
Aw your poor baby! It looks very sore bless her. You are both being so strong!
I don't know if I missed it in a previous post, I did read back a few pages but has your Mum apologised/ admitted its her fault! I would be absolutely distraught if I did that to my grandchild!
My OHs parents always leave tea and coffee about in arms reach so I showed them your LOs leg, they were horrified but I hope it made them think. I know accidents are accidents but this could have been avoided. You must be livid.

Big hugs, keep researching what is best for your little girl. I wish you all the best xxxx

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