Baby wearing


First time mummy :)
May 11, 2011
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So earlier I was reading a thread where people were talking about slings/wraps/baby carriers and it got me thinking I'd love to give it a try with my LO. But how do I know where to start? What is the difference in the options? What would you ladies recommend to a first time mummy?

Many thanks in advance :flower:
The natural parenting section would be a fantastic place to start learning! There are many helpful ladies who babywear.

I use a mei tai and woven wraps. My shortest woven is 4.2 meters and my longest is 5.6 meters. I prefer thin, gauze wraps over thick ones. Mei tais are fantastic for a quick carry in the supermarket.

Baby bjorns and other crotch danglers are to be avoided at all costs.
:dohh: I didn't think to try over there! Will have a look now as I really have not the first idea about how to get started. Thanks for your advice hopefully I'll understand more about measurements etc once I've done some more reading up. Just out of curiosity what is it about the baby bjorns etc that makes you say to avoid?
The way they support babies is bad for their hip and leg development :flower:
Baby Bjorns sort of suspend the baby rather than holding them in their natural position (curved spine, frogged legs) they are not good for babies or mamas really!
They can cause hip dysplasia, are horribly uncomfortable for mom and baby and a total waste of money.

Good brands for soft structured carriers are Ergo, Baby Hawk, Boba - that is just off the top of my head. In the NP section I am sure there are many more women who know many others!

As for wrapping, is that something that interests you? 4.2 meters is a great starting length. I wouldn't waste my money on a Moby wrap, as babies grow quickly and the heavier baby is, the less support they have. Ultimately useless long term. You can use a woven from birth until, well... Until you are sick of baby wearing. There aren't any weight limits for wovens, I don't think.
Have a read of this article about why to avoid baby bjorns

Also, this picture really shows why a Bjorn type carrier should be avoided.
Oh wow that's terrible how can they still be sold??? :shrug:

I don't think I would feel comfortable with wrapping I'd be worrying I hadn't done it properly and LO would fall out or something. I like the look of the baby hawk how does that do up?
Wrapping is actually quite secure :) I use a mei tai, which is awesome cause I can wear Alex on my front or my back :)
so i just got a baby bjorn yesterday and used it today (before reading this thread)

i honostly dont think that its that bad, as long as your not using it hours and hours at a time. but i think popping baby in it while your doing dishes, or like i did, i took him outside so he could get some fresh air. it wasnt more than an hour. but how many people have used a baby bjorn or the like and their babies turn out just fine? we have lots of friends who use/used it and their babies are just fine.

i have a moby wrap, but it doesnt feel secure enough, and i dont like how it just dangles down everywhere. besides, baby is HUGE and he sags way down even when i adjust it.

to each their own i suppose.

(hope no one gets mad at me for having/using a baby bjorn)
I use a mai tei too, its the only carrier I own. I've been using it since LO was a month old and I'm quite pleased with it. :flower:

As for Mobys... they make a woven wrap, don't they?
so i just got a baby bjorn yesterday and used it today (before reading this thread)

i honostly dont think that its that bad, as long as your not using it hours and hours at a time. but i think popping baby in it while your doing dishes, or like i did, i took him outside so he could get some fresh air. it wasnt more than an hour. but how many people have used a baby bjorn or the like and their babies turn out just fine? we have lots of friends who use/used it and their babies are just fine.

i have a moby wrap, but it doesnt feel secure enough, and i dont like how it just dangles down everywhere. besides, baby is HUGE and he sags way down even when i adjust it.

to each their own i suppose.

(hope no one gets mad at me for having/using a baby bjorn)

A lot of people who babywear do it for long periods of time, almost daily.

To each their own, of course. I tell everybody to avoid crotch danglers... you can get more comfortable carriers that are better for the baby for a similar price, so why not?:shrug:
I will disagree with some others here in that I think the Moby is wonderful. A woven wrap is better if you have the money but if you just want to try out wrapping the Moby is a cheaper option. Otherwise I think the ergo is great, but not until LO is a bit bigger.
The best way I had it described to me, was that a baby in a baby bjorn was like sitting on a bar stool, really narrow seat, sort of suspended

In a knee to knee carrier, it's like chilling on a comfy sofa ;)

I know which I would prefer!

Also I don't think baby bjorns have been around long enough for us to see the long term damage of them. I suffered massively with problems in my tail bone and my therapist told me it was made much, much worse from sitting on benches at school.

I am hoping the choices I make for jasper now will mean he has little to no back problems in his adult life because they can be debilitating and caused by things like using baby bjorns, poor seating for children and bad posture.
P.s I also think mobys are great, they are cheap and cheerful and a great introduction to baby wearing, they are stretchy easy to practise wraps with :)
I loved my moby when fi was tiny and I've also used a connecta since she was about 3 months old and still use now
Victoria the slinglady on Facebook sells both stretchy and sturdy wraps :)
I have a Babyhawk and a couple of woven wraps. The Babyhawk is great - really easy and quick to put on (either front or back). You just tie the straps in a knot to secure. However, wovens are incredibly comfortable and well worth it if you want to wear baby for any length of time. I can wear my 11 month old on my back for hours and hardly feel it.
Ya'll are making me want a woven wrap! :haha: Guess I could accidentally order 2 when I get the one for my SIL :haha:
at your LO's age they need more of a froggy position, they can't do the spread out thing and they shouldn't do a bjorn for the above stated reasons. moby worked well for us and still does (she's >20 pounds right now) but for longer walks and such I like the ergo, but only after 4 or 5 months of age (there is an infant insert option but it didn't work as well for us). see if there is a rental program where you are.

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