I'm going for full term & Eric & Ernie will be back home for tea

I think I should be 7 bang on, but it could be more

Sambs, good luck with the midwife later, hope she's a good un & puts your mind at rest

Hairy ballsacks that ms has returned reedy, joe keeps nicking my crackers, but he hates butter of any description (strange boy!) & eats a stack of them dry, yuck! I had a chicken bap for tea last night & it took forever to get down, literally had to force every mouthful, not good

sausage rolls are in the oven so will give those a go today, chilli sounds yum though, except I'm a picky cow & fish out the kidney beans

Hope Finley gives in to a nap today or he'll be mr grumpy bum tiil bed time.
Hope krissi managed a good weekend & that poshies sunning herself as we speak.
Whats helping your ms missy? Are the Pringles still doing the trick? I ate so many omelettes in wk 5 that I never want to eat one ever ever again!
Off to take the sausage rolls out, they smell goooood!x