Afternoon lovelies

for sickyness sambs, we both know symptoms wouldn't be increasing if things were going tits up, staying the same, maybe, but DEFFO not increasing, so that's completely fecking brilliant!!
Although my sickness is pretty overwhelming atm, it's a massive source of hope & comfort, even though I was crying & moaning at 6.50am thinking there's no way I can get Joe to school today

This time tomorrow poshie, you'll be on your way to sunshine & beach & relaxing

all the hard work organising & packing will be so worth it, have a fab time!
Missy, I'm with you on the crying & irritability, I got really cross at my glasses last night

was lay watching telly (life as an international play girl I lead) & they were really irritating me, not that I could take them off as I'm blind as a bat without them, but still!! I also get those left side twinges, reckon that's where my corpus luteum is.
Hope you're ok krissi & that the next couple of weeks are a bit easier on you till he goes into rehab

& reedy, will await subway report, I think they should give you a freebie after all the advertising they've had from you, you can be their official bnb ambassador, paid for in daily deliveries, although knowing stupid preggo taste buds you'd be going off them after a few days

Afm I think one word sums me up today SSSSIIIIIICCCCKKKKKK!