Morning bump buds

Welcome Elm

huge congrats on your bfp, hope your baba gets better soon, is he scratching like mad poor thing?
Missy, yay for feeling yuck, I know you've been missing it

loved the picture of your little man in Sambas journo, how gorgeous!!
It's good that dh leaving the army will take a while, had visions of you having to move whilst preggers, not fun.
Go Reedy, welcome to the dark side of sausage roll worship

I'm pissed off with my sausage roll production line, bought what I thought were pre rolled puff pastry sheets yesterday but opened them up to find 2 blocks, bugger

so now have to go & rolling pin the b'jeepers out of them, life is SO unfair

Krissi, hope you're feeling better, I had a lecture from the midwife over raised ketones & again with my sample I gave to the hospital

but they said as long as I was keeping liquids down then they wouldn't have to admit me. It's so hard to get 3 meals a day down though isn't it when you feel so bleurgh! So was Spain going to be a holiday? Hopefully you can make the trip when you're feeling better.
Sambs I know 90% at least of you today is firmly with Tansey

when should you hear?
Not long till Saturday now & you'll be showing of those beautiful photos

Afm well whaddya know, SICK! (oYo) are really sore today, I yelped like the dog last night when I released the beasts

getting loads of stretchy pains since last night, which I know is good as it means baba is having a growth spurt, but for me they are always accompanied by tons of cm which drives me a little

all round xxxx