Evening bump buds

Sorry I've been AWOL today, been one of those busy days when you don't stop but don't seem to get much done

Sickyness was awful 1st thing but has got better as the day has gone on which of course has made me paranoid

but (oYo) are agony & crampy stretchy & cm is full on, so I suppose I should be celebrating a few hours off from the sickness!

can't believe you had to go looking for him, honestly he needs a bloody good slap, what an idiot, instead of cherishing his last few days with his precious family before rehab the fucking drink comes 1st,

god I hope he tries to make this up to you at the end of his treatment, you all deserve so much better.
Reedy, can't believe you didn't get to hear the hb, thought that was standard practise, at least you have your Doppler, but it's a bit pants for ladies that don't isn't it, it's a long time between the 12 & 20 wk scans.
& missy sounds like we are peas in a pod today, being daft paranoid preggers women

Elm, hope your lo is on the mend.
& sambs, you've been on my mind all day, please let tomorrow bring you all the joy you & your dh truly deserve, can't wait to be celebrating tomorrow, come on heartbeat, show off to your mummy xxxx