Evening bump buds

Hope y'all had a great weekend, I'm sure sambs news made all our weekends

I had my 2nd midwife appointment this afternoon, all was fine , bloods, bp & today's urine, all a ok! & she was only 20 mins late, result

Seeing her again on the 11th & she said we'll prob have a go with the Doppler, which is a bit mad isn't it Reedy when you weren't allowed one at your 16 week appointment

Been horribly sick all weekend, what's new?!& combined that with diahorrea today, nice

It's been so warm & sunny here

though not as warm as Germany missy, I think it's supposed to get hotter as the week goes on, joes outside cutting the grass as we speak, proper summer smells going on here!
I too am going to be having a bit of a wardrobe crisis, living in mainly elasticated waists at the moment, will take a look at Asda online

Krissi I hope he bloody behaves now till rehab happens, you deserve to be cherished & looked after
