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BAW Bump Buddy Thread

Preggers party would be fab x
Think we are doing a carboot Sunday x
Poshie - yes it is :cry:

Reedy - Good luck, hope you make LOADS of money! xxx
Hi girls x No plans for the weekend either. One more weekend to go and then I can visit Paul its been 3 weeks since I last saw him :(
Krissi - Happy belated Viable day!!! YAYYY for seeing Paul! I hope it all goes well for you and him xxx
Hes doing really well thanks. 2 months sober today!! I am finding it hard though as you learn to get by without them and I am nervous about seeing him and him coming home in case he goes back to normal or messes the routine I have put in place. does that sound awful?
Thanks Samba. Had mw today and measuring bang on 25 weeks and hb 150 bpm :)
it doesnt sound bad at all krissi hun, many army wives say the same thing, the advice we're given is to stay honest with each other and give each other time,

maybe sit down with him and explain the routine as it stands atm and see where he can fit in or roles that you could alternate turns or adapt to fit,

hopefully by the time he comes home he's done enough healing to realise that you and the girls are more important and can put you and his own health above his cravings,

glad the apt went well hun
Krissi - Glad all went well with the MW. I totally get were you are coming from. For a long time now you havent been able to depend on him and there has always been some kind of 'drama' going on with him. He does need to know that when he comes back he's going to have to fit in with you and Charleigh :hugs: and NOT the other way around. How long until he is actually home? 2 months sober is a great effort! He should be proud and I truely hope that this is the start of a new life for him, you and the girls xxx
Hey ladies.

That's great news that DH is doing well krissi - some good advice there from missy I see. Glad all going well with baby - can't believe you are 24 weeks already! Is time flying by this time for you?

How is everyone else doing? I have just 2 days left at work and can't wait! :yipee:
whoop whoop for 2days at work :D

ive just got up and sorted - its 10:30 - i like my lie in days!
Missy - Eurrghhh I wish I could lie in.

Poshie - Only one day left!

Krissi - Are you just going to see him for the day?

Reedy - :hugs:

AFM - Getting lots of flutter tonight! :yipee:
yay for flutters :D

i got punished for a lie in, was up 11:30 til 3 with maddox, for no real reason at all!
Missy - Thats not so good!

HAPPY Friday peeps!

Poshie - Last work day for you! :yipee:

Busy weekend ahead for me, today Im off to see a friend and have a go with her sling. Tomorrow Im meeting Reedy and Lola in brum :yipee: and sunday Im out for lunch with the lady that had the MC and an old work colleague. Then of course it will be monday before I know it!
Happy Friday ladies!

Ooops, sorry you were punished for your lie-in Missy, hope you have a better night tonight ;)

Yessssss, my last day at work!! Still can't quite believe it. Very exciting but scary too. Don't feel organised yet so have stuff to do. I'm taking the rest of my annual leave first )6-24 Aug) which means I'll get a 'normal' pay day at the end of August. Then ML starts 28 Aug.

No plans this weekend. DH is away on a course tonight/tomorrow all day. I need to go food shopping. Going to go to Sainsburys as I have joined the Little Ones club and I need to pick up my voucher for my Huggies Freebee Pack :D
Morning ladies x
Krissi - glad Paul is doing so well I hope it continues when he comes home x

Missy - oh no, that's a pretty bad punishment :hugs: did he even sleep in a little later this morning?

P- yay for last day at work you lucky thing x I have zero things for peanut x

K - I'm so excited about tomorrow, can't wait to see you & your gorgeous bump xx

Afm - mw this morning all good in the hood x HB at 170bpm sp defo a little boy in there I think x had bloods done too ouchie x
Anti d next week :argh:
he slept til 8:30, was supposed to go to mums n toddlers with my neighbour but with so little sleep i figured a room full of 25 toddlers would do me in, so she came here instead with her 2 and they played nicely together n we had a brew n chatter, just about to do naptime once cloudbabies is done, then im having the afternoon off and davids on duty, im gonna play some sims3 then having harcut at 4

yay for last day Poshie :)

ouchie on bloods reedy :( i hate getting blood taken,

samba sounds like you have a fab weekend planned :D
Reedy - I thought the faster hb was a girl. Mine was 150bpm and is girl x what was finley?

Samba - Yes just one day. He is allowed out with the others on Saturday which I am so nervous about. I am so worried he will get over excited and do something stupid!
I'm not sure what Finley's was tbh x I always thought the faster it was it was a boy but then googled & it said thd opposite although it hasn't been proven x not too much longer to wait lol x
can i get a roll call

how are we all doing??

at 22+6 im feeling loads of wriggles, i am the size of the house already and about to move bak to the uk :happydance:

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