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BAW Bump Buddy Thread

Krissi - Sounds like he's done the sensible thing if he's not ready for the big wide world. I really admire him for doing that :hugs: Hope youre coping OK on your own xx
Hi there!

Gosh we're all so rubbish arent we :haha:

All good here, 26 weeks next week and feeling a bit :argh: 3rd trimester in just over a week!! OMFG! :haha:

Hope everyone is well

Missy - Not long until you come home! :yipee:

Reedy - Hope you had a fab birthday yesterday. :hugs:

Krissi - Hows things with you? Is Paul getting on OK?

Poshie - Hope you, DH, K and L are all doing well.

We need to invite Natalie here, I dont think she knows about this thread.
Paul is doing really well thank you. I have such bad heartburn grrr thought I might have gotten away with it this time but seems not its making me so sick. Keep waking in the night being sick with it :(
Krissi - Thats great news he's doing well. Is he back living with you now? Eurgghhh on the HB.... GAVI all the way baby!
Morning Peeps!

Really missing our old BAW days! Don't think it helps that Im having a BAW day! :haha:

How are we all? Anything nice planned for the weekend?
Yes Paul is home with me. I have gaviscon everywhere lol in my handbag, in the kitchen, in the car, by my bed (along with a bucket!!).

I am so over being a fatty now. Tried to do the old bikini line last night and am now slashed to bits lol. My bump is so low and solid I cannot see my feet and would love to be able to have dinner on my lap withput my bump pushing it off my lap. The last few weeks really are the worse!!
Krissi - Is he doing well? HB is awful, Ive started to get it. You'll miss your bump once you have had baby! Are you having another girl?
im exhausted - a walk to the shops for something different to enjoy at lunch/snack times took nearly 2hrs for the round trip, its something that takes david 30-40 mins

*touches wood* i've not had any HB cept a little bit in 1st tri, but its getting harder and harder to eat a full meal
a friends gone to macy D's t pick up tea for us all and they kids can play together and we can have a chin wag.
Hes doing fantastically well and is so good with charleigh its like a different person. Yes I will miss bump but I will also be pleased to have her out! Another little girl for me eeeekkk more trouble!! I have HB all day long its not nice but could be worse so just grateful thats the worst of it x
glad hes doing well krissi - happy 33 weeks :)

ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whats everyones plans ?

I'm gonna have a lazy ish morning - gonna do some ringing around to try n sort my housing situation
Morning guys x
Krissi - glad Paul is doing well that's really good news x happy 33 weeks too x

Missy - how's the move going? Is everything set in stone for you to come home?

Kerry - hope you had fun at yoga last night x

I'm off to a Macmillan coffee morning tomorrow so got to bake some cakes tonight & ice tomorrow x really looking forward to it x
im definately coming home to the uk - but to live with my grandma, there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel for HASC to find us a home - we're being muched around so much, im sat in tears and cant belive how i've been treated
Krissi - Thats fab news! Yes I remember now a :pink: bump :dohh: Sorry preggers brain! Have you thought about names?

Missy - :hugs: Its an f-ing nightmare esp when you want to start getting things ready for the new baby and get M settled :hugs: Hope something happens soon x

Reedy - ooooh CAKE! Think you need to send some here!

AFM - LOVED yoga last night, defo recommend it :thumbup:
Yes we are pretty much decided on Kyla with either Jade or Louise for a middle name x

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