nudger measuring "in normal range" with estimated current weight of 6lb14!!!!
Bed rest is offically over for me now
however- saw a new consultant today - who is concerned that as im small - 4ft9 - and have a disability , i may have difficulty delivering - he wants to see me again in 2 weeks time to see if baby has engaged and discuss birth options - by then i'll be 38+5 - cutting it a bit fine perhaps??
SS addys have been sent out. Good luck and have fun. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. I will be the messenger so you don't blow your cover. Cheers.
I still have a ways to go until 5pm. Nick and I have to take the car to get new tires. He dropped me off at work this morning, so I was here wicked early. I don't know if he is going to pick me up then drive straight to the tire place, or if he is going to drop me off at home then go We'll see I guess.
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