me and oh arnt buying for each other, instead we're using the money we'd normally spend on each other to put towards a projector for our bedroom so we can watch movies in Bed.
Ive no bloody idea.... same as usual probably... clothes and enough smellies to last all 2011. He says he doesnt know what he wants but I wanted to do something special.
Nick and I don't buy for eachother anymore. We usually put aside the money and get something big in the new year. This year, fingers crossed, it will be a new washing machine.
i'd love to go shopping for stuff for the house
gonna wait til we have a home in the uk again tho as we have a limit on how much stuff we an move about
We only just got another one Kerry, DH loves it! I never play on it the games don't appeal but think the ones for the kinect might be good? hope your pains hurry up and go
i cant seem to find the motivation to do any house work but i need it done in time for inlaws arriving - mil is borderline ocd on housework and will do my nut in nagging bout it if its not tidy - need to establish a routine for me and little man i think,
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