I'm good hunni pretty much packed for trip to uk - cant wait
as today is international womens day TGIs sent me a 30% disc coupon, so since my kitchen inc cooker is spotless ready for locking up for 3 weeks i think eating out is a definate!
Confused.com - hubby agrees we should eat out - but said not tgis we need to save money - duh i have a 30% discount coupon!!
we'll probs go to pizza hut!
Maddox is in the bouncer, fighting sleep, i've fed him his lunchtime porridge ad he loved it, but he still wnt go over for a nap ......
last nap was 9:05 - 9:41
its now 1:15
I suppose this is a sign of the times and just what happens, so sad our thread has fallem apart it was such a lifeline to me in my darkest hour, well love you all my friends and sending you much love xxx
Bugger didnt see this, I was bored last night too I would have loved the reunion but loks like no one turned up anyway
Tracy - I miss you loads hun Hows the gorgeous Myles??
BAW was where I first started out on BNB & was a huge support for me & was the first place I came to, then it got moved (still pissed off about that tbh) and we kinda all forgot it was here
I want all the girls back like in the old days x I miss you all so much x
Fecking hell Kerry thats shitballswankcock!!!!
What happens now?? Did they tell you it was definitly going up for sale & what date??? If not thats really bad of them x Hope you manage to sort something else out & soon, if not I have a spare bedroom with your name on it
Will be popping in here everyday too from now on I promise (probably not weekend though as I dont really come on bnb at the weekends) but during the week I will & If I dont you all have permission to yell at me for being a shit BAWer
Are you still loving being at home Tracy? Wish I could stay at home sometimes but then other days work is my only break x
Do miss taking him to all different clubs & groups x
Finley seemed to perk up a bit earlier so hoping hes feeling better x the inhaler hopefully will work but it's so hard to get him to have it he throws a fit x I pretty much have to pin him down I feel like a horrible mummy
I'll be around from about 9-2.30 tomorrow, hopefully see you girls tomorrow xxxx
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